

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 424 Conspiracy, preparing to attack Qingzong

  With money, anything can be done easily.

  Chen Qingyuan arranged Chang Ziqiu to a suitable place with beautiful scenery and abundant spiritual energy.

  From today on, Chang Ziqiu lives in Qingzong and will not leave until he understands the bond deep in his heart.

  More than ten days later, Liu Nansheng from Lihua Palace said goodbye.

  Liu Nansheng has been staying in Dizhou for a while. As the leader of a sect, Liu Nansheng cannot stay outside for a long time and has to return to the southern region to take charge. Before leaving, Lihua Palace arranged for some masters to stay in Qingzong.

  If there is any difficulty, Ewha Palace will come to the rescue in the shortest possible time.

  Buddhism began to establish branch sects, which were located in the destroyed Yuxu Mountain.

  This territory is an excellent geomantic treasure land, otherwise Yuxu Mountain would not have been able to pass on for hundreds of thousands of years. It's a pity that Yuxu Mountain provoked the wrong person and caused a big disaster.

  "Damn it!"

  "These stupid bald donkeys came all the way from the East to join in the fun. They are really bastards."

  "It is said that all three Zen masters from Buddhism came to Dizhou. If we go head-to-head with Buddhism, I'm afraid we won't get anything. Benefits."

  "We can only give up the inheritance land of Yuxu Mountain and strive for other resources!"

  There are hundreds of sects who are thinking about the Yuxu Mountain domain, and they are all top-notch forces in the Wei Jing Star Territory.

  The various sects were competing openly and secretly, but the Buddhist sect suddenly came out and killed many people. Many people looked gloomy and cursed in their hearts, but they did not dare to fight head-on.

  There are so many masters in Buddhism, and they have profound knowledge. How can ordinary first-rate forces dare to offend them?

  "Eminent monks, this is inappropriate!"

  Many forces in the imperial state did not want Buddhism to get involved, including most of the top forces. They united and went to the inheritance place of Yuxu Mountain. The number of people was tens of thousands, and the force was coming. Fierce.

  "What's wrong?"

  Zen Master Wuchen looked at the heroes not far away and said expressionlessly.

  "Buddhism occupies the land of the East, spreads its message across thousands of territories, and has countless believers. Now that we have arrived in the Imperial State, is it possible that we still want to invade the interests of various sects?"

  A certain elder of the Xuanji Sect stood at a high place and spoke in a bad tone.

  "Buddhism has no intention of doing this. It just wants to spread Buddhism."

  Zen Master Wuchen said.

  "Sorry, there is no place for Buddhism in Dizhou, please stop."

  A cold voice came from the crowd.

  If Buddhism is allowed to occupy the inheritance site of Yuxu Mountain, it will not take many years to establish a huge foundation in the imperial state. By then, Buddhism and Taoism will spread to every corner of the empire, which will inevitably affect the interests of countless forces.

  "This is a land without an owner. What qualifications do you have to stop this poor monk?"

  Zen Master Wanxu took a step forward. He seemed kind, but there was a stern look in his eyes.

  "This used to be the foundation of Yuxu Mountain. Although it is now a terra nullius, it is not accessible to forces outside the imperial state."

  The strong men were coming menacingly, and it was obvious that they could not deal with the Buddhist sect and refused to take a step back.

  Firstly, Buddhism cannot be allowed to take root in the imperial state; secondly, it can be used as an excuse to achieve its real goal.

  "It's ridiculous."

  The three Zen masters stood side by side and refused to retreat.

  It's not like Buddhism is seizing other people's property. It's obviously terra incognita, so why can't we establish a branch here? All the forces in the empire are bullying people too much.

  "I also ask all eminent monks to think carefully and not to act arbitrarily. We will come back in three months. If Buddhism refuses to give in, don't blame me for being unkind." After saying this,

  all the powerful men turned around and left in an orderly manner. .

  The orderly comings and goings were obviously discussed in advance and were not as simple as they seemed.

  "What should I do?"

  The eminent monks looked at the departing heroes, frowning and feeling uneasy.

  "Let's talk about it when we get back."

  Those who come are not good and should not be underestimated.

  Therefore, the eminent monks left a barrier at the foundation of Yuxu Mountain and left, rushing to Qingzong.

  Several eminent monks immediately rushed to Dongtu and contacted the old monk to see how to deal with it.

  The remaining monks stayed in Qingzong to discuss important matters together.

  The atmosphere above the main hall was solemn.

  "What do you think, donors, about this matter?"

  Zen Master Wuchen looked at everyone in the Qing Sect and told them everything that had just happened.

  The hall was quiet, everyone was thinking.

  "Obviously, they are here for Buddhism, but in fact, I'm afraid they want to use this as an excuse to deal with Qingzong."

  At this time, Chen Qingyuan spoke.

  "Oh?" Many people couldn't understand this and asked in surprise: "Can you elaborate?" "As

  we all know, Buddhism has good relations with Qingzong and stayed in Qingzong as a guest temporarily." Chen Qingyuan looked solemn and said slowly: " If the various forces in the imperial state want to deal with Qingzong, they will definitely not be able to do it openly, and they will easily be despised by the world. After all, if they want to develop for a long time, each sect must have some face, and they cannot take advantage of the fact that the old man just suppressed Moyuan. It will take some time to take action."

  "However, those guys are not willing to give Qingzong time to rise. The sooner they start, the better, and the later they will change."

  Chen Qingyuan continued: "In this case, they need a legitimate reason to deal with Qingzong, Master Be famous. Buddhism is the breakthrough point."

  Everyone in the hall looked at Chen Qingyuan, frowning, listening and thinking.

  "If Buddhism spreads its religion in the imperial state, it will definitely affect the interests of many forces. Use this as an excuse to unite the heroes and stop Buddhism. I estimate that those forces will definitely come to Qingzong and force Buddhism away." "

  If Qingzong doesn't do anything, Ask, there must be a gap between you and Buddhism, and you will lose a lot of help in the future. If you advance and retreat together with Buddhism, it will play into the hands of some people, and you will have a reason to be cruel to Qingzong."

  "No matter what Qingzong chooses, it will be Unfavorable move."

  Chen Qingyuan briefly expressed his views.

  After listening to these remarks, the elder who did not know the situation suddenly realized that those thieves were really hateful.

  This was a conspiracy, and it was sure to defeat Qingzong.

  "Unless Buddhism gives up preaching and eliminates the reason for those guys to take action."

  An elder from Qingzong said, thinking this was the only solution.

  "It's useless. Since they decided to take action, there must be another way."

  Lin Changsheng looked solemn and shook his head slightly.

  "It's just excuses, there are so many." Chen Qingyuan said: "Just make up some news, saying that our Qing Sect is hiding demon cultivators, or hiding traitors from certain sects, etc." "

  Are these reasons too false? ?"

  Someone expressed his opinion.

  "It's not important whether it's true or not, it's who wins." Chen Qingyuan was wearing a light-colored robe, with sharp eyes and a low voice: "History is written by the victors. Once Qingzong loses, after a few years, the reason for falsehood will be It's become true."

  "What Benefactor Chen said makes sense."

  All the eminent monks had actually guessed this, and were afraid of conflicts with the Qingzong, so they held this meeting to tell everything and work together to solve the problem.

  "How to deal with the current situation?"

  The elders of Qingzong are very weak and cannot hold on to their family fortune. They look ugly and feel anxious.