

It was a cold weather me and my brother were sleeping in our bed suddenly my brother shouted,"OH NO!OH NO!".I asked him,"why did you shout now". He said that,"it was a nigth mare"."Its okay",i said. I saw my mobile it was the message from TIHQ(teenagers investigation head quaters) that to come to the head quaters. We rushed ourself before we jump into the car i will introduce ourself my name is GASPLILLA and my brothers name is TASPANDA i will call him as panda now we are ready panda jumped into the car fastly and i also jumped into the car then we entered the the head quatres. A frustrated sound came from the office,"Where are the two boys".It was our head of our office he always have one dialouge to say,"THIS GENERATION TEENAGERS DONT HAVE ANY RESPONSIBILITY".He called us inside his room,"hey you freaking boys come inside fastly".We rushed inside the room.Our head(Edward)was in a hurry he said that,"it is a complicated case and completely secret case you have to ivestigate and complete the case".Panda said,"ah its okay we will deal with it". Edward shouted angrily,"hey you two idiots be serious this not a game to play with it".IT IS COMPLICATED !IT IS COMPLICATED!