

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 432 Something to do and something not to do

  Inside the Qing Sect, the disciples could not do anything to help. They could only stay in a specific area and watch the battle, extremely nervous and worried.

  "Can we really get through it?"

  Looking at the cracks on the sect-protecting formation and the powerful enemies attacking fiercely outside the formation, everyone was very uneasy, with worries on their faces.

  "If our ancestors have spirits in heaven, they will definitely protect Qingzong from the crisis."

  Many people began to pray.


  Loud noises continued, various Taoist patterns were spread across the void, there were thunder and lightning, and dark clouds covered the entire territory.

  The dark sky gradually became heavier.

  Due to the distorted space, the black mist formed various strange shapes, like countless demon gods bowing their heads. It was full of oppression. It shocked many disciples of Qingzong to turn pale, tremble all over, and feel extremely horrified.

  "Bang, bang, bang!"

  The eminent Buddhist monks fought with some foreign enemies inextricably, and the battle reached the starry sky and shattered several stars.

  The stars exploded, countless fragments flew in all directions, and the sky was filled with meteors. They were eventually swallowed by the sea of ​​thunder and turned into nothingness.

  "Qing Zong, alas!"

  In the distance, many monks watched the battle with mixed feelings in their hearts.

  Qingzong went into decline in order to suppress Mo Yuan. It was difficult to rebuild its foundation in this life. With the departure of Mr. Dugu, it will face another catastrophe.

  When interests were involved, those sects didn't care about human grudges at all and colluded with each other just to wipe out Qingzong.

  Have the sects of Dizhou never thought about how to deal with the next outbreak of the Demonic Abyss?

  I've definitely thought about it.

  In their opinion, the Qing Sect can strengthen the seal by sending only one master at a time, so it will definitely not be difficult for the various sects to unite to suppress the Demon Abyss, and it will only take a little effort at most.

  As everyone knows, the Demonic Abyss has developed to this day and has become an extremely terrifying thing. The reason why Qingzong was able to suppress it was entirely because of the will of the martyrs of the past generations.

  In addition, even if there is a riot in the Demon Abyss in the future, it will have nothing to do with the current monks. Human nature is bad, and most people have the same idea. When they live a stable life in this life, it has nothing to do with them what difficulties the living beings will face in the future.

  Even if the world is destroyed and the world turns into a demonic land, it doesn't matter.

  "Not long after Senior Dugu left, these forces dared to act like this. Are you really not afraid of being reviled by everyone

  in the world?" There are still some grateful people in the world who think that what Qingzong has done over the years is not worth it.

  "All the forces in the world put their own interests first. Things like reputation are dispensable."

  When one has reached a certain level of cultivation, no one dares to offend him face to face, even if he is a big devil who does all kinds of evil. He is awed and feared.


  Suddenly, a sword energy came from a distance.

  It cut through the sky and stretched across the galaxy for hundreds of thousands of miles, which was very spectacular.

  The power of the sword surged like a sea of ​​stars bursting through a bank, breaking through the barriers of the Great Law and irrigating all parts of the star field where Qingzong was located, causing many strong men to become focused and their expressions suddenly changed.

  "Who is coming?"

  Countless people looked sideways, their whole bodies tense.

  Such tyrannical sword intent is rare in the world.

  Everyone in the Qingzong looked at the direction where the sword energy came from, worried that another group of enemies would come. Their eyes were complicated and they clenched their hands unconsciously.

  "Dongli Sword Master!"

  After a while, a middle-aged man wearing a mysterious robe, holding a three-foot sword in his hand and stepping on the mysterious light, came to this world with an elegant figure.

  That sword cut off several Shinto techniques that were attacking Qing Zong. In the eyes of outsiders, this behavior undoubtedly greatly relieved Qingzong's pressure, and he was obviously here to help.

  However, in Chen Qingyuan's eyes, this was completely a disservice, and he felt very uncomfortable.

  The Dao patterns of the Black Cauldron have been spread throughout every part of the sect-protecting formation. You only need to secretly absorb the energy of a strong enemy's attack to prepare for the move of the sect.

  Unexpectedly, the sword master Dongli suddenly appeared, making Chen Qingyuan smile bitterly.

  "What are you doing?"

  The strong men of each sect stopped temporarily and stared at the Dongli Sword Master coming across the void from one side with fearful eyes as they asked.

  "Are you really not afraid of retribution for insulting Qingzong like this?"

  Dongli Sword Master holds the sword in his right hand and holds the sword on his back with his left hand, like a swordsman coming to earth, with majestic aura.

  "The Qingzong colluded with Buddhism to damage the foundation of our empire. In order to protect the interests of the empire, we have to take this step."

  Someone said with great righteousness, as if he was really some kind of savior, with extremely thick skin.

  "Ha." Dongli Sword Master confronted the heroes, sneered, and said sarcastically without any worries: "Do you believe this kind of bullshit? You really think that everyone in the world is like you, with their brains on their buttocks."

  Well done!

  Several Buddhist monks showed their approval.


  The eminent monks also cursed a few words in their hearts. Then they realized that they had broken the precepts, and quickly clasped their hands and chanted the Buddha's words to express repentance. Then, all the eminent monks became more powerful and merciless in their attacks. They looked like monks.


  After hearing what Master Dongli Sword Master said, everyone looked gloomy and cursed loudly.

  "Are you really going to help the Qing Sect and become our enemy?" A certain elder from the Holy Land threatened: "Dongli Sword Sect, don't you think about the consequences?" "

  Now that I'm here, I have nothing to fear. "

  Dongli Sword Master was once unwilling to settle old grudges with Qingzong because of interests. Later, Dongli Sword Master came forward and warned his master not to forget the original intention of swordsmanship. If you make a mistake, you will make a mistake. There is nothing to hide from.

  As a result, the master of Dongli Sword came to his senses, gave up his face, and was willing to be trapped in Tingdao Mountain for many years. Later, the sword master of Dongli and Mr. Dugu sat across from each other to sip tea and received some advice. They were only one step away from the Divine Bridge.

  Whether it was the kindness he owed to Qingzong or the guidance of Mr. Dugu, the Dongli Sword Master could not just sit idly by.

  Before coming, Dongli Sword Master discussed with the senior officials in the sect for a long time, and he came alone with his sword, despite all opinions, and prepared for the worst.

  "Looking for trouble, come on!"

  Although everyone was wary of Dongli Sword Master, they were not to the point of fear.

  Furthermore, Dongli Sword Master is only a monk at the peak of the Mahayana. Relying on his own swordsmanship, he can barely hold back the power of the Half-Step Divine Bridge, and will not have much impact on the battle situation.

  "In life, there are things to do and things not to do."

  Sword Master Dongli decided to come to the aid of the Qing Sect and had already placed the sect master's seal on the sect's main hall. If he goes back, he will still be the sect leader; if he doesn't, let the Sword Sect choose another person in power.


  With a three-foot sword in hand, he has taken control of his life and found his original intention of practicing swordsmanship. The sword master of Dongli, with his Mahayana cultivation, was able to shoulder the ancestor of a half-step divine bridge. In a short period of time, he was not at a disadvantage, and his combat power was extremely strong.

  The sword light is like a curtain of rain, or like the Milky Way pouring down, dazzling and dazzling.


  Not long after, another person came at an extremely fast speed with great momentum.