
Vampiress Mistress

He stared deep into the sea.

"Jace," Jenna said, almost walking on her tippy toes as she came closer to him. "The pack needs you, Jace." She told him as she slowly dropped the glass of water on the nearest table that she could find.

"What about what I need?" He asked her in a very patient voice. "Do you even know why I left?"

She stared at him with moist eyes, looking like she couldn't hurt a fly but he knew what this was. It was just like all those times, long ago.

She wanted him to cave into her will with all the tears and emotion.

He could sense it. He smiled a bitter smile, half to himself as he let the thoughts run through him.

They sure knew what they were doing by sending her. He was aware of the effects she carried but somehow, he couldn't seem to shake the whole feeling that she brought.

It was one thing when he knew she would turn on the water works and instantly get him to cave in. It was another thing for him not to be able to resist it.

He still cared about her and he knew it.

He could recall when he tried to get her to leave with him and she didn't.

Somehow, he hadn't let the pain dwell but maybe it was because he was leaving all he knew behind. He had left all the things that Belmont represented for him and put it as a finished chapter in his life or so he had hoped for.

He knew it was too much to hope for, that they would be done with him even if he was done with them long ago.

He had been given a responsibility. One he didn't care for, need or ask for. Damn Clive, he cursed under his breath. He went and got himself killed. What happened to the unstoppable wolf that ended the war? Tales of his father had been sung since he was a little boy. It now made sense that he would only have the image of him as a strong and invincible force.

But now he had gone and gotten himself killed. A part of him was fighting the urge to not feel the rage that had been welling deep inside him since he became the Alpha. To not touch it. He knew that there would be no going back if that happened.

When he became the Alpha, he instantly knew what had happened. The power of the Alpha was not passed down to the next successor if the current holder was alive. It could only mean one thing. Clive had died.

He had felt rage nearly consume him. Nothing prepared him for taking on the mantle he never wanted to begin with.

He watched her with wary eyes as he tried to make sense of what might be going on in her head. She did not look like she was being insincere but the fact was she was being used for their purpose. He hated not having a say in his own life. He was going to have to return home.

Everything was about to change for him. It was probably more than he could handle but he would have to try, he told himself. He had gotten this far on his own after all.

Jace stood there watching as a vampiress walked inside the bar as if she owned it. The lady was completely out of place because Howling Moon was a low-rent dive situated on Miami's shadier side, a pub that catered to werewolves. And, if she's not careful, she can end up as the evening's entertainment.

When Jace McCain saw her, he became anxious. He wasn't as inebriated as the other wolves, at least not yet, so he immediately recognized the deceptively fragile woman. Just beyond the lush fullness of her too-red lips, he could see the tip of her little fangs. When vampires were preparing to fight or fuck, their fangs would come out. So, what was the vamp planning to do?

She remained motionless within the bar's entryway. As her gaze shifted to the left, her long blond hair tumbled behind her. To the left. Huh. She appeared to be on the lookout for someone—or something. The only thing she'd find in this environment was a pack eager to tear her apart. These days, vampires and wolves weren't exactly getting along. Or on any given day. She should be aware of this.

But then her eyes shifted away from him. I whizzed by and then returned. Her blue eyes, sparkling with the strength of a vampire, drew his attention. She locked her gaze on him, and Jace couldn't take his gaze away. Is this a vampire's compulsion trick?

No, it's more than likely his own lust, he told himself. Because the lady was quite attractive. Most female vamps were, at least the pureblood ones.

And Jace knew he was looking at one of the elite pureblood from Belmont. He had not been old enough to see any of the vampires that way so this was a new experience for him.

A pureblood, in a werewolf hell.

He gave a kind smile. Somewhere, Fate must be laughing at her.

She then grinned as well. The beast he kept locked inside stretched and roared as a lick of heat went straight through his body.

Want. The word echoed in his head. That was what he was feeling. It roared inside of him, threatening to undo his resolve to focus on what he came here for.

She began approaching him in her fuck-me or fuck-off black boots. Jace pushed his way away from the bar.

The others, on the other hand, had noticed her and were closing in. There are three of them. Because that was the manner of the beast, he was big and massive.

"Vampire…" The guys reached for her as the snarl floated through the air.

"No!" His yell came out a fraction of a second too late.

Two of the males collided with tables nearby. They'd made the blunder of touching her in the first place.

You didn't touch a vampiress who didn't want to be touched in the first place. That is a rule that all fools should be aware of.

Purebloods were very powerful.

The beast inside was straining on his leash due to excitement.

