

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 293 The Dean of Daoyi Academy!

The situation is tense, and a new round of shocking war may break out at any time.

Countless people held their breath and did not dare to make a sound. The whole body was tense and restless.

"If you don't want to die, then step back!"

The old man of a certain force still wants to live a few more years and takes the lead in retreating to the back.


More and more monks have made a decision to retreat and dare not stop the way at this junctunct, which is no different from being reincarnated directly.

"Why can't I get in touch with my ancestors?"

A strong man at the peak of Mahayana secretly used the method of voice transmission and wanted to talk to an ancestor in the Kunlun world for instructions.

However, no matter how the monks in the outside world transmitted their voice, they didn't get a reply from the Kunlