
Tides and Longing: 잊혀진 파도의 속삭임

***BEST ON TRUE LIFE STORY OF THE AUTHOR*** "Tides and Longing" was born—a tale of whispered confessions, salt-kissed kisses, and the ache of love that defied time. In its pages, I sought solace, rewriting destiny with ink and hope. And maybe, just maybe, our seashells would find each other again, washed ashore by forgotten waves. In the quiet alleys of a coastal city, where the scent of salt and memories linger, two hearts once danced to the rhythm of childhood laughter. But life, relentless and unpredictable, wove their fates into a bittersweet tapestry. **Noh Da-Hyun**, with her sun-kissed cheeks and dreams as vast as the ocean, cherished her childhood friend, **Yoo Jeong**, with an innocence only youth could hold. Their days were a symphony of shared secrets, scraped knees, and stolen glances. Yet, when Da-Hyun's family whisked her away, the waves swallowed their laughter, leaving behind echoes of what could have been. Years flowed like tides, and Da-Hyun found herself entangled in a different love—a love that consumed her, body and soul. The boy from her high school, whose eyes held galaxies, became her universe. But love, capricious and cruel, betrayed her. He whispered goodbye, and the stars shattered. Six years later, Da-Hyun returned to Seoul, her heart a fragile seashell. The city had changed, yet the sea remained constant, its waves a lullaby of forgotten promises. And there, amidst the whispers of salt and longing, she discovered that Jeong move abroad, leaving behinda trail of memories. But fate, ever the weaver of intricate patterns, played its hand once more. Jeong returned, not as the boy who shared her secrets, but as a stranger with memories etched into his eyes. His laughter no longer echoed through the narrow streets; instead, it lingered in the gaps between their unspoken words. Da-Hyun's heart, like a compass drawn to true north, still pointed toward Jeong. Her secret crush bloomed anew, petals fragile as morning dew. Yet, he stood on a different shore, holding hands with another—a girl whose laughter painted sunsets. Their encounters were fleeting, like seagulls skimming the water's surface. Jeong's eyes held a thousand apologies, and Da-Hyun's heart whispered a thousand what-ifs. They were strangers with memories, two souls adrift in the same sea, yet unable to bridge the distance. As the moon waxed and waned, Da-Hyun clung to hope. Perhaps love was not a single tide but an eternal ebb and flow. Perhaps, just perhaps, their story could find a different ending—one where the waves carried them back to each other. "Tides and longing" is a tale of love lost and found, of salt-kissed kisses and the ache of unspoken confessions. Can Da-Hyun and Jeong rewrite their destiny, or will they remain like seashells—beautiful, but forever apart? May the tides of longing guide them toward a shore where memories intertwine with hope, and where love, against all odds, finds its way home.

Moonstone_novels17 · Teen
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Chapter 1: **Paper Boats and Rainy Days But Its Tides And Separation**

The coastal city of Seoul was a canvas of memories, painted with the hues of childhood. In those narrow alleys, where the scent of salt mingled with the laughter of children, **Noh Da-Hyun** and **Yoo Jeong** had woven their own world—a world of whispered secrets and scraped knees.

Their friendship bloomed like the cherry blossoms that lined the streets each spring. Da-Hyun, with her sun-kissed cheeks and a heart as vast as the ocean, was the fearless leader of their adventures. Jeong, quieter but equally curious, followed her lead. Together, they explored hidden corners—the abandoned warehouse by the docks, the gnarled tree that guarded their secret hideout, and the old pier where the sea met the sky.

But it was on rainy days that magic unfolded. The city transformed—the cobblestones glistening, umbrellas bobbing like colorful jellyfish. Da-Hyun and Jeong would race through the downpour, their laughter echoing off the wet walls. They'd find refuge beneath the pier, where the raindrops played a symphony on the wooden beams.

"Let's make paper boats," Da-Hyun would declare, her eyes alight with mischief. Jeong would nod, his fingers deftly folding scraps of notebook paper into delicate vessels. They'd write their wishes—simple things like "rainbows" and "endless summers"—and place them in the boats.

Together, they'd launch their fleet into the rain-swollen gutters. The paper boats would dance, carried away by miniature currents, disappearing around corners. Da-Hyun believed that if their boats reached the end of the alley, their wishes would come true. Jeong, ever the skeptic, would smile and play along.

