

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 93: We are brothers with the black python, we are brothers

Two days later, the black python arrived as promised.

 Without saying a word, he headed straight towards Chen Qingyuan and landed on him, knocking him into the ground.

 Chen Qingyuan started a new round of painful life, complaining that the sky was not responding and the earth was not working.

 Song Ningyan's situation was much better than Chen Qingyuan's. Although she was also beaten, the degree was different.

 "Master must be taking revenge on him."

 Looking at Chen Qingyuan who was being beaten violently, Song Ningyan felt frightened. She couldn't help but think of the scene when Chen Qingyuan cursed who was the bastard who promulgated the list of the ten heroes of the Northern Wilderness.

 Even though he was beaten, Chen Qingyuan did not expose the holy gold elixir's trump card. Because he knew very well that even if all three holy elixirs were exposed, it would not be able to change the outcome.

 What's more, the black python will not kill Chen Qingyuan. At most, he will only suffer some skin injuries, which is not a big problem.

 Not to mention, being beaten by the black python, Chen Qingyuan broke through the bottleneck of cultivation and reached the middle stage of the Golden Core Realm.

 During the period of cultivation breakthrough, the black python was unusually quiet, and gave Chen Qingyuan a month to solidify his foundation.

 After Chen Qingyuan's cultivation was stable, the black python attacked again, beating Chen Qingyuan so hard that he screamed: "Brother, you are so cruel, please show mercy!" "

 For your own good, hold on."

 The black python This is a trick for Chen Qingyuan, which greatly enhances Chen Qingyuan's practical experience.

 Moreover, the black python will point out Chen Qingyuan's weak points and attack with all his strength.

 In this way, Chen Qingyuan made up for the possible flaws in the battle, and his actual combat ability improved by leaps and bounds.

 "You beat that girl too! Don't do it just for me!"

 Chen Qingyuan pointed at Song Ningyan who was watching the show and said loudly.

 "Then two of us will beat him together."

 The black python laughed, then transformed into a shadow and attacked Song Ningyan.

 Song Ningyan was very unhappy about this and stared at Chen Qingyuan fiercely.

 This kind of life lasted for four full years, and Chen Qingyuan's cultivation level rose to another level, reaching the late stage of the Golden Core Realm.

 Song Ningyan has also gained something, and has reached the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm.

 After this period of getting along, the relationship between Chen Qingyuan and Black Python has improved a lot.

 After calculating the time, Zhao Yichuan planned to come over and take a look.

 Unlock the restrictions and step in.

 Zhao Yichuan saw the scene in front of him, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

 In a huge open space, Chen Qingyuan set up a huge iron net, with spiritual fire burning underneath.

 The iron net is filled with all kinds of meat, and various drinks and rare fruits are placed next to it.

 "Brother Hei, does it taste good?"

 Chen Qingyuan put a piece of roasted meat into the mouth of the black python.

 "It's not bad. Let's bake it for a while."

 The black python was very satisfied with the food. A burst of spiritual power lifted up a jar of wine and poured it all into his mouth.

 "Okay." According to the black python's request, Chen Qingyuan planned to grill the meat for a while: "There are spiritual fruits over there, brother, you can make do with it."

 "You're good at it, kid."

 The black python praised. .

 At this time, Zhao Yichuan came.

 What's going on?


 Zhao Yichuan was stunned for a while, then strode over: "Old Hei, why are you still eating it?"

 "I'm so greedy."

 For so many years, the black python has no taste at all except for having enough spiritual stones. He wasn't hungry, he was just greedy.

 Starting a year ago, Chen Qingyuan wanted to get himself something delicious, but unexpectedly he lured the black python out. At that time, he was shocked and prepared to be beaten.

 However, the situation was not what Chen Qingyuan thought. The black python finished the delicacies on the table in one bite, and it was still unfinished.

 Since then, Chen Qingyuan has started feeding the black python, giving the black python different flavors of food every day.

 Fortunately, Chen Qingyuan likes to taste delicious food, so there are a lot of fresh meat, fruits, fine wine and fragrant tea in the space ring.

 Those who take people have short hands and eat people with soft mouths.

 The black python ate something belonging to Chen Qingyuan, so it was really hard to do anything. Therefore, in the past year, only Song Ningyan was beaten, while Chen Qingyuan was unscathed. With his shamelessness and emotional intelligence, he directly became brothers with the black python.

