

Sherry_L_Parrish · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Home word bound

waking up before Aine it was morning, my head was busy with thoughts. now that Aine and I are bonded together our powers were strong. I left the bed and walked over to the window and watched the sunrise of my land I was deep in thought when Dave entered my room he walked over to me after he stopped and watched Aine for a bit she was beautiful while she was sleeping but tonight she wasn't feeling good at all and it showed.

he came over to me ''my king you called? yes, we need to get back to our home now I know both our kingdoms are in good hands and I will leave you and Emmanuel in charge of the place''.

he looked at me and node understand.

we will leave in the afternoon she's going to be tired. the best for her will be someplace she is familiar and safe now that I have awakened her powers inside her she is going to need time to control it and feel it and to do that near our home.

''understand my king''.

''good you may go''.

setting beside Aine on the bed I pulled out my laptop started looking at my emails and reserve a plane for us to head home in the afternoon. I made sure that Emmanuel got his title being in charge of Adira Danger-shadow clan, he was better to lead then another Pearson he has been doing it since we were 10 so it just felt right that he should take over. Dave was put in charge of my kingdoms Cadmus. I shoot Dave a text lettings him no I am living in the afternoon and to help get the car ready for us.

lettings my sweetheart sleep while I got us packing and other things in order before we left. Aine was still sleeping so after the car was packed I picked her up and walked out to the car. took us awhile before getting to the airport. Placing her into our sets buckling her in, I summon for the doc came over to check on her she has been sleeping all morning, I wanted to make sure I haven't hurt her from our rough sex the night before, every once an awhile she would moan as if she was still in that moment which didn't help me at all, I get hard just hearing her moan so taking my mind of that night, I started to take my laptop out again and do some more work. after the doc exam my sweetheart he concluded that she was fine just very tiered.

Aine pov

slowly waking up from my sleep, my head was spinning, my whole body felt very Strang. I sate up and called Sables name he came over with water for me, scanning the room I realize we were not in our room.

''where are we? i asked

''on a plane we are going home''. sable spoke

''ok. ''I'm so tiered''. I Sayed leaning on Sables shoulders

he smiled down at me with his brown eyes leaning his head on mind he slowly kissed my head, 'rest' he spoke. we will soon be home.

I just node my head while my eyes closed again. next time I woke up was when Sable woke me up to get off the plane to go home. getting up and started to walk off the plane while he held me close to him. started to go down the stairs make my way down as i step off the last step my legs started to claps Sable quickly picked me up, we walked to our car and placed me in the set before he sate next to me pulling me close.

as we drove to our home, my feelings was beyond my imagination my blood was still feeling hot and boiling inside, electricity currant ran through out my body with the flow of my blood. my stomach was still on fire the warm feeling that raised from my insides was more then I could imagen.

a moan escaped my lips as Sable pulled me close into a hug, slowly snuggling in to his shoulder I couldn't help but to close my eyes again and drift off in the musky-hot cent he was in. as the care drove threw the city and forest near us the sun was going down when my eyes slowly open up again. the trees align the road to our house started to turn vibrant color was a beautiful view being unfolded before our eyes.

we pulled up In front of our home the house was covered in fall colors and lights lining the stairs and around the ice doors, stepping out of the car I couldn't help to wonder how long we have been gone, allot has happen still in my daze when I felt Bethany touched my arm slowly not to startle me since my mind was drifting again.

''Danger-shadow let go in, food is on the table for you''. as she spoke my foot started to move towards the door and into the dinning room. Sable pulled out a chair for me to set down, then he sat next to me the smell of fresh pies and chicken, potatoes and veggie's Sable helped plate my plate then his we sat and ate and drink.

after we have eaten we headed up to bed, Sable has moved me into his room and made sure there was a bath waiting for me, he helped me into it, and helped bath me his hand slowly washed me after while he helped me out and placed me in the bed.

''Aine I'm going to take a shower, I will be back soon ok. he spoke.

Sable pov

walked in to the shower I felt really hot like my skin was boiling I have been trying hard to ignore my spike in temp so Aine wouldn't get worried, knowing it was the fact her body temp was going through a transformations as much as mind it was intense then any work out I have done. man it was a mazing feeling joining our souls into one. the feel was incredible I know my sweetheart was having more of a trouble then I was.

feeling different right now how my body was picking up on Aine heart and breathing, something seemed different in side her I couldn't place it. was this feeling something I can only feel or does she feel it to. I got out of the shower made my way towards the bed laying down beside my sweetheart I place my arm over her stomach as I was resting something seemed to pulse once and awhile near her stomach. not sure what I was feeling just ignoring the feeling my eyes drifted asleep.