"Mine will reach the sea," Da-Hyun declared one rainy afternoon, her boat sailing ahead. Jeong's boat followed, its edges slightly crumpled. "And yours?"

Jeong hesitated. "Maybe it'll get stuck in a drain."

Da-Hyun laughed. "You need more imagination, Jeong."

But Jeong's imagination was reserved for other things—like the constellations he pointed out on clear nights. He'd trace invisible lines between stars, creating stories of mythical creatures and lost lovers. Da-Hyun listened, her head resting on his shoulder, the sea breeze carrying their dreams out to sea.

Their hideout beneath the pier became a sanctuary. They'd huddle together, rain dripping from their hair, sharing secrets. Da-Hyun confessed her fear of thunderstorms, and Jeong promised to protect her. Jeong revealed his love for painting, and Da-Hyun vowed to be his first art exhibit.

And then, one rainy day, Jeong's boat vanished. Da-Hyun's heart sank as she watched it disappear into a storm drain. She clutched her own boat, willing it to reach the sea.

The coastal winds whispered secrets to the waves, and the sea listened—a silent witness to the unraveling of two intertwined destinies. In the heart of Seoul, where the scent of salt clung to memories, **Noh Da-Hyun** and **Yoo Jeong** had danced through childhood, their laughter echoing off cobblestone walls. But beneath the laughter lay a tapestry of family backgrounds—threads of privilege and politics, woven into their lives.

Da-Hyun was not an ordinary girl. She hailed from a **royal lineage**, her bloodline tracing back to ancient dynasties. Her father, a middle-ranked military official, stood tall with a stern demeanor, his uniform crisp and precise. Their home in Seoul was a fortress, its walls echoing with the weight of tradition. Da-Hyun's dreams were bound by duty—to uphold the legacy, to serve the nation. Da-Hyun family were indigene of Busan while Jeong family were indigene of Seoul but work bring Da-Hyun family to Seoul.

Jeong, on the other hand, was a son of Seoul—a child of the bustling streets and hidden alleys. His father, a seasoned politician, navigated the currents of power with finesse. The Yoo family home stood in the heart of the city, its walls adorned with framed speeches and whispered promises. Jeong's dreams were painted in shades of governance—to shape policies, to sway opinions.

Their paths converged in the narrow alleys near the sea. Da-Hyun's sun-kissed cheeks met Jeong's quiet gaze, and their laughter became a shared melody. They played hide-and-seek among the cherry blossoms, their footsteps leaving imprints on the pavement. Jeong taught Da-Hyun constellations—the stories behind Orion's belt and Cassiopeia's throne. She listened, her head resting on his shoulder, the sea breeze carrying their dreams out to sea.

But fate, ever the weaver of intricate patterns, had other plans. One summer evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Da-Hyun and Jeong finished playing. She waved goodbye, promising to return the next day. The sea whispered its approval, unaware of the tempest brewing within their homes.

That night, as rain tapped against Da-Hyun's window, her parents sat in the dimly lit study. Their voices, once harmonious, clashed like thunder. The walls absorbed their anger—the weight of expectations, the burden of lineage. Da-Hyun listened from her room, her heart racing. She clutched the paper boat Jeong had made, its edges softened by rain. At that time she was 10 years old.

The next morning, the sun rose on a fractured world. Da-Hyun's parents sat her down, their faces etched with sorrow. The sea outside remained calm, oblivious to the storm within. Her father's words cut deeper than any sword—a decree of separation. Her mother, tearful yet resolute, took Da-Hyun's hand. They left Seoul, leaving behind the fortress, the cherry blossoms, and Jeong.

In Seoul, Jeong waited by the old pier, his paper boat lost in the rain-swollen gutters. Days turned into weeks, and weeks into years. The waves swallowed their laughter, and the tides carried Da-Hyun away. She grew up in the shadow of her lineage, her dreams stifled by duty. The boy with eyes like galaxies faded into memory—a phantom of rainy days and whispered wishes.

As ink met paper once again, they rewrote their destiny. Perhaps, just perhaps, their seashells would find each other again, carried by the tides of separation. And in the quiet alleys of a coastal city, where memories lingered like salt on the breeze, their love defied time—a tale of whispered confessions, salt-kissed kisses, and the ache of what could have been.

***To be continued *** this story didn't happen in Korea but in Nigeria and I just change the characters name and the place name.

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