

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 8 The senior brother who protects the calf

Dong Wenjun, wearing a gray robe, pushed open the door and walked out with a gloomy expression.

 "I've met Elder Dong."

 In an instant, Yao Susu and others' expressions changed and they bowed.

 Dong Wenjun asked who he was. He was the protector elder of Xuan Qing Sect, a top expert in the tribulation period.

 The presence of such figures in person made many people tremble and feel in awe.

 "The elder protecting the sect of the Xuanqing Sect is actually here. He is a famous figure!" "

 The marriage between the two sects will not bring the powerful person who has passed through the tribulation period

 to come in person!" "It seems that he is not here for the marriage, otherwise He has shown up a long time ago, why hide."

 The monks who were watching were in an uproar and were dumbfounded.

 Dong Wenjun had not left the Xuan Qing Sect for many years. He came out secretly this time because he was worried that Chen Qingyuan would be bullied and had been hiding in the plywood of the cabin.

 "Senior Brother Dong, why did you follow me here?"

 Chen Qingyuan was also surprised and turned to look at Dong Wenjun, who had white hair and a majestic expression.

 "Senior brother, aren't we afraid that you will be bullied?"

 When Dong Wenjun looked at Chen Qingyuan, he immediately put away his indifferent attitude toward outsiders, showed a kind smile, and spoke softly.

 He has already lost his junior brother once, and he will never lose him again.

 When Chen Qingyuan's soul lamp was extinguished, Dong Wenjun felt as if he had been struck by thunder, feeling sad in his heart. Later, Dong Wenjun knelt in front of the tomb of the Supreme Elder and frankly said that he had not taken good care of Chen Qingyuan and deeply blamed himself.

 "Senior brother..." The tip of Chen Qingyuan's nose felt slightly sore and his throat tightened.

 Elders who protect the sect can only leave the sect when the sect is in danger or when something important happens.

 However, in order to ensure Chen Qingyuan's safety, Dong Wenjun violated the sect's rules.

 When everyone heard Dong Wenjun's words, they were surprised and envious. To have a senior brother who has transcended the tribulation period to protect the way is something that countless people never dare to dream about.

 If it were before, that would be fine, because at that time Chen Qingyuan was extremely talented and was the hope of the new generation of Xuan Qing Sect. Now, Chen Qingyuan has become a mortal with a useless body. Why are the top officials of Xuan Qing Sect like this?

 "No one can bully my junior brother." Dong Wenjun asked Chen Qingyuan to stand aside and leave these matters to him.

 Then, Dong Wenjun stood on the Nine Heavens, glanced at the monks of each sect, and finally set his eyes on the people in Dongyi Palace: "If the Xuanqing Sect is not welcomed by the marriage between the two sects, then the Xuanqing Sect can leave now."

 "Elder Dong, calm down, this junior has no such intention."

 Yao Susu's bent waist lowered a little, and the clothes on her back were wet with cold sweat.

 Just now, Yao Susu dared to bully Chen Qingyuan verbally, but he just looked at the few inner disciples accompanying him in the warship and didn't take it seriously. If she had known that Dong Wenjun was staying in the cabin, she would not have dared to say what she just said.

 Having offended Dong Wenjun's majesty, the current head of Dongyi Palace had to come to apologize.

 A powerful person in the Tribulation Stage is a top figure in the vast Northern Wilderness and should not be offended.

 "Then what do you mean?"

 Dong Wenjun asked loudly.


 A terrible coercion fell on Yao Susu, making Yao Susu feel as if he was being pressed by a huge mountain, extremely heavy and unable to breathe.

 "In the past, for the sake of my junior brother, I chatted with you a few more words to give you some face. When it comes to seniority and strength, you are not even qualified to see me. You dare to bully my junior brother today, really. Push your nose and face."

 Dong Wenjun watched Chen Qingyuan grow up and pampered him since he was a child. He tried his best to satisfy Chen Qingyuan with all the delicious and fun things. He himself was not willing to scold Chen Qingyuan, so how could he allow others to bully him.

 If it weren't for the fact that there were still a few old guys in Dongyi Palace, Dong Wenjun wouldn't have used coercion to intimidate him, but would have directly dumped some big-eared melon seeds on Yao Susu.

 People from the younger generation came to provoke them, but Dong Wenjun turned a blind eye and did not dare to come forward. If the older generation dares to rely on their old age and sell themselves off, then Dong Wenjun can't bear it anymore.

