

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 370 It’s too difficult


  Dugu Changkong nodded.

  We went up the mountain, drank tea, and talked about everything.

  "Holy Lord, no!"

  Many elders of the Dongli Sword Sect did not want to lose this person, so they sent messages to dissuade him.

  "I have made up my mind."

  Originally, Holy Master Dongli had no intention of going up the mountain, so he could wait as long as he could. But because of Jiang Xun's appearance, Holy Master Dongli remembered himself when he was young and stopped escaping.

  After the words fell, Holy Master Dongli set foot on Tingdao Mountain with a sincere heart.

  "He really went up the mountain, I'm afraid he will be trapped."

  The strong men from various sects did not expect that Holy Master Dongli would make such a decision, and their expressions changed slightly, with expressions of surprise.

  Holy Lord Dongli didn't care at all about other people's opinions.

  After living for so many years, a younger generation woke him up. No wonder there is no hope for God's bridge in this life.

  With a deep sigh in his heart, Holy Lord Dongli glanced at the top of the mountain, and his steps were very steady as he descended.

  While climbing, strange laws of power came from time to time.

  Involuntarily, the traces of the past years appeared before the eyes of Holy Lord Dongli, as if he had witnessed the rise and fall of the Qing Sect and the horror of the Demonic Abyss.

  "How do you choose?"

  Dugu Changkong looked at the other sect saints.

  "I'm sorry, but I obey."

  The Holy Master of Qianchen Sect pondered for a moment, then turned around and left.

  "If the Qingzong wants to get the resources back, the Confucian sect will definitely cooperate and is willing to apologize to your sect on behalf of our ancestors. As for climbing the mountain to drink tea, let's leave it at that."

  A great scholar from the Confucian sect bowed to express his apology. Resources can be returned, and so can an apology. However, Confucianism does not want to embarrass itself in front of the world, as the impact will be too great.

  For a time, no sect sent young disciples to fight Chen Qingyuan, and no one was willing to climb Tingdao Mountain.

  After all the calculations, of the thirty-six sects in the imperial state, only the Beast Control Sect, Linghe Sect, Penglai Villa, and Dongli Sword Sect faced the grudges of the past. The remaining thirty-two cases are all planning to delay or even turn against them.

  The alliance of dozens of top forces is not afraid of Qingzong at all.

  Obviously, some old guys haven't figured out the situation yet.

  Today's situation is the last chance Qingzong gives to each sect.

  Once you miss it, there is no use regretting it.

  "Have you really thought about it?"

  Dugu Changkong sat on the top of the mountain, overlooking everyone, and asked in a deep voice.

  "We recognize the strength of our seniors, and it is difficult to find an opponent in the world. However, I hope that my seniors will understand that one person's ability is limited after all, and nothing can be changed." The

  major holy places have been established in the empire for countless years, and they have a profound foundation. No matter how powerful Dugu Changkong is, as long as all the sects form an alliance and work together, nothing will happen in a short time.

  If Dugu Changkong was in its heyday, the major holy sects would definitely be very jealous and would not dare to turn against him.

  Now, Dugu Changkong has lived for nearly 30,000 years and is about to pass away.

  After beating him to death, Qingzong lost its top combat power. How could it compete with the top forces that had dominated the empire for hundreds of thousands of years.

  "Then please remember today and don't regret it."

  Dugu Changkong emphasized.

  Everyone heard the threat, hesitated for a moment, and left.

  Many holy places attach great importance to their dignity and do not want to be humiliated.

  Some of the monks left, but many others stayed where they were and continued to watch the excitement.

  The ruins of Qingzong appeared, but the foundation has not yet been completely laid, so the matter is unfinished.

  Maybe there will be some good shows later, so you can't miss it.

  Chen Qingyuan had no opponent and returned to the top of Tingdao Mountain.

  Watching the monks from the major holy places leave, Chen Qingyuan said softly: "Uncle Master, should we forget it like this?"

  "This is just the beginning."

  Dugu Changkong said.

  "What do you plan to do?"

  Chen Qingyuan poured the old man a cup of tea and asked again.

  "Today is the revitalization of the Qing Sect to establish its power and announce it to the world. He will pay a visit to the house tomorrow and chat with the old guys from each sect. From now on, I will leave it to you."

  From now on, the old man No longer in this world.

  "It's all my fault. I should have acted weaker. I fought hard with my peers. In the end, without exception

  , we all won by a narrow margin." In this way, everyone felt that although Chen Qingyuan was strong, he could still fight. It will definitely increase greatly.

  However, Chen Qingyuan has just learned Qingzong's top Taoist techniques and has not yet fully integrated them. Even if you are determined to act, it is difficult to complete and it is easy to get cheated.

  "Those who don't want to go up the mountain will definitely default on their debts even if they lose the game."

  Dugu Changkong said solemnly.

  "Yes." Chen Qingyuan nodded lightly.

  "Be careful when you go out in the future. After today, there will definitely be more people who want to kill you."

  In the eyes of the world, Chen Qingyuan has such a perverted cultivation talent, all because of the three holy golden elixirs and the supreme Daogu. If you can get it, you will have unlimited opportunities in the future, and even reach the other side.

  Some old guys who were still weighing the pros and cons, truly saw Chen Qingyuan's talent, no longer hesitated, and were filled with murderous intent.

  "It's too difficult for me."

  Chen Qingyuan said with a bitter smile.

  "Since ancient times, the path of genius has not been smooth."

  Dugu Changkong believes that Chen Qingyuan can overcome many difficulties.

  It is a pity that he should not be able to see Chen Qingyuan standing on top of the clouds.

  He sighed inwardly and fixed his gaze on a certain void.

  "This fellow Taoist, would you like to show up and have a chat over tea?"

  Dugu Changkong had long discovered Qing Chi hidden in the void, who was Chen Qingyuan's second uncle. Now with time to spare, invitations were extended.

  Who is Uncle Master talking to?

  Chen Qingyuan looked around and found nothing, with a confused expression.


  Qing Chi hesitated for a moment and agreed.

  Somewhere the void twisted slightly, and a middle-aged man in a long gown appeared. It is surrounded by fog, its true appearance cannot be explored, and it is very mysterious.

  Tingdao Mountain has a special law. Dugu Changkong has activated the law prohibition. Outsiders cannot see the top of the mountain, let alone inquire about it.

  The moment Qing Chi entered Tingdao Mountain, he was discovered by a very small number of top experts.

  "She should be the protector of Donor Chen."

  The old monk said secretly.

  "Probably a master from Daoyi Academy."

  Apart from Qingzong, the only person behind Chen Qingyuan is Daoyi Academy. It's not difficult to guess.

  "It was this person before, who almost killed the second child. Fortunately, we ran fast, otherwise..."

  In the dark, several casual cultivators caught a trace of the aura of love and obsession, and felt lingering fear in their hearts.

  These days, it's not that Chen Qingyuan didn't encounter assassinations, but was blocked by love and infatuation. Similar things happened no less than ten times.

  There are so many desperadoes in this world who are not afraid of the revenge of the top forces. People like them earn money if they can live one more day, and they offend countless forces.

  There are also some killer organizations, dark forces that work with the devil, and are extremely interested in Chen Qingyuan's supreme foundation.

  "Disciple Chen Qingyuan, pay homage to the second uncle."

  Seeing the infatuated man wrapped in layers of fog, Chen Qingyuan was startled for a moment, and immediately guessed his identity, bowed and said respectfully.