

ZTKYT · Fantasy
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Tick-Toc Chapter 4

Tick-Toc Chapter 4

*25 minutes before* "Kyle I'm off okay, tell Joel and Sean I'm going out for a bit if they wake up!" Ken announced frantically, 

"OK KEN!," Kyle shouted back. Ken ran off and went for his bike "Huh? Where did my bike go?" Ken said in confusion, he noticed that the lock was undone and the key was in the lock. "She may have taken it, I'll just run, I'm fast anyways".

Ken dashed off through the dirt path onto the main path to the city, he then noticed a wagon being pulled and grabbed onto the back letting it carry him to the city.

"Ok let's stop right here." Ken said to himself as he jumped off the wagon, "Now where do I start looking for her? Let me think, she usually loves going to the clothing district! But now she's searching for that guy, so where would he be?".

 Ken continued to ponder to himself as he ran through the streets searching and searching for her. "Where could she possibly be?" Ken said, still worried as he used an alleyway as a shortcut, then he saw it, it was his bike parked right outside a broken closed-off subway station.

"Ohhh no, this can't be good". Shenn slashed at the humanoid and slit the back of its neck open about halfway, the thing screeched its lungs out at an infuriating frequency in pain as it had a tantrum trying to alleviate the pain.

The only thing louder than its scream was another, the scream of Suki. It frightened her half to death when it got cut, "AHHHHHH'' Suki screamed as she erupted into tears and distraught, suddenly Shenn stopped himself from hacking at the monster and immediately B-lined it to Suki, "OH CRAP, YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE HERE!" Shenn exclaimed. 

Suki continued to wail at the top of her lungs pushing Shenn off of her as he tried to comfort her, "Suki I need you to calm down please I'm sorry you aren't supposed to see this, I'm sorry please." Suki began to calm down

"Please, is it gonna hurt me? Am I ok?" Suki said in a sob,

 "Yes it's gonna be all fine just come here and hug me tight it's all fine." Suki gladly embraced a hug as Shenn dropped the knife and put her head over his shoulder.

As Shenn rocked her back and forth soothing her with soft hushes, Suki noticed something, but she was still too teary-eyed and frightened that she couldn't see properly or realize what she was seeing.

The Humanoid rose, its head nearly off its shoulder, was now put back into place, and the glowing insides of the neck had latched onto the once separated neck and head and began merging them back together, the creature adjusted itself and blinked each eye manually as if it was checking if it still functioned. 

The creature had the most monstrous face, oversized forehead, and huge overbite and it looked skeletal. It looked at Suki, she then realized what was happening and she erupted once more, "Um um UM UM UM UMMM SHEEEEENNNN!!" she squealed, 

"It's ok shush you're okay…" Shenn replied, then a screech, and he turned around, and the humanoid was on all fours sprinting at him with a half limp head screeching, "SHENN WATCH OUT!!"

 "OH SHI-" Shenn said with a shock on his face, the monster tackled him, cutting his sentence off and shoving Suki off her arms onto the floor, simultaneously embedding one of its talons into his jacket which forced a grunt out of Shenn as it hugged his upper body.

 "ARGH, YOU DAMN MUTANT!" Shenn said in pain as he tried to get the Humanoid off himself, it then caused him to slip on a spray paint can.

The Humanoid had fallen off Shenn as Shenn landed on the back of his head after slipping on the can, he let out a grunt while holding the back of his head, "Damnit, remember to always double tap damn… WAIT!" Shenn said frantically while realizing the monster was still there.

As Shenn got up, he noticed the Humanoid had broken its neck, and just finished adjusting it, but then he also noticed, his knife, lying between the both of them.

Both Shenn and the humanoid saw it, and the two locked eyes with each other. "THAT'S MINE SUCKER" Shenn screamed as he charged for it. 

The monster screeched once more and went to beat him to it, but it was different this time. The Humanoid began to gleam, and static began to form at its hands and feet as its veins in the same area lit up significantly. 

He charged Shenn with force and speed, "GOT IT!" Shenn said excitedly, within a second the Humanoid viciously tackled him, it sent him from one side of the subway station to the bench on the other side across the tracks.

They landed and Shenn impaled the creature in the shoulder and it grappled onto him again and they rolled onto the tracks, out of sight as the lights went out.

 A few grunts came from both Shenn and the Humanoid, then a kicking sound paired with gushing noises, then silence… the sound of liquid could be heard spilling… Suki sat there crying on the other side, "Sh…Shenn?" she said softly, no response, "Shenn are you down there, please be okay…" then suddenly a response, 

"Ahhhhhg" Shenn grunted slowly as if his voice was fading, 

"Oh good you're okay!" She said relieved, Suki then got up and as she took a step, a claw gripped onto ledge of the subway platform, and a squeal from the humanoid, Suki's heart dropped as she realized what happened, "OH NO!" Suki yelled as she ran behind the trash can.

 The humanoid crawled up drooling and covered in blood, with its mouth wide open, eyes fully blacked out, scanning the area, then suddenly, "OAH" Suki gagged, she hid behind a wretched trash can filled with dead who knows what.

"I wished I chose a better spot" Suki whispered to herself, but it attracted the monster, Suki was startled and was paralyzed not able to do anything at the creature grew closer.

It started to sniff the ground as Suki began to weep, then the humanoid painfully made an ear-screeching noise and it swept the trash can to the ground revealing Suki.

 "AHHHHHHH!" Suki screamed with whatever little voice she had left, the creature continued to screech as it swiped at Suki, but then suddenly, a plank of wood hit the monster's head as someone tackled Suki to get her out of the way. It was Ken.