

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 316 The Ancient Pagoda As the Top

The ancient tower of Daoyi School Palace has 33 floors.

Last time Chen Qingyuan climbed the 28th floor and stopped for many reasons.

With one last chance left, if Chen Qingyuan fails to reach the top, he will never be able to enter the ancient tower again.

"Kid, I'll protect you."

As soon as Chen Qingyuan came to the ancient tower, Lin Wenchou appeared.

"Master Lin."

Seeing this, Chen Qingyuan saluted quickly.

Lin Wenchou and Yu Chenran entered together, and no one would be a junior brother.

This uncle was lin Wen愁 and coaxed Chen Qingyuan to shout.

"Go in!"

Lin Wenchou opened the ban around the ancient pagoda and sent Chen Qingyuan in.

If Chen Qingyuan is in danger in the ancient tower, Lin Wenchou can save him as soon as possible to protect him.

There are too many dangers in the outside world. Even if Lin Wenshou doesn't have to guard the Daoyi Academy, it is difficult to protect Chen Qingyuan.

After all, he is not a monk on the divine bridge after all. He just touches the divine bridge and can't deal with the old things hiding in the coffin.

As soon as he entered the ancient tower, Chen Qingyuan stood on the 28th floor.

This assessment has been passed last time, and now you can directly step on the twenty-ninth floor.

The twenty-ninth floor is a fog.

Chen Qingyuan glanced around and didn't see any useful information.

The thick fog covered everything, and it was useless to use divine thoughts and various Taoist arts, and it was not a way to disperse the fog.


After a while, the sound of a bell came from the depths of the thick fog, hitting the depths of Chen Qingyuan's soul.

Chen Qingyuan's body seemed to have been electroctoned, his whole body trembled, and his facial expression was more ferocous.

An indescribable force is invading Chen Qingyuan's whole body.

In just a few breaths, Chen Qingyuan already knew what the test was.

Taoist heart!

On the road of practice, talent is very important, and the heart is more important.

The bell that struck the soul kept attacking Chen Qingyuan's belief. Once the Taoist heart is shaken, it will fall into the abyss and be expelled from the ancient tower.

As for how to pass the assessment, Chen Qingyuan is still unclear for the time being.

At present, we must calm our mind and not relax at all.

In the next few months, Chen Qingyuan sat on this floor, and his clothes were wet with sweat several times.

Close your eyes tightly and keep your heart steady.

The three golden elixirs in the body slowly rotated, and the mysterious Taoist lines loomed on the golden elixir.

The feeling of oppression on the body gradually subsided, and the fog around him began to dissipate.

When Chen Qingyuan felt that there was no pressure, he slowly opened his eyes and found that the surroundings were empty and the fog was very thin.

Looking forward, a nihilistic ancient clock stood in mid-air.

The ancient clock was so quiet that it no longer made strange bells.

This means that Chen Qingyuan passed this test and stuck to his heart.


An ancient stone door appeared.

Chen Qingyuan gently opened the stone door and took a step forward.


There is a blur in front of me.

The sight gradually became clear, and Chen Qingyuan stood on the thirtieth floor.

The next few levels of assessment are very simple, that is, fighting.

Fight with the will to take photos of some of the ancestors of the Daoyi School Palace, in the same realm, exerting the ultimate power.

With Chen Qingyuan's talent, there is no opponent in the same realm.

Therefore, it took a few days, and the fight became the simplest test, and it passed without surprise.


With a trace of curiosity and terry, Chen Qingyuan crossed the stone door to the 33rd floor.

The ancient tower reached the top, which caused visions in many places of the Daoyi School Palace.

Ordinary disciples don't know what this means. They just look around and continue to do their own things.

The core elders in the school palace changed their faces and rushed to the main hall to talk about the ancient tower.

Everyone was very excited, but they didn't expect that someone would reach the top after many years.

The last person who reached the top was the dean Yan Ximeng.

"It's really Chen's nephew."

"Among this generation of disciples, no one can do it except him."

"Daoyi School Palace, there is a successor!"

After insiding, the person who climbed to the top was Chen Qingyuan. The elders were not surprised. In reason, there was only joy and expectation.

Most of the core elders don't know much about this ancient tower, but they only know that it is very difficult to assess each floor. Of course, these tests are nothing for Chen Qingyuan now.

What is the top of the ancient tower?

The elders are curious about this matter.

According to the regulations of the Daoyi School Palace, no more than one palm knows the full picture of the ancient tower.


Ancient tower, the thirty-third floor.

Chen Qingyuan stood here and still maintained a very high vigilance and did not dare to be careless.

There are clouds and fog under your feet, and sometimes there is fog, just like a fairyland.

Looking around, Chen Qingyuan couldn't see anything except the clouds.


Suddenly, the wind was strong.

The clouds dispersed, making Chen Qingyuan's clothes snuff.

When the wind stopped, the picture in front of him suddenly changed.

It is no longer a scene of immortality, but a place of inheritance.

Chen Qingyuan stood on a huge circular stone platform, which was surrounded by water. Looking down, the water is unfathomable.

On the stone platform, there is a token.

The token is all white, engraved with the word "Daoyi".

Although Chen Qingyuan is not very clear about the internal situation of the Daoyi Academy, he has heard of this token.

This is no different from the dean's token, which represents supreme power.

In short, as long as Chen Qingyuan takes this token, he is the young head of the Daoyi Academy, who can mobilize all the resources of the Academy. In the future, he will succeed as the president.

"You have passed all the tests of the ancient tower and are eligible to get this thing."

The will of the spirit of the ancient tower turned into a vague white ball, suspended in the sky, making a mechanical sound.

The position of the young head of the house can impress countless people in the world.

Unfortunately, Chen Qingyuan has no interest in power: "I know that I don't have the ability to manage the palace. Let's forget it!"

"Do you mean to refuse?"

Guta's intelligence was stunned for a moment and asked.


Chen Qingyuan nodded.

There are many reasons why Chen Qingyuan is unwilling to take this token.

Maybe I don't think I can shoulder the burden of Daoyi School Palace, maybe it's to save worry, or I think of Zhao Yichuan and so on.

"Don't regret leaving the ancient tower."

The spirit of the ancient tower emphasized.

"No regrets."

Chen Qingyuan said.

For the first time in countless years, the spirit of the ancient tower encountered this kind of thing and fell into a state similar to a crash.

Now that the decision has been made, Chen Qingyuan can't regret it.

He went straight to the stone door at the edge of the stone platform, pushed it open hard, and took it step by step.


With the change of the picture, Chen Qingyuan has appeared outside the ancient tower, empty-handed.

Lin Wenshou outside was very excited. He looked at it for a few times, and his smile became stiff. Because he found that Chen Qingyuan did not have that kind of special law trace on his body, he asked in great amazed, "Didn't you get anything?"

"I didn't take it."

Chen Qingyuan replied.

"You... You are so stupid!" Lin Wenchou pointed to Chen Qingyuan's nose and was very heartbroken: "The Taoist token has been supported by the laws of the ancestors of all dynasties and has the power of protecting the way. The dean asked you to climb the ancient tower before going out to practice in order to hand over the token to your hand and add a means to save your life.

"What? Does that thing still save your life?

Chen Qingyuan stood still, stunned and stunned.