
Til Death Do Not Part

Once upon a time in a world with zero gravity, a noblewoman named Ashlene Von Luxengarde was the last standing virgin in twenties among the royal family. She harbored an all-time dream: to marry the boy she met when she visited Earth. Eager to escape from an unwanted arranged marriage, she ignorantly leaped from space down to Earth and coincidentally crashed headlong to a man. An honorable genius and ‘hotsome’ man with a formidable name Haris Savante. Yet Ashlene only believed how genius this man is at getting on her nerves. Due to an enigmatic curse that bound them together with unbreakable handcuffs, they had no choice but to stay close day and night. Until death takes the other, the chain will not tear them apart. And the very thing that makes freedom difficult to happen is when love creeps into their hearts. || Raw version/Unedited

Otakwen · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


"What about this cane? Everyone is so anxious about me holding it… as if I am holding a private part or something."

They laugh at my idea. "The lady mentioned it," Venji explains, "the cane is so powerful that only Haris has the authority to use it. That's what the whole campus knows."

Haris leans his elbows on the billiard table. "There were a few times I allowed someone else to hold it when necessary," he added. 

I knew it, I'm not special. This cane is unique in design; this smooth wood with a handle that has something like a brooch buried in it, and the necklace is attached to it, so it hangs down signifies an important mark of ownership or a precious memory from someone precious. 

"Liar," Venji mutters in a chuckle. 

"So, since violence doesn't work, where else can we find help?" After I asked that, we proceeded to find new sources. Or to be precise, 'they.' Even though we're within the campus boundary, we use their private car to travel to every department we listed. I almost stick my face on the window to see the successive Gothic buildings, there are paved roads for students walking for those with private cars, Gothic dormitories and gyms. 

We walked past a huge green field for athletic students, and I was spotting some hunk players but Haris pulled me out of the perfect view! We asked students from Construction, Military, Fine Arts and Science but other than there were few charismatic, none of them was capable of breaking the chain. We grab lunch without gaining anything. 

Even their restaurant is luxuriously Gothic. It's crowded by students but loud chattery is prohibited. This was where Ms. Tony had her O.J.T. according to Venji's generous touring. He's sitting in front of us, I am on Haris' left and him on my right. A waiter laid a saucer plate of chillies with a note on a toothpick: Don't say "Hey!" or I'll fill your mouth

"Why did you order that again?" Haris protested to Venji. 

"To maintain the harmony of the dining." 

We started eating with my pinky fingers up as always. I unintentionally pulled Haris' wrist through the chain when he was about to eat a piece of meat on the fork. "Sorry." And later on, he pulled my wrist holding the glass of water when I was about to drink. It almost spilled! He said the same word. At first it was unintentional but then we started doing it on purpose, payback after payback. 

"Don't tell me you're a restless eater too!" 

"How can I eat properly with this chain!?"

Our chairs glide closer to each other. "You can sit apart," Venji suggested. "And please don't make me your conciliator." 

"Do you mind if I ask, are you two brothers?" 

"No." Venji.

"Yesn't." Haris.

"We're not brothers by blood. The genius professor adopted Haris. We've been colleagues for many years. And since I have my job here and no family outside, I reside here with Haris. The professor opened his door for me and instructed me to watch over him."

He said it but he's been wearing a wedding ring that seems tight on him too. "You're probably having a tough job," I sympathize. "I mean, he's acting so superior and entitled that made him more feared than lovable. Unlike the other guys who're gentlemen despite their high ranking." 

"Haris is a gentleman in his own way. Exclusively for you."

"Wow," Haris reacts, "this is the first time you sided on me ever since she came." 

"But Haris is acting older! You must be older than him, right?" 

"He's 32, I'm 27," Venji answered me, sarcastically. 

"No way!"

They laugh at my reaction, Venji's covering his mouth behind his knuckles. "It's the other way around!"

Haris folds his arms on the table. "I'm still young, you can call me baby." 

I fake a smile. "Okay, baby grapes." 

His teasing smile turned serious. 

