
Till' Death Do Us Part

THIS STORY IS COMPLETED AND FREE When you love someone so badly, you want them to be happy, even if it means not with you.

Missrealitybites · Urban
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61 Chs

Andrea Moved To London

Andrea requested to resign from his current company and immediately took care of the process of getting into the new company Joe founded. Within two weeks, everything was ready, and they just had to choose the date of departure.

He never thought that after all the process was almost complete, Ludwina would say that she was unwilling to come with him to London.

"Why won't you come along, Honey? You said I could take the job Joe offered..." he asked desperately. "If you said from the start that you don't want to come with me to London, I wouldn't have accepted this job offer..."

Ludwina, who was sipping her wine, only shrugged. Her attitude turned cold again.

"I never said that I wanted to come to London," she replied monotonously, "You made your own conclusions..."

Andrea sat limply on the sofa beside Ludwina. He looked at his wife in disbelief.

Ludwina had tricked him. The girl allowed him to take the job from Joe and move to London, and only now did she suddenly tell him that she wasn't willing to come. Was this Ludwina's way of punishing him for having a child before marrying her?

Or did Ludwina want to reunite him with Adeline?

Didn't Ludwina know that the only woman Andrea loved was herself?

Andrea knew that it would be pointless to persuade Ludwina when she had decided like this, and Andrea couldn't back down now either. Everything was taken care of, and he just had to go to London.

There, he would stay in a hotel for a month until he could find a house or apartment. At first, he had hoped to find a place to live with Ludwina and let the girl choose for them, but now... he was forced to do everything alone.

Andrea took Ludwina's hand and said no more. He could only wait and hope that Ludwina's heart would soften one day. He realized that he couldn't force his wife to come if she didn't want to.

Before Andrea left for the airport, he actually wanted to make love with his wife one last time, but Ludwina looked so sad and was even crying. Andrea couldn't bear to make her even sadder.

In the end, they just cuddled in bed in silence until the clock struck 8 PM and Andrea had to leave. He kissed his wife's lips reluctantly and kissed her face many times before finally getting up and taking out his suitcase.

The taxi was waiting, and the two of them left for the airport.

"I'll only take this job for a maximum of two years, then I'll return to Asia and work at another company or set up my own," Andrea said as he finished checking in at the airport, "If you feel better and want to come to London, please let me know. I'll try to find a nice house for us as soon as possible."

Ludwina just stared at Andrea with unpredictable eyes. Andrea didn't know whether Ludwina was angry or sad.

When he finally made his way through immigration, Andrea repeatedly looked back to see Ludwina, and his heart was a little relieved seeing that Ludwina was still standing there waiting for him to disappear from her view.

Andrea never thought it would be the last time he'd be seeing his wife, until their fifth wedding anniversary, which would be a year later.


As soon as Andrea disappeared from her sight, Ludwina couldn't hold in her cry anymore. She burst into tears as she took a taxi and went back home.

With tears in her eyes, she opened her phone and ordered a ticket to fly to Sumba. She wanted to be alone and meet Johann, who was now at his clinic at Lakey Beach.

There were no direct flights to Sumba, and Ludwina was forced to fly to Bali, and finally Sumba.

As Ludwina was tidying up her handbag and laptop to leave, her phone rang. It was Andrea, who called to inform her that he would be boarding soon.

"I'm leaving soon. Once I reach Heathrow, I'll call you again. Take care of yourself, Honey. I miss you already."

"Take care of yourself too..." whispered Ludwina, immediately hanging up.

She couldn't bear to hear Andrea's voice. She almost screamed and told Andrea not to fly away and go back home... She almost told Andrea that she had cancer and desperately needed her husband by her side.

Ludwina knew she wasn't a strong woman. If she were to hear Andrea's voice again... her defenses would collapse and she would surely tell Andrea everything.

She loved Andrea more than herself, and the last thing she wanted to do was to make her husband sad. She didn't want to see Andrea suffer.

That's why Ludwina decided to return Andrea to Adeline and Ronan... so they could become one whole family.

Ludwina was afraid that her feelings would betray her if she received Andrea's call... She was afraid she would become selfish and ask Andrea to come home.

In the end, Ludwina decided not to accept Andrea's calls at all...


Ludwina didn't tell Johann what happened and her brother didn't ask a lot of questions. He just assumed that Ludwina and Andrea's separation was due to Andrea's work, which forced him to move to London. Their parents didn't interrogate Ludwina either, but they secretly contacted Andrea and found out what had happened.

When Ludwina's family heard from Andrea about his past and Ludwina's attitude, they understood and allowed Ludwina to heal her wound in her own way.

They didn't know that Ludwina was actually alone not because she was hurt by Andrea's past... She wanted to slowly disappear from Andrea's life and not come back again, because she wanted to let Andrea go, so he could get back together with Adeline and Ronan.


"Wina... what are you writing?" asked Johann, ruffling his sister's hair.

Ludwina had been living with him for two months at Lakey Beach and slowly, the girl was finally willing to leave the room and was now typing on the veranda overlooking the beach. Her face still looked grim, but at least she no longer locked herself up in the room.

"I'm continuing the novel I was writing before. I can finish it now. This is about a prince from an ancient kingdom in Asia who has to choose between his love for freedom or his love for his people," replied Ludwina while looking up from her laptop, "Most humans are selfish, only looking for their own interests, but this prince chose the happiness of his people over his own because he knew that the people would suffer if he chose to be selfish. I didn't know how to express it before, and this novel had been hanging for several years... Now, I'm almost done with it."

Johann was stunned. He wondered whether Ludwina had now turned into a woman who wasn't selfish and became more concerned about the happiness of others rather than her own happiness. Did this mean that Ludwina wanted a divorce from Andrea to return him to Adeline?

"Uhmmm. I have a medical seminar in London in two months," Johann said cautiously, "I told Andrea I am coming. He asked me to take you with me."

"I know," replied Ludwina shortly. "He already told me, and my answer is still no."

Johann sighed, "At the very least, reply to his emails and texts, or call him. Andrea is really worried about you."

"He doesn't have to worry about me. He knows I'm with you, which means I'll be fine," said Ludwina.

Ludwina didn't want to come to London at all. She was afraid that her defenses would collapse if she were to meet Andrea. She had to be strong and refuse all forms of communication so that she wouldn't slip up and tell Andrea that she was severely ill and missed him very much and that she really needed his support...

Andrea mustn't know... Else his heart would break...

Ludwina took something from her bag then handed it over to Johann.

"If you meet Andrea in London, please ask him to sign the divorce papers... I don't want to keep our marriage after knowing he has a son from another woman."

Johann looked very surprised to hear that. Hesitatingly, he took the document from Ludwina's hand and read its contents. His heart hurt for Andrea when he found out that his sister wanted a divorce from Andrea...

He also imagined how sad their parents would be. Ludwina and Andrea refused the wedding celebration when they got married and said that they would only celebrate it on the fifth anniversary.

But now, before five years, Ludwina already asked for a divorce.