Everyone in the bar froze for a split second before focusing their gaze on her. The third wolf was on the floor in front of the vamp. His claws were already extending, even though he hadn't transformed yet. She yanked his head back to expose his neck with one small hand at his throat and the other clutching his hair. Vampires were notorious for going for the throat. It's all so predictable. They were always feeble because of their hunger.

"Kill the bitch..." A mumble came from one of the guys she'd tossed a couple of times suddenly reached him.

He could understand why his ego would be bruised but no one was killing anyone. Not tonight, not here.

She was pretty strong though, he remarked to himself. She had tossed him a good ten feet. With his claws out and blood flowing from his busted cheek, he was already rising. Even as the guys rose, Jace lifted his hand, stopping them. "Not…yet."

He was confident that no one would disobey. They were unable to do so. He was the alpha, and if they tried to kick ass, he'd be the one doing it.

As he crossed the room, even the awful band came to a halt. The few human females in the bar looked about with interest, and he noticed a couple of shifters pushing them to the rear. The ladies came to Howling Moon to play.

The wolves, on the other hand, played with them. Those women were well-versed in the supernatural world, and they knew how to stay quiet about it.

The vampiress refused to let go of her prey. Jace took his time approaching her. She had pale, creamy skin, like most vamps. Her looks were...damn, almost flawless. Wide eyes, high cheekbones, and a narrow nose. Her chin was slightly peaked, giving her a stubborn edge, although bloodsuckers were not known for being easy going. Neither of them was a wolf.

She was dressed entirely in black. Those sexy boots, a tight black shirt, and a very short black skirt.

There is a link between sex and violence. That was pretty much how vamps and wolves dealt with each other. Jace caught up her scent as he closed in on her, separating the mild scent of her skin from the booze, sweat, and cigarettes in the air. The vampire had a lovely, enticing scent. Her species had a habit of doing so.

The better to lure their prey in for that deadly bite. But she was— well, more.

He cocked his head in her direction. "Leave him."

"Of course," she says. Her voice was light, smooth, and sensuous, but it lacked an accent. She let go of the wolf almost immediately.

Mike then made the error of lunging up and slicing her with his claws. Jace's rage burst inside him, and he leapt forward, his claws breaking from his fingertips.

She took a step back, ducked, and then slammed her fist into the wolf's heart. Mike was thrown back against Jace by her fist.

Jace twisted the wolf around in his arms. He picked up the other person from the floor and stared him down. "Mike, I don't recall giving you authorization to attack."

He could hear the vamp's breathing heaving faintly, and he knew she wasn't as calm as she seemed. There isn't a whiff of panic yet.

"B-bloodsucker…comin' in here…" Mike snarled. "She can't just…walk in…"

"I was invited here," she said smoothly.

Still trapped in Jace's grip, Mike twisted and glared over his shoulder. "Who the hell would be dumb enough to invite a vampire here—"

"Your alpha." Her answer came with a shrug as her gaze lifted back to Jace. Then she made the tiniest of servile motions with her head. Submission. "I've been informed of your offer, and I've come to accept it."

Mike's head swung back in his direction. "Jace?" His voice had grown louder. Wolves were known for their quick healing abilities. "What is this nonsense she's talking about?"

Mike's nose was pushed into Jace's forehead. Even as the smaller wolf howled, bones crunched and blood spurted. Jace then tossed the man against the nearest wall, which was around fifteen feet away. Mike didn't get up after crashing. Silence. It was so thick that it blanketed the entire bar. Jace locked his gaze on the vamp, attempting to hide his emotions. Then he carefully closed the gap between himself and the woman who was about to change for him.

He took her hand in his and flipped her palm over. Yes, the mark was inside her left hand, cradled in her palm. It was exactly as he had predicted. A rose with a blood-red hue. He got close enough to notice the gold circle in her eyes. The pale gold that had the same effect on her as her hand had. She was far more than a simple bloodsucker. She was a princess of the vampire race. She was his key to power and immortality, and she was the ideal weapon with which to kick the demons who'd come to town to wipe off his people.

As she looked up at him, her lips parted. Her deceptively delicate fangs caught his eye. And he smelled horror as it raced through him.

She had every reason to be terrified. He'd never let her go now that she was there, in his hands.


"My name is Jace." He allowed her to see his fangs. "And you're mine as well." A claim made in front of the entire wolf pack. Any wolf who touched her from now on would face him—and death. She took a deep breath and tipped her head back to meet his gaze. "Hello, husband," she said, matching his delusion or enthusiasm.