
Tides Of Love: Flash Marriage

* She was in it, to escape a forced marriage. He was in it, because of her. Lana Lang, is the golden daughter of the Lang empire. Or so the world thought. She wanted nothing more than her parent's love and attention but all that was given to her little brother. Sometimes she'd wonder if she was truly a daughter of her parents or she just couldn't meet their expectations. Forced to marry a good for nothing man, by her ever so controlling parents. She rebelled and took it to herself to choose a Man way better than her parent's choice. In a night, she acquired a husband and became his legally married wife. ****** "Sir, your wife is about to get married to someone else." With an evil smile, a certain Man replied, "Set up a press conference immediately, it's time to announce to the world. Who my wife is. Discord channel: https://discord.gg/JeRSPxSA5K

NollaWrites · Urban
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73 Chs

Chapter 34

As you may have noticed, this is my Original first ever novel. I'm not a professional and I am still learning, it can be hard at times to get the inspiration I need. I felt like dropping the book at times but Nah, I won't do that. Why? Because of lovely Readers like you, thanks for joining me on this journey. Besides the writer's block issues, I'll love to interact more with you guys. So I've decided to open a discord channel for this book, kindly follow up. I'll let you in on the link later, so we can discuss and interact more😉literally patting myself on the shoulder for coming this far. Thank you all for supporting me.


In the hospital.

Nanny Wang rushed forward as the doctor came out of the ward. "Doctor, how is the patient?"

"The patient had been too emotionally excited. But she is not in danger."

Nanny Wang heaved a sigh of relief as she listened to the doctor.

At this moment, the doctor continued: