

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 414 There can be no emperor in the world

  With the destruction of Yuxu Mountain, the structure of the imperial state was greatly affected.

  Many first-rate forces want to take the position of Yuxu Mountain and go one step further. That Feng Shui treasure land is full of spiritual energy, and many people have taken a fancy to it.

  At that time, Dugu Changkong only took away the items from the Yuxu Mountain treasure house, and the spiritual vein resources and other items in various places were still intact. These things are the foundation for the long-term development of a sect.

  "If you want to become a top ancient sect, you must have sufficient foundation, have the tools to support the sect, and you must be powerful."

  Many first-rate forces secretly compete with each other, and even fight for the remaining resources of Yuxu Mountain.

  This is an opportunity not to be missed.

  For countless years, the thirty-six sects of the Imperial State were unshakable, suppressing many first-rate forces with difficulty in raising their heads. Now, the opportunity is right in front of us. As long as we collect most of the resources in Yuxu Mountain, we will definitely be able to leap forward.

  "Junior brother, what are you thinking about?"

  Lin Changsheng appeared at the top of the mountain and walked slowly over.

  "The road ahead for Qingzong is not easy."

  With Yuxu Mountain gone, Chen Qingyuan has one less person to collect debts from. If you want to collect the debt, you must first survive many crises and let Qingzong be reborn and return to its peak.

  "Don't worry, the old man had already arranged these things when he left."

  Lin Changsheng said.

  "Oh?" Chen Qingyuan turned around and said, "Senior brother, can you elaborate?"

  "You will know then."

  Because of the old man's departure, Lin Changsheng was in a complicated mood and did not elaborate.


  Chen Qingyuan asked no more questions.

  The two stood side by side, looking into the distance, as if they saw the kind look of the old man, smiling at them.

  No matter how magnificent you are, you will never be able to defeat the power of time.

  Even without Mo Yuan, the old man doesn't have much life left. Rather than die of old age, it is better to die vigorously and live up to the expectations of the human world.

  "Qingzong will surely prosper in this era."

  Somewhere in the void, a middle-aged man in a robe is none other than Xiao Junchou from Daoyi Academy. He admired Dugu Changkong very much and was grateful.

  Previously, Xiao Junchou received guidance from Dugu Changkong and improved his strength. At first, he protected Chen Qingyuan because of Dean Daoyi, but now he has accepted the favor from Mr. Qingzong, and his concept is different.


  Southern Region, Lihua Palace.

  There are countless palaces hanging in the air.

  Immortal mist curls up, and spiritual beasts are everywhere.

  In an elegant palace, Liu Nansheng was sitting with more than a dozen core elders, discussing important matters.

  "Palace Master, do you really want to protect Qingzong at all costs?"

  The great elder frowned, his eyes full of worry.

  "With all due respect, Senior Dugu is gone and the Qing Sect is rebuilt. The foundation is still shallow and it will definitely not be able to prevent the many crises that will follow."

  A Supreme Elder had serious eyes and a hoarse voice.

  "The old grudge between the Qingzong and the Dizhou Ancient Sect, Chen Qingyuan's supreme foundation, and Wu Junyan's fragments of the imperial army are destined to not lead to peace." The

  attitudes of the elders were basically the same, and they were unwilling to get involved, lest they drag Lihua Palace into it. into the abyss.

  Listening to everyone's remarks, Liu Nansheng always maintained a calm expression.

  When the discussion in the hall gradually died down, Liu Nansheng slowly said: "Everyone, let's take a look at this thing first!"

  As soon as he finished speaking, a jade slip appeared in the palm of his hand.

  Then, Liu Nansheng activated a soft spiritual energy and passed the jade slips to the elders one after another.

  When the elders saw what was inside the jade slip, their faces suddenly changed and they were very excited.

  "Senior Dugu's spiritual enlightenment, this...this thing is priceless!"

  The jade slips record some of the insights from the peak of Mahayana and the breakthrough to Shenqiao, as well as the key things in the realm of Shenqiao.

  "We will never be able to reach the realm of the Divine Bridge even in our lifetime."

  To climb the Divine Bridge, talent is particularly important. In the same way, we also need to be blessed.

  Although Liu Nansheng is a great master of the Divine Bridge, he is not yet able to break down every step of this realm.

  This jade slip systematically introduces the realm of Shenqiao and the Taoist understanding of each small realm.

  Its value is so high that it is immeasurable.

  "I have made an agreement with Mr. Dugu. If the Qingzong is in trouble in the future, I will help you."

  Liu Nansheng benefited a lot from reading the insights in the jade slip.

  "Senior Dugu is sincere, so Lihua Palace cannot just sit idly by and ignore it."

  All the elders nodded, and there was no more objection.

  The jade slip returned to Liu Nansheng's hand, attracting everyone's attention and staring closely. If they can study the jade slips carefully, their strength will definitely improve.

  Although the content can be reproduced, the guiding principles contained therein are unique. Therefore, it is meaningless to reproduce the jade slips, and there is only one in Lihua Palace.

  Within Qingzong, the old man's lifelong insights were naturally left behind as a gift to future generations.

  "I have been thinking about it for a long time, not just to help each other, but to form an alliance. No matter what we face in the future, we will advance and retreat together."

  Liu Nansheng explained his true intention.

  "Alliance, this..."

  Hearing this, the elders stopped looking at the jade slips and looked up at Liu Nansheng, feeling a little uneasy in their hearts.

  It's okay to help, just do your best, and you can pull away if the time isn't right.

  The alliance is tied together and can easily capsize!

  "Palace Master, it's probably not because of this jade slip that you have such a plan!"

  The Supreme Elder is very aware of Liu Nansheng's acting style. He is not hot-headed and must have thought carefully.

  "Please tell me, Palace Master."

  Everyone stood up and saluted.

  Liu Nansheng waved his hand gently, gesturing for everyone to take their seats.

  Afterwards, the restrictions in the palace were strengthened again to ensure that the conversation would not be eavesdropped, and then he said: "Everyone, if Lihua Palace can assist in creating a great emperor, is it worth the risk?"

  Boom -

  As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was shocked. .

  The elders were stunned for a long time, the shock in their eyes could not be concealed.

  Did we hear it wrong?

  Assist...the Emperor?

  What a joke!

  After a while, the elders came back to their senses and looked at Liu Nansheng blankly: "Palace Master, are you serious?"

  "I never joke."

  Liu Nansheng looked serious.

  "Do you favor Chen Qingyuan or Wu Junyan?"

  asked an elder.

  "One has supreme foundation, and the other possesses fragments of the imperial weapon, both are extraordinary."

  Liu Nansheng's words were not confirmed by who, but his heart was definitely leaning towards Chen Qingyuan.

  Because she once secretly met with Dugu Changkong and made an agreement. At that time, she tentatively wanted to marry Qing Zong, and the target was Chen Qingyuan.

  However, Dugu Changkong declined on the grounds that he would not interfere in the marriages of sect disciples. He is not an old stubborn man, he would never make the decision without authorization. If there is a fate, it will be a matter of course. If there is no fate, you cannot force the match.

  "Palace Master, the previous path has been cut off. There can be no great emperor in this world."

  The Supreme Elder said bluntly, trying to stop Liu Nansheng's unrealistic thoughts.

  "This life is different from the past. The Taiwei Imperial Palace came from the abyss, and the remains of the old soil millions of years ago have appeared, which heralds the arrival of a new era. Although the Divine Bridge is broken, it is not impossible to repair it."

  Liu Nansheng He groaned.