

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 45: Uncle Junior, you are such a dog, you change your face too quickly

"Uncle Junior, there is something wrong with the blind date!"

 When he said this, Liu Lingran's eyes narrowed and his tone was unkind.

 "Don't worry, it's just a fooling around. It will definitely not damage your reputation. Moreover, Xiaoran is so beautiful, gentle, considerate, and considerate. You can't take advantage of that bastard."

 Chen Qingyuan knew that there was something wrong with this, but for the sake of In order not to hurt the brotherhood and make myself a treacherous person, I had no choice but to make this move.

 "If it's a blind date with my junior uncle, I might consider it. Others are not suitable."

 Liu Lingran said with a half-smile. I don't know how true or false this sentence is.

 "Uh, please stop making fun of me and do me a favor! Please."

 Chen Qingyuan put down his dignity and begged softly.

 "Uncle Junior, do you think Xiaoran is beautiful?"

 Seeing Chen Qingyuan's anxious look, most of Liu Lingran's anger dissipated.

 "Of course you are beautiful. No one in the world can compare with you."

 Sinful, Chen Qingyuan prayed in his heart, hoping that this unintentional remark would not bring disaster.

 Although Liu Lingran is indeed beautiful and fragrant, she still falls short of being the most beautiful in the world. At least in Chen Qingyuan's memory, there are still a few people who are stronger than Liu Lingran in all aspects.

 "Then why do you let Xiaoran go on a blind date with others?"

 Liu Lingran asked forcefully.

 "It's just acting, don't take it seriously."

 Chen Qingyuan emphasized.

 "Even if it's acting, it shouldn't be like this. I heard that men are very possessive. Even if it's not their own, they can't take advantage of others. If you really think Xiaoran is beautiful, you can't do such a thing. Unless ..."

 Speaking of this, Liu Lingran paused deliberately, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said jokingly: "Unless my uncle's temperament has changed drastically and he is no longer a normal man." "

 What do you want to say?"

 Chen Qingyuan The more I listen, the weirder it gets.

 "Little Junior Uncle, is it because of Bai Xixue's incident that you have changed and are no longer interested in women?" Liu Lingran deliberately made a surprised expression: "No wonder Young Junior Uncle left with Senior Brother Lin Pingyan recently. You're so close, there's nothing wrong with you!"

 Upon hearing this, Chen Qingyuan's expression suddenly changed, and he cursed angrily: "You stinky girl, you're talking nonsense, be careful I beat you up."

 "Little Master Uncle, you can't beat me now, or are you? Give up this idea!"

 Liu Lingran was confident, her red lips smiling like a hundred flowers in bloom.

 "You..." Chen Qingyuan was speechless.

 Facts have proved that you have to spank your children as early as possible, otherwise the children will grow up in a blink of an eye and it will be difficult to spank them.

 After drinking a cup of tea, Chen Qingyuan calmed down and decided to bleed heavily.

 Originally, Chen Qingyuan planned to let Liu Lingran star in a friendly role and earn his own hard-earned money, but Liu Lingran didn't fall for it. In this case, Chen Qingyuan had no choice but to tell the truth: "Xiao Ran, I promise that this will not damage your reputation, and it will also make you a lot of money." "

 Oh? Tell me."

 It seems that all this is in Liu's hands. There were not many surprises under Lingran's control. Based on her understanding of her junior master uncle, he has never been the one to suffer losses, and he must be profitable.

 "When you meet Han Shan, he must give you a meeting gift! I worked so hard to find a suitable blind date for him, so you must pay me for my hard work!"

 Chen Qingyuan said bluntly.

 "It's just a greeting gift. I'm not a money-grubber."

 Liu Lingran disagreed.

 "This guy looks like a rich man. If I encourage him a little, the meeting gift will definitely be very generous."

 Chen Qingyuan has long been eyeing Han Shan's family fortune, and must exploit it, robbing the rich and giving to the poor.

 "You can consider it, but I will still pay half of your hard work."

 Liu Lingran said loudly.

 "..." After hearing this, Chen Qingyuan was not happy. He brought out the old memories and cried: "Xiao Ran, you have changed. I remember that when you first entered the profession, your junior uncle gave you the award The Yuzhu Peak Token also pointed out the direction of your practice, told you various rules of the Xuan Qing Sect, and gave you some resources for your practice..." "

 Little Master Uncle, stop pretending. "Liu Lingran quickly interrupted. She really convinced her junior uncle. She was just teasing her. Is it so serious? "I won't covet the hard work. Okay!" "It's

 a deal." Chen Qingyuan's face changed instantly and became serious.

 You are a dog, right? Change of face so quickly!

 Liu Lingran was speechless.

 "Xiao Ran, I'm taking care of you, don't think I'm taking advantage of you." Chen Qingyuan pretended to be thinking about you, and said sincerely: "Our Xuanqing Sect has a great cause, and there are female disciples everywhere with extraordinary talents. For example, Sun Lan from Bixia Peak, Gu Yuxiao from Liuyin Peak, etc. Although they are not as good as your appearance, not as considerate, gentle, generous, and charming as you, they are still enough to make that boy Han Shan feel happy. Admiration."

 "I am taking care of you and letting you earn some practice resources. Xiaoran, you have to thank me, do you understand?"

 Chen Qingyuan became more and more excited as he spoke, as if it was true.

 On the surface, Chen Qingyuan's words were to warn Liu Lingran not to feel wronged. There were many blind date candidates, but in fact, they were praising Liu Lingran.

 Liu Lingran was amused: "Okay, thank you, junior uncle, for taking such good care of me."

 "It's good to know." Chen Qingyuan said all the words he could think of to use to praise women in his life. Fortunately, Liu Ling was moved by his sincerity. Ran, willing to star.

 The only fly in the ointment is that Liu Lingran is not a friendly star, which is a pity!

 "Uncle Junior, isn't Han Shan your brother? Why do you treat him like this?"

 Liu Lingran couldn't understand this.

 How can brothers treat each other like this?

 "This kid is a rich man. We are

 so poor that we must find ways to make money for our livelihood." Chen Qingyuan didn't know how rich Han Shan's family was. He only knew that this kid was so rich that he could use money to destroy his family. The old man asked his master to co-act as a ghost doctor to fool others.

 However, no one expected that the ghost doctor would actually be found by just looking for someone to pave the way.

 Use money to knock the master out and make him put down his face and act. Judging from this incident alone, we can know that Hanshan is extremely rich, with a walking treasury!

 "Uncle Junior, didn't you just deceive the elders of various sects and make a huge fortune? Aren't these many spirit stones not enough for you?"

 Liu Lingran said.

 "No one can have too many spiritual stones. Besides, the money I earn is not mine alone, it is all for the sect."

 Chen Qingyuan was upright.

 Liu Lingran actually believed this, because many of the buildings and rules of Xuanqing Sect were created by Chen Qingyuan, which benefited all the disciples in the sect and the resource allocation was more reasonable.

 "Explicit brothers." Liu Lingran complained.

 "Nonsense, Brother Han and I are brothers of life and death." Chen Qingyuan glared at Liu Lingran: "This matter will not only allow you and I to earn some spiritual stones, but also allow Brother Han to experience the feeling of being on a blind date. His I'm so happy, I've achieved three birds with one stone, and no one has suffered a loss."

 Liu Lingran looked at Chen Qingyuan with strange eyes, "If I believe you, I'm a fool."

 "Get ready, I'll watch your performance later."

 Chen Qingyuan was about to leave and had to discuss the hard work and expenses with Han Shan.