

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 47 I look down on your upstart face

Being blocked by the senior brothers, Chen Qingyuan stood awkwardly: "Brothers, is something wrong?"

 "You made a lot of money, don't you know how to give a share to the senior brothers?"

 The senior brothers also had a straight temper. He directly stated his intention.

 "Oh, so that's what happened. It's easy to talk about."

 Chen Qingyuan pretended to suddenly realize it.

 "We all borrowed your Qiankun Bag and we have to charge interest."

 Junior brother, it's not that the senior brothers are stingy, it's that we really have no money!

 The senior brothers present are all guys who have lived for thousands of years. They have nothing and are shorter than others when they go out. If money was not really tight, they would not be able to save face and ask Chen Qingyuan for the spiritual stone.

 I glanced at the senior brothers who arrived. Most of them had families. It was not easy to save some money for their own money.

 One of the senior brothers actually had a patch on the Xuanfu Taoist robe, which made Chen Qingyuan tremble slightly in his heart when he saw it. He said secretly: "We are also the inner elders of Xuanqing Sect after all. A powerful person in the realm of gods, how can we be so shabby?" Well."

 Xuan Qing Sect does not occupy the resources of other sects, nor does it engage in theft or robbery. Therefore, despite their advanced cultivation, these senior brothers actually do not have much wealth.

 The secret realms in Fuliu Star Territory have almost been mined. Nowadays, it is rare to hear of new secret realms appearing, which makes the lives of the senior brothers very difficult.

 Fortunately, the sisters-in-law are in charge of the financial power, and they seem to have anticipated that such a day would come, and will provide the senior brothers with enough training resources every once in a while. As for the spirit stones for drinking and playing around, I will definitely not give them to them and I will find a way to get them myself.

 "Take it!"

 Chen Qingyuan had just made a fortune from Han Shan. He was very wealthy and all the senior brothers present had a share.

 A certain senior brother looked at the 800 pieces of middle-grade spiritual stones in his hand, and then looked at the arrogant Chen Qingyuan, and said the most cowardly words with the most ruthless expression: "Little junior brother, the eighth senior brother really can't stand a nouveau riche like you. You have a good face, if you can, you can take more spiritual stones and smash me to death."


 Everyone glanced at the Eighth Senior Brother and secretly cursed him for being shameless.

 "I'm not bragging. If you push it forward a thousand years, I wouldn't even take a look at your spiritual stone. Even if it falls on the ground, I'm too lazy to pick it up. I'm too tired." "I've

 spent so much money in recent years . We have a lot of resources, but we have nowhere to make money, and our monthly salary is so small. It's really difficult!" "

 Actually, our Xuanqing Sect is not poor either. There are many good things in the treasure house. But we need to maintain the spiritual formations in various places. It will only make our life a little harder."

 "Little brother, how about my brother be your guardian for a period of time, and you give me some hard work allowance every month."

 Senior brothers You said one sentence to another, telling me about the poverty in recent years.

 In fact, as advanced practitioners, they have many ways to earn spiritual stones.

 It's just that they don't want to leave the Xuan Qing Sect, nor do they want to become worshipers of some chambers of commerce. They only rely on their monthly salary to maintain their livelihood, so they appear to be in such a miserable state.

 To sum it up in one word, lazy!

 Never go out to make money unless absolutely necessary.

 "It's almost enough. It's enough for you to entertain yourself for a while."

 Chen Qingyuan is not worried about the cultivation resources of his senior brothers. His sisters-in-law know that. After they got the spiritual stone, they just went to buy fine wine or visit busy places.

 "How stingy."

 Everyone benefited from Chen Qingyuan, and they said it unwillingly before leaving.

 Chen Qingyuan was not surprised and laughed and shook his head.

 Then, Chen Qingyuan distributed part of the spirit stones to his senior sister, kept some for himself, and put the rest in the mission hall to increase the rewards for the sect disciples after completing the mission.

 The tasks in the temple are relatively normal. For example, if a robber appears in a certain place and commits murder, mark his cultivation level, and the disciple who is confident can accept the task.

 This can not only improve the reputation of Xuan Qing Sect, but also allow the disciples within the sect to gain more practical experience. It can also allow the disciples to earn additional training resources, achieving multiple goals with one stone.

 This mission hall was established by Chen Qingyuan, which greatly improved the overall level of the disciples in the sect.

 In addition, Chen Qingyuan also created many things that gradually increased the disciples' sense of belonging.

 An hour later, Han Shan arrived at Chen Qingyuan's training cave.

 "How was the chat?"

 Chen Qingyuan poured Han Shan a cup of tea and asked with a smile.

 "Alas! It's a bit inappropriate."

 Han Shan sighed softly.

 "What's wrong?" Chen Qingyuan was curious.

 "Fairy Lingran is excellent in all aspects, but it's a pity." Han Shan sighed softly: "I want to find a Taoist who likes jasmine, but Fairy Lingran doesn't like jasmine, but likes roses."

 " What then?" Chen Qingyuan asked.

 "Then I left, ending this fateful marriage."

 Han Shan felt it was a pity, but he had no regrets at all.

 "You're really good."

 Chen Qingyuan gave a thumbs up with great admiration.

 "Taoist couples should not be careless when they stay together for a lifetime. If the two people have different interests, they will definitely not be happy in their future lives."

 At first, Liu Lingran didn't know how to say rejection, but Han Shan was the first to say it, frankly admitting that the two of them did not agree. It was so appropriate. He apologized and left, leaving Liu Lingran sitting in the room in confusion.

 Han Shan has very high requirements for Taoist companions. Not only must they have excellent talent and appearance, but they must also have similar interests.

 "Old Han, I hope you can find the right Taoist companion in your mind."

 Chen Qingyuan patted Han Shan on the shoulder, convinced.

 "You can't force things like fate, just let it take its own course!"

 In fact, Han Shan felt that Liu Lingran was very good in all aspects, but he couldn't have the feeling of love at first sight. At most, he just admired the beauty.

 "It makes sense." Chen Qingyuan said.

 "Come here and say hello to you, I'm going back."

 After saying this, Han Shan waved his hand and strode away.

 "Go slowly, I won't send him off."

 Watching Han Shan leave, Chen Qingyuan felt a little guilty, after all, he had cheated his brother.

 It didn't take long for Chen Qingyuan to feel much better.

 It's not a big problem to cheat brothers occasionally. It's not like Han Shan has cheated Chen Qingyuan before, each other. If something dangerous is involved, both parties still know how to behave and will not make random jokes.

 At the same time, as the powerful men of each sect returned to their corresponding forces, the news that the ghost doctor visited Xuan Qing Sect in person spread to every corner of the Fuliu Star Territory, causing an uproar.

 "The rumored ghost doctor turned out to be a female."

 "I have heard that the ghost doctor has a weird temperament, so why are you so interested in Chen Qingyuan and come to Xuanqing Sect to support him?" "

 It is said that Chen Qingyuan called the ghost doctor sister, which got the ghost doctor's tacit approval. In order to scare the crowd, the ghost doctor turned his back. They suppressed the sect-protecting elder of Dongyi Palace and forced her to kneel down and beg for mercy. Fortunately, she saved her life." "

 This time, the major sects put pressure on Xuanqing Sect. Not only did they fail to extract useful information from Tianyuan, but they also It's a shame."

 People everywhere were talking about this matter, which was very lively.

 The fact that Chen Qingyuan could practice was suddenly exposed, which made many monks tremble. Bai Xixue from Dongyi Palace, wearing a plain dress, looked into the distance and lost her mind.