"What's the story behind that?" 

"Oh, Haris was just a child back then," Venji started, I listened with my chin on my palm. 

"Hey—!" Haris groaned but his mouth was suddenly filled with chillies. He coughs while I talk with Venji.

"He swallowed a whole grape but before that, the professor made a magic trick that turned the grapes into amethysts. Haris cried all night like a baby, anxiously groping his tummy if there'll be amethysts inside." And we laugh while Haris is still coughing. 

"I thought it had something to do with his eyes." 

I noticed Venji's pause. "You met his eyes?"

"Yes." I became nervous because of his reaction until he smiled angelically again.

"... You really are something." His smartwatch rings for a call. It took his attention. 

On the other hand, Haris' face is burning red! "Damn you, Venji…" he mumbled roughly. Hurriedly, he took the glass of clear water and stirred it with a spoon without mixing anything but it turned into milk. And then he drank for his life. 

"Guys, a personnel of the Beaumont family called. They're summoning us tomorrow… and the prince would like to have a private conversation with you, Ashlene." 

We're on our way back to the penthouse to prepare for tomorrow. Meanwhile, I can't stop overthinking what Prince Almidoron will discuss with me. And I know this is supposed to be heart-thumping but I'm sweating cold instead! My mind is suddenly suggesting fake scenarios and dialogues in case the prince talks about his intimate moment with Diana!

"Aren't you okay?" Haris asked in a silent baritone. I stopped massaging my head and simply nodded— and shook my head when I realized I was confused with the question. 

A group of men and a girl were found waiting at the grand staircase while having a conversation. As usual, they stand up appropriately in front of these two except for one guy. "Oh, the rumors are true. The top scholar adopted a slave." 

"Excuse me?" 

Haris threatens, "Why are the Marines loitering here?" 

"Relax. I came here personally to give this to you and to see the girl." He gave Haris a brown envelope, and I hid my face under the cap. However, the guy stoops down to see my face up-close! "Hi!" Other than the word, his ocean eyes greeted me. He's like a charming morning sun during the calm waves of a beach. My eyes were stuck on him as he stood, exposing my face in the end. "You look young. How old are you?" 


"Twenty-four!? I thought you were younger like my cousin over there." He meant the only teenage girl behind him. He politely placed his hand on his chest and bows, "I am Aishmalen of the Voyagré family. How about you?" 

"Just Ashlene."

"Ash… like those eyes…" he muttered while gazing at my eyes, lost in thoughts. "And our names sound almost the same! It's amazing to meet you. Are you Haris' personal tutor or what, just to clear rumors?" 

I told him briefly. 

In response he says, "That's a relief. Why don't we throw a Welcome party? I bet the students didn't welcome you warmly. My treat on my cruise ship!"

"Uuuh… I—"

"We have a lot of puzzles to solve. We can't waste time."

"Haris, you're always busy with your clients. A break is not a waste of time!"

Haris removes his eyeglasses, "If you don't stay out of the way—" but Venji stops his hand halfway. 

"Thank you for the report. Do we have anything else to discuss? Because we're on our way for preparation," Venji, as usual, approached with a gentle smile on his face. I can sense something tense… 

"Alright," Aishmalen gave up, "you seem untouchable with Haris around. Don't worry! I'll look for help too! I'm hoping to see you next time."

For the first time, I smile back at him and nod cheerfully. His company is so light I wish to be enlisted on his friend list. I asked Venji about Aishmalen when we passed by them, and he informed me that Aishmalen is the Crown Prince of a faraway sea. He traveled here for a quality education. Nothing to be impressed about because he's only an average rich kid. Still, he's among the few physically enthralling guys I've seen here so far!

"This school can't even provide solutions… Why is it prestigious, then? My mess is more brilliant than your top students," I complained when we got in the penthouse again. 

"Good thing you realized," Haris mocked.

"I'm not the only subject to blame here!"

"You begged for my help."

"And you enjoyed it! Don't deny it!"

"Am I alone? Who among us moaned twice?" 


