
Till' Death Do Us Part

THIS STORY IS COMPLETED AND FREE When you love someone so badly, you want them to be happy, even if it means not with you.

Missrealitybites · Urban
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61 Chs

The Wedding Day

The wedding day arrived like a dream. It felt like it was only yesterday that Ludwina met Andrea at the airport, then went on an adventure together in Europe.

Then, Andrea proposed– and now... that sacred day had arrived, when they would finally become husband and wife.

Laura and Pierre flew from Paris because Ludwina asked Laura to be her bridesmaid, while Johann took the role of Andrea's best man.

Kanawa Resort was closed over the weekend, hosting no guests at all. So, Ludwina and Andrea's wedding could take place in full privacy.

The private beach behind the hotel was adorned with serene flower arrangements and candles. As the sun nearly set on the west horizon, Andrea was accompanied by Johann and Pierre, while Ludwina was accompanied by his mother and her parents entering the procession area.

The pastor was waiting in front of the altar and greeted them solemnly. A small orchestra played Mendelssohn's A Midsummer Night's Dream from the Wedding March.

As classical music lovers, Ludwina's parents shed tears because they could finally hear a classical wedding march played for one of their children.

Ludwina appeared slowly from behind the pavilion with Laura, who brought her flower bouquet. She wore a simple white dress that emphasized her beauty even more. Her face looked very happy.

The atmosphere was perfect when she came to Andrea's side, and the two of them held hands, ready to say their vows. The sunset became the background of the procession, making it feel they were inside a beautiful painting.

Andrea and Ludwina didn't really remember what happened afterward. Their minds were fuzzy, clouded by so much happiness.

The two were overcome by indescribable euphoria when they held each other's hands and followed the pastor's words. Then, they read their own vows and were finally pronounced as husband and wife.

Andrea was asked to kiss his bride. Everything felt like a dream.

"I love you..." said Andrea before lowering his face and kissed Ludwina. "With all my life."

Ludwina hugged him tightly and returned Andrea's kiss, who was now legally her husband.

Applause rang out from all around them, and the sound of champagne being opened filled their surroundings. Everyone looked thrilled.

They celebrated on the spot by drinking champagne and chatting briefly before the family finally allowed the happy bride and groom to retreat.

Andrea picked up and carried Ludwina, bridal-style, and took her to the honeymoon suite that had been prepared for them. The suite overlooked the sea, and when they arrived, the two of them still had time to see the remaining of the beautiful sunset.

Andrea opened a bottle of champagne and poured a glass each for the two of them. While enjoying the beautiful view in front of them from the suite window, they made a toast.

"To Mr. and Mrs. Baskara," said Andrea with a smile. Both of them downed their champagne.

"I have never been this happy..." Ludwina sighed.

"Me too..." Andrea replied.

"I went skydiving in Dubai, I've been on safari to Africa, I've eaten in the hanging restaurant in Belgium... I've had a lot of good things in my life, but I've never been as happy as when I'm with you... I don't feel the need to go anywhere now– ever since I met you. You are enough for me." Ludwina looked down, blushing. "Maybe you are what I'm looking for all my life, Andrea..."

Andrea was very moved to hear this.

He touched Ludwina's chin and kissed her lips for a long time. Ludwina hugged him and returned the kiss warmly, and the two immediately engulfed in desire as they made out passionately.

This time Andrea did not stop her when Ludwina slowly unbuttoned his shirt. He helped the girl by taking off his own suit and then the shirt.

Andrea's hand on Ludwina's shoulder slowly lowered to her waist and began to explore Ludwina's body with passion.

His lips slowly moved from Ludwina's lips to her earlobes, then her neck, shoulders, chest... He continued to pamper her skin with soft kisses and touches. Ludwina closed her eyes as she enjoyed Andrea showering her with affection. Her mind went into a daze, and she forgot about her surroundings.

Andrea carefully unzipped Ludwina's wedding dress and helped her remove it from the girl's body. His face was beaming when he carried his bride to the bed.

The two of them didn't even care that the suite window was still open, because Ludwina occupied all of Andrea's thoughts, and Ludwina's every thought was only filled with Andrea.

They made love with the orange sky from their window as their background, as the night slowly fell, and the sky turned dark.

