

kimbell_angelyc · Realistic
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28 Chs



The phone ringing nonstop left a groan leaving Aria's lips.

"Just let me sleep in peace this once!!"She groaned burying her head in the pillow but the caller kept calling.

"F**k!!"She groaned and traced her hands on the side table picking up her phone and without checking the caller's ID she swiped green.

📞"Just let me sleep in peace,it's too early"she shouted at the caller.

📞"Check the news madam"Anaya yelled from the other end and Aria twitched a brow

📞"I don't wanna check any f**king thing"She groaned and Anaya slapped her forehead from where she is

📞"You're always stubborn, ecstatic care is offering job opportunities and is your f*king time to get the job, isn't God really awesome??"Anaya chuckled and Aria left the bed immediately.

📞"Ana,how much is the pay??"She asked heading to the bathroom,an once she was inside,she placed the phone on her shoulder supporting it with her head before taking her toothbrush and once she took the toothpaste,she pressed a little quantity of the paste on her brush and began brushing.

📞"Am their manager! How are my supposed to know huh??, we're talking about ecstatic care here young lady and your one month salary is capable of sending Adam to school"Anaya explained and Aria smiled.

📞"Thanks Ana,when are they taking the interview??"She asked before rinsing her mouth and coming out from the bathroom.

📞"Today Aria,go grab the opportunity"Ana replied again

📞"You're a darling Ana,I love you so so much"Aria said and began blowing kisses to her while Ana smiled from her end,and after talking for two or three minutes,they hung up while Aria rushed to the bathroom to take a shower.

Moments later,she came out from the bathroom dripping wet,she went over to her dressing stand and picked her body lotion,she applied it and went over to her closet selecting a pair of a beautiful yellow gown.

After putting on the cloth,she went over to the mirror and brushed her hair before packing it in a net bun.

She took her bag and left the room heading downstairs.

"You're awake??"Her mom asked and seeing she's already dressed up she arched her brows.

"Good morning mom"Aria smiled walking over to her before placing a peck on her cheek

"Going out already??"Her mom asked

"Yes mom, there's this interview i wanna catch up with"she smiled and Hannah nodded

"All the best love, aren't you eating??"

"No mom,I'll buy something on the way if possible"And with that said she left the house.


The cab stopped in front of the industry and Aria got down before paying the man.

"Hmmm"she exhaled and began walking towards the industry gate.

"Who are you??"One of the securities asked

"Am here for an interview!!"She replied

"Am sorry but..."

"Just let me in for Pete's sake please"Aria begged and the security shook his head before opening the gate for her.

If only she knew that what they want is a male and not a female employee

"Woah!"She gushed looking around in the big industry.

She's only seen it on Tvs and finally stepping foot in this industry is like an honor to her

"More luxurious than I thought"She smiled and walked into the industry.

After asking the receptionist of the floor the interview is going on,she left heading to the eleventh floor.


Ethan sat on his swivel chair with a frown on his face,he's currently interviewing the first guy who had a disgusting look.

He's wearing a tattered jean trouser and a black shirt,then the two buttons of the shirt is opened,a black booth and his hair locked

Ethan stared at him from hair to toe while the guy itself kept smiling.

"Out!"He said in a commanding tone causing the guy to arch a brow

"But sir.."

"Securities"he called and the guy scurried off before the securities came.

"Next"he called and a girl in a skimpy dress came out, chewing her gum as she stepped inside the office,she did the worst by blowing bubble and a gasp left Ethan's lips.

"What the f**k is she here for??"He thought.

"Here is my.."



"Get lost!!"

He continued throwing them out till it was Aria's turn.


And Aria walked in with her cv in her hand,Ethan stared at her from hair to toe before sighing out.

"I made it clear that what I need is a guy,so why the f**k are females here??"He asked with anger.

"Sir I don't know that what you need is a male employee but trust me to deliver,I'll concentrate on my job and I won't.."

"There's no need for preaching,just get out"he said coldly and Aria swallowed the lump in her throat

"I said out!"He repeated and Aria flinched before leaving the office heartbroken.

Ethan sighed and took the telecom

📞"Dismiss everyone,we will continue some other time,am fed up already"He said to the receiver before disconnecting the call.



Immediately Aria reached home,she slumped on the couch tiredly which got Adam approaching her

"Did anything happen?? Are you feeling sick?? You didn't eat before leaving??"He asked at a time

"Adam,one question at a time"She said and Adam nodded

"Just worried you look tired"he replied and Aria smiled.

"So tell me what happened??"

"Actually I went for an interview but he only needs a male employee so I got rejected"She said sadly and Hannah who was coming downstairs rushed to her immediately

"Am sorry baby!"She cried hugging her

"I wish I can work to help.."

"Please mom,your health is against that,life first"Aria said cutting her off abruptly.

Adam kept quiet staring at them which got them looking his way

"Adam, don't be sad okay.. told you am going to enroll you and nothing is changing that"Aria smiled

"He needs a male employee?"Adam asked slowly.

"Mmm"Aria hummed in reply.

"Okay, I have an idea sis"he began





Heart y'all big time 🤭