 "Junior, I know I was wrong."

 Yao Susu couldn't bear the pressure of the tribulation period anymore. Her bones seemed to have been crushed into pieces, so she gritted her teeth and apologized.

 "Hmph!" Dong Wenjun snorted coldly and dissipated his pressure: "Next time, I will educate you on Dongyi Palace's behalf." "

 Thank you for your forgiveness, senior."

 Even though Yao Susu had ten thousand resentments and resentments in her heart Dissatisfaction is not allowed to show, and you have to thank you.

 "Go away!"

 Dong Wenjun put his hands behind his back, not paying attention to Yao Susu at all. If he wanted to, he could suppress it with one finger.

 Immediately, Yao Susu and others left quickly without looking back. This embarrassment was a big one, and it would definitely become the talk of countless people soon.

 No one expected that the big boss of Xuan Qing Sect would come over. The young man who had just verbally humiliated Xu Changge disappeared in the blink of an eye for fear of retaliation.

 There was quite a commotion here. When Yan Minghai learned that it was Chen Qingyuan's matter, he rushed over immediately.

 "Senior Brother Dong." After a little inquiry, Yan Minghai figured out the whole story. He returned to the warship and bowed to Dong Wenjun first, then looked at Chen Qingyuan with worried eyes: "Junior Brother, are you okay? !"


 Suddenly, Dong Wenjun kicked Yan Minghai, sending him flying a thousand meters.

 Yan Minghai paused in the air, adjusted his clothes, and returned to his original position.

 "Xiao Qi, why are you so stupid? You threw your junior brother on the boat alone. If I hadn't come with you, I don't know how I would have been bullied."

 Dong Wenjun pointed at the nose of the seventh elder Yan Minghai and cursed.

 "It's all my fault, I almost put my junior brother in danger."

 Yan Minghai blamed himself.

 "Senior Brother Dong, I have nothing to do. Don't hold Senior Brother Yan accountable." Chen Qingyuan hurriedly stepped forward to admonish, pulled Dong Wenjun to sit on a chair, and poured a cup of tea: "Senior Brother, drink some tea to calm down.

 " Wenjun's kick just now was so fast that Chen Qingyuan didn't react at all and realized it later.

 "Junior brother, I didn't blame you, so forget it!"

 After drinking a cup of tea, most of Dong Wenjun's anger dissipated.

 Yan Minghai cast a grateful look at Chen Qingyuan, sparing him a beating.

 Monks from all walks of life looked at this scene in disbelief.

 Everyone couldn't understand why they still loved Chen Qingyuan so much when it was clear that he had become a useless person.

 "Elder Dong is here in person at Tianyu Sect. Please come in and have a seat."

 While everyone was still wondering why Chen Qingyuan was so favored, the great elder of Tianyu Sect came forward, smiling and bowing.

 "I want to play chess with my junior brother, so I have no time." Dong Wenjun had no intention of giving the Tianyu Sect this face, so he refused directly.

 Hearing this answer, the great elder of Tianyu Sect was stunned.

 Soon, the Great Elder came back to his senses and smiled: "When Elder Dong is free, you can come in at any time. Tianyu Sect will definitely entertain you."

 Dong Wenjun didn't like this kind of red tape and was too lazy to answer.

 Due to Dong Wenjun's appearance, many old guys showed up and came to say hello.

 All these trivial matters were handled by Yan Minghai, while Dong Wenjun was sitting in the cabin playing chess with Chen Qingyuan, drinking tea, and laughing happily.

 Soon the day of marriage came, and a layer of auspicious glow appeared in the sky, stretching for hundreds of thousands of miles. Many sects stepped over and sent congratulatory gifts with great fanfare.

 "Here we come."

 Tianyu Sect's wedding team arrived on time, full of grandeur, and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

 Seven-headed dragons pulled a white jade chariot, which was filled with monks, showing great strength and extraordinary momentum.

 Behind the white jade chariot was a sedan chair.

 Said to be a sedan chair, it actually looks like a small mobile palace.

 The whole body is inlaid with gold and jade, and many places are engraved with patterns of dragons and phoenixes dancing. White mist that turns into aura surrounds the surroundings. Bai Xixue, who is sitting in the sedan chair, is wearing a pink dress and a phoenix crown on her head.

 The fairy mist curls up and the sky is filled with rosy clouds.

 The monks watched from a distance, intently.