
Till' Death Do Us Part

THIS STORY IS COMPLETED AND FREE When you love someone so badly, you want them to be happy, even if it means not with you.

Missrealitybites · Urban
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61 Chs

Ludwina And Her Antics

With a frown, Ludwina finally nodded. Andrea pushed the trolley, with the suitcases and Ludwina on top, toward the nearest Avsec office. They then reported her missing passport.

The reporting process lasted almost half an hour, and Andrea kept looking at his watch many times. His plane was almost boarding by then. After completing the process in Avsec, they were asked to go to the immigration office.

On the way to the immigration office, Andrea heard his name being called through the loudspeaker because the plane to Singapore was about to leave and he was the only passenger who had not yet boarded. With a long sigh, he pushed back the trolley.

Surprisingly, Ludwina's face seemed not at all anxious like a typical person who just lost their passport. To Andrea's knowledge, negligence in losing state documents like a passport could result in large fines, and the perpetrator may not even be given another passport for up to two years.

However, this girl seemed so relaxed. Didn't she know the consequences?

In fact, she suspiciously seemed to enjoy the trip being pushed on a trolley like a kid in a supermarket.

A man in uniform who saw their arrival immediately smiled warmly from the immigration office door.

"Uncle... I lost my passport at the airport just now. I can't get out. Can I get a special permit to leave the terminal, please?" Ludwina asked in a cute voice, and her expression looked like a kid begging for her father to give her more candies. Andrea could hardly believe his own hearing.

"Who is that?" Andrea asked her softly.

"That's the head of the airport here," Ludwina whispered. "My father's longtime friend."

"Oh..." Andrea could only sigh.

The head of the airport shook his head with a knowing smile. He then ruffled Ludwina's hair like he would to a child, "You should have brought an assistant whenever you are traveling, so someone could keep your passport and other small stuff for you. That way you won't keep losing your things."

"Yes, Uncle... Sorry. I was about to go straight here, but I had an accident and sprained my ankle, so this man helped me to come here. He is..." Ludwina turned to Andrea, "what's your name?"

"Andrea," Andrea answered, still looking astonished.

"Yes, Andrea has been helping me. He is very kind, and he takes care of me." She looked back with a look of admiration at Andrea, who was holding the trolley handles.

"Come in here, let me make you a special permit."

"We also have reported the missing passport to the Avsec office."

"Why, why did you go to Avsec first? Why didn't you come here directly?" The Airport Head then looked at Ludwina with a suspicious look, then smiled to himself. He knew the girl well enough and her antics, because he had known her since her childhood. Ludwina must have deliberately lingered by taking her luggage and going to Avsec before coming to see him because she wanted to be with this tall, handsome young man longer. "Wait a minute ... I'll find the documents first."

After 15 minutes, the required documents were still not found, finally, the airport head asked his secretary to go to the immigration office at the next terminal to collect some documents so that he could issue the permit for Ludwina.

They were forced to wait half an hour. Tea and cakes were served while they waited, and the head of the airport was busy chatting with Ludwina about her trip while waiting for the documents to arrive.

"I just came back from Hong Kong. Dad opened a new hotel in Kowloon, so I want to try staying there and looking for inspiration to write. Do you have a Kompas newspaper from last Saturday?"

"I do. Why?"

"They published my travel article about my trip to Italy... ahahaha ... I'm very happy. It's hard to write."

Andrea took the newspaper in question from the pile of newspapers on the table and flipped through the pages while listening to the chatter between the two. He found the article that Ludwina meant, then read it.

"This is the document that you requested, Sir," said the secretary, who came with a stack of documents. The head of the airport immediately took one form, filled in some data, stamped it, and then handed it to Ludwina.

"OK, that's done. You guys just show this letter at the exit," he said, winking at Ludwina. Andrea frowned. He was suspicious that the process of requesting this special permit could have been completed earlier. Why did he have a feeling that the airport head intentionally took his sweet time to give it to Ludwina?

"Thank you, Uncle. I'll tell Dad you said hi."

"Fine. Oh, by the way, Andrea ... please take Ludwina back to her house. She can't go home alone with a sprained ankle. Man must act as a gentleman and help a woman in distress," said the Airport Chief when he sent them off.

Andrea could only nod. It's not like he had a choice, his plane had departed anyway.

Maybe, he would still have time to buy another ticket that would leave before midnight. If he did, he could still make it to come to the interview tomorrow.

He pushed the trolley with Ludwina and her suitcases and exited the terminal. They must now get a taxi to take her home.