
Tides Of Fortune

Nicolas is a bored and restless young man who lives on an island that is visited by pirates every 24th of the month. He admires the pirates and their lifestyle, and he dreams of becoming one of them. He decides to start his own adventure now.

8ball24 · Fantasy
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The Sword

Nicolas dragged his feet as he walked back to his house. He had enjoyed the pirate celebration, but he had also drank too much. He felt dizzy and nauseous, and he wanted to lie down and sleep. He had seen the pirates and their treasures, and he had felt a spark of excitement and curiosity. He had wondered what it would be like to be one of them, to sail the seas and live the adventure.

He reached his house, which looked even more shabby and depressing compared to the pirate ships. He threw himself on his bed, and tried to sleep. But his mind was restless, and he kept thinking about his life. He had no family, no friends, no job, no purpose. He had nothing to lose, but also nothing to gain. He felt stuck in this island, and he wanted to escape.

He wondered if becoming a pirate was the answer. But he knew it was not easy. He would need a crew, a ship, a sword, and a lot of courage. He doubted he could find any of those things here. He had heard of solo pirates, who traveled alone and relied on their skills and luck. They were said to be the most fearless and powerful pirates, and some even claimed they had supernatural abilities. But Nicolas knew that was just a legend. He knew that being a solo pirate was also the most dangerous and lonely way to live.

He sighed and said to himself, "Is it really great to become a pirate? But I need to assemble a crew or some shit. I can't convince people to just randomly join my crew. Ah, fuck. Should I just go and become a solo pirate?"

He decided to give it a try. He had nothing to lose, after all. He got up the next morning, and made himself a simple meal. He ate quietly, while the sun shine on his old house. He felt a surge of determination and excitement. He was going to start his adventure today.

He went to the city, looking for a boat, a sword, and anything else he might need. He saw a merchant selling a sword for 10 golds, and he decided to buy it. He thought it was a bargain, since the sword looked shiny and sharp. He didn't know that the sword was actually a fake, and that the merchant was a scammer.

"Hey, you merchant. 10 golds, right? I'll buy that," Nicolas said, and handed over the money.

"Ah, yes, sir. Thank you for your purchase," the merchant said, and smiled. He was happy to get rid of the sword, which he had bought for a cheap price from a blacksmith. He knew that the sword was made of low-quality metal, and that it would break easily. He didn't care, as long as he made a profit.

Nicolas took the sword, and admired it. He didn't notice the flaws and defects. He thought it was a famous sword, and that it would serve him well. He said, "Hmm, what is this? Well, maybe it's worth the purchase."

He went back to his house, feeling proud and ready. He packed his bag, and checked his sword. He realized that he was missing one thing: a boat. He needed a boat to sail the seas, and he didn't have one. He cursed and said, "Only thing that's missing now is my boat. Should I just make a boat or go to the city tomorrow? Well, I guess buying a boat is a reasonable choice. I'll head to the city tomorrow."

He decided to postpone his adventure for one more day. He hoped that he would find a boat that he could afford, and that he would finally leave this island. He went to sleep, dreaming of the sea and the pirates.

I can't really write 1000+ words so ill just make new chapters for my novel thankyou for waiting for this chapter


P.S still deciding if i should make this a long story or a short story.

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