Ludwina never thought that in this life, she could love a human much more than herself....When Andrea entered her gently, Ludwina felt like she was finally complete. The feeling of happiness that filled her head, subconsciously made her tears flow with emotion.

Ludwina whispered Andrea's name repeatedly as the man guided her to reach the peak over and over again that she lost count.

Now Ludwina understood that when life was more beautiful than dreams, humans didn't need sleep to dream.


She woke up the next day and realized that she was still living this beautiful dream.

Turning around, she noticed that Andrea was sleeping while hugging her from behind. The morning sun that was shining through the curtain fell on her husband's face with a halo-like effect, making Ludwina gasp in awe.

She fell in love every time she looked at that handsome face.

Since they didn't have to get up early, Ludwina didn't move from her position. She closed her eyes and went back to sleep in Andrea's arms.

'I didn't know that getting married can be this happy,' she thought to herself. 'I definitely made the right decision.'


When Ludwina opened her eyes again, she realized that the sun was already high in the sky. When she turned her head, she found Andrea, who was hugging her, was also awake. He was looking at her with a grin.

"Uhmm... good morning..." Ludwina turned around to face Andrea and greeted her husband, blushing.

Even though they had traveled together and slept in the same room for days, last night was the first time they had sex. Ludwina was still a little embarrassed at the thought of what happened. She was relieved because everything went so naturally and pleasant. It was even more beautiful than what she had imagined.

"Good morning, sweetheart," Andrea replied, leaning his face forward and kissed Ludwina on the lips.

His kisses always tasted sweet, and Ludwina never felt enough of it, so she responded to Andrea and urge him to continue his deeds. The girl's tongue explored Andrea's mouth and provoked him to kiss Ludwina more aggressively.

A few moments later, Andrea had moved on top of her and continued his kisses on the girl's neck, and then slowly, he moved down to her plump breasts under the duvet. It was so much easier this time because they were both still naked.

His wife let out a soft moan, and she gripped Andrea's hand as if begging him to continue making love to her.

"Aren't you tired from last night?" Andrea asked with a sweet smile as he moved up to claim Ludwina's cute lips.

Ludwina closed her eyes and smiled shyly, then shook her head, enough to give Andrea a sign to throw their duvet on the floor. He excitedly positioned his manhood by her secret entrance and started to plow. Soon, they were back on another round of their sweet lovemaking.

Andrea and Ludwina made love to the sound of the wind and the birds singing from the tree outside the window. It was such a beautiful day.

After Ludwina was satisfied and tired, Andrea prepared to end their sexual intercourse and pumped rapidly for the last time. He then stayed inside for a few moments, before finally rolling over to the side and moan with satisfaction while hugging Ludwina from behind.

"Can we go on like this? I don't need breakfast or see the beach. I just want to hug you like this and never let go," Andrea said in a low voice.

Ludwina also felt the same way.

"Yes, let's just stay here," Ludwina whispered in agreement. They tightened each other's hugs and enjoyed the moment.


An hour and a half later, without saying any words, the two agreed to wake up together. No matter what, they had to leave their suite and meet their family to spend time with them. Soon, the family would return to Jakarta and leave the newlyweds to enjoy their honeymoon in Bali.

Everyone gathered on the restaurant terrace, enjoying brunch while having a warm conversation. When the two of them appeared, their faces were blushing, the conversation stopped, and everyone greeted Andrea and Ludwina teasingly.

"You slept for so long," Johann said. "Remember, the early bird gets the worm."

"Hush, Johann, indeed, the newlyweds are allowed to wake up late. They need to get enough rest," Mrs. Inggrid spoke, hitting her son's shoulder.

Everyone laughed in understanding.

Andrea and Ludwina only smiled at that. They joined breakfast and discussed their honeymoon plans in Bali.

Their parents and Johann had to return to Jakarta soon, but Laura and Pierre stayed with the newlyweds. They would spend their time exploring the beach and attended some of the UWRF sessions.


Congratulations to the newlyweds!

I'm sorry for not writing their consummation in detail.. hahahaha.

If you want to read a book with graphic sex scenes, you can head to my new book "The Cursed Prince." It's a book about baby making. It's funny, witty and sexy.

If you read "Finding Stardust", it also has graphic sex scenes but not as many as in "The Cursed Prince".

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