 "Forget it, I haven't thought about it all these years."

 Zhao Yichuan wanted to say a few words to the black python, but then he thought about it. Although he comes here every time, he doesn't bring anything to the black python. At most, he just chats. Change the dressing.

 Zhao Yichuan, who has been a boy for thousands of years, is dedicated to cultivating Taoism, but he never thought of preparing delicious food for the black python. The most important thing is that Black Python never mentioned it, how did Zhao Yichuan know that Black Python had such needs.

 Black Python has lived in Daoyi Academy since he was a child, and was locked up in this space not long after he was born. To him, everything in the outside world is strange and new. How could he know that there are so many delicious things outside.

 In the eyes of the black python, the most worthless thing is the spirit stone. He eats it every day. Apart from ensuring the energy he needs, it has no taste at all. ъìqυgΕtv.℃ǒΜ

 "Everyone has gained something, it's okay."

 After a quick glance, Zhao Yichuan saw that the two people's cultivation had improved, and he nodded happily.

 Song Ningyan looked at Chen Qingyuan with a resentful look on her face. This guy had established a relationship with the black python. He didn't say a good word to her, but he was gloating about being beaten.

 "When I find the opportunity, I will give you a hard time."

 Song Ningyan thought to herself.

 "It's time to go."

 Zhao Yichuan said with his hands behind his back.

 I can finally leave this hellish place!

 Chen Qingyuan was very happy in his heart, but there was a hint of reluctance on the surface: "Brother Hei, I have to go."

 Hei Python was also in a very low mood. After Chen Qingyuan left, wouldn't he have to eat those stones again? How uncomfortable!

 "Brother Hei, here are all the good things in my body, all for you."

 Chen Qingyuan took out a Qiankun bag and put the few remaining meats and drinks in it.

 "Brother, I have wronged you in the past few years. I must apologize to you. Don't hold grudges."

 Black Python thought of the beginning and felt guilty.

 "It doesn't matter. If it weren't for Brother Hei's help, my strength wouldn't have improved so quickly. It's too late for me to be grateful, so how can I hold grudges."

 Chen Qingyuan said with a sincere face.

 "Don't say anything anymore. If you run into any trouble in the future and you can't beat me, just hide away for now. After I get out of seclusion, brother, I will take you back to the place."

 Although the black python is older, it is sealed in Therefore, he is not deeply involved in the world and does not understand many things in the world.

 Therefore, under the company and deception of Chen Qingyuan for a year, Hei Mang became good buddies and made a promise from the bottom of their hearts.


 Chen Qingyuan was overjoyed and said to himself that the suffering he had endured all these years was not in vain, it was worth it.

 After more than a year of chatting, Chen Qingyuan gained a deep understanding of the black python.

 The dean's pets are not comparable to any cats or dogs.

 Black Python's cultivation reached the Mahayana stage many years ago. Unfortunately, the seal placed by the dean is too powerful, and it will take some time for the black python to break through.

 Looking at the scene of Chen Qingyuan and the black python reluctant to leave, Zhao Yichuan was stunned.

 In just the past few years, Chen Qingyuan, you kid, has deceived Lao Hei into a brother. This is too outrageous!

 Zhao Yichuan couldn't accept it and his expression was a little rich.

 If Chen Qingyuan is allowed to stay a little longer, wouldn't his feelings gradually increase?

 "Stop inking and leave quickly."

 No, we can't let Lao Hei be brainwashed, take Chen Qingyuan away quickly.

 When Chen Qingyuan turned around, he also said: "Brother Hei, when you come out, I will take you to eat delicious food all over the world."


 Black Python's eyes were shining, and he couldn't believe it.

 "Of course it's true, we are brothers."

 Chen Qingyuan assured, patting his chest.

 The last time Chen Qingyuan said this, he seemed to be talking to Han Shan and almost deceived Han Shan to death.

 "That's great. I wish I had met you earlier."

 The lonely black python felt a hint of warmth.

 "Hurry and leave."

 Zhao Yichuan's face was full of black lines. He pulled Chen Qingyuan and Song Ningyan and left, not letting Chen Qingyuan say another word.

 If you had met Chen Qingyuan a long time ago, you would have happily counted the money for him after being sold by him.

 well! Lao Hei's mind is not very mature and he must be taught a lesson, otherwise he will be easily fooled.