Venji cleared his throat. "You're not yet married but you fight like a divorced couple," he teases more! "Sad to say, looks like both of you have to stay longer with that chain. May I suggest, since that chain makes your body as one, set rules and boundaries for the meantime." 

"We have one, no killing." 

"I mean plural. To give you an example, how are you going to take a bath? How will you sleep, change clothes, or react when the other one can't align with the same pace as the other?" 

I can't even talk to Haris without arguing! But I next found myself inside a wide private bedroom Haris owns. The king-size bed is the star of attention the second I come in. It's a kind of room with paper works on a table, bookshelves filled with books, and another table for tools. The rug made it cozy. 

Haris was walking ahead as I cane-walked in the opposite direction that pulled him. "You're a reader of Holland Savante too!?" I slide my fingers through the spines of the books, and something sparkles in me when I see the latest edition I don't have. It's the continuation of what I have! I wish I could display my collections like this as well instead of hiding it like illegal drugs.

With his arms folded and a smirk on his face, Haris leans his shoulder on the bookshelf and tilts his head. "I'm always a first-hand reader. Holland is my professor."

I blinked thrice. "You're a Savante!?"

"And his Editor." 

"... You? Nah, I'm not gonna believe you, Inspector." I waggled my finger in unbelief. 

"Suit yourself."

Something furry touched my leg, for thinking it was an insect I startled and dropped the cane but Haris caught me on his chest. "Libra~" Haris called the cat. It meows and he "Meow," back. He gave the cane back to me and pet Libra like a baby; squeezing, shaking and showing the cat with kisses. 

So he has this cute side of him…

But my heart hasn't reached the finish line yet and I don't know if 'twas because of the cat or what just happened! "You're a fur daddy."

"Yes, and they're demanding for a fur mom."

"They?" I followed him to the side table and he rang a bell. Another 3 fat cats run toward us on the bed. They all cuddle with him as he lies down. I sat on the bed too and noticed the bristles on the blanket. 

"These are Leo, Pisces and Gemini. All of them were stray cats, like me."

He probably got his name from Aries? I tried petting the curious cat who sniffed me. "We don't own pets in Stell, the only animals allowed are whose meat is for dining." 

"I already know it's a boring place." He removes his shoes to fully lie down on his bed. "What now? What are the bed rules?" 

"We will put divisions! Five wingspan apart! I'll sleep on the left side!"

"I object. Unless you sleep in one position for 6-8 hours." 

"What!?" Now we're arguing like a newlywed couple! 

"What if we sleep in any manner, but once someone assaulted the other's personal space then the cats will seize the offender." 

"..." Something glitches in my brain. "Uhm… How?" 

"Let's test and prove it." Abruptly in aggression he pinned me down on his bed! 

"What are you—" I could only gasp when he lowered his face and felt his open mouth very close to my neck, untouched but close! He didn't do anything further until Gemini attacked his ear! He moves away and the 4 cats are raising their hackles against their owner. "Haris! A-Are you hurt!?" His ear is bleeding. 

After that trial, guilt moved me to cure his wound while thinking about what happened. This man knows how to boil me to fuming! "And why do you think we'll do such a thing while we sleep!? Don't think dirty of me!"

"Who knows? We're both adolescent, subject to curiosity and temptation. We cannot avoid the place but we can avoid it from happening. And try not to do something that will make me lose control. I will not dictate to you but you cannot dictate my reaction."

I scooped his cheeks and slapped both sides. "Remember this, it's just the effects of love spell so fight the urge! You're not really interested in me, it's just the spell! We'll find a way to get you out of that circumstance."

"Why not? You're pretty." 

My finger twitches—I hope he didn't notice!

"Pretty idiot."

I tapped his face once again. "I figured! Jerk!" 

We discussed other matters such as; he will be in charge of changing my clothes, our routines will be aligned with the same schedule, him not walking faster than I can, and finally the bath rules. We agreed upon having a division and separate bathtub to refrain from too many motions. 

"Alright. Let's test it."

"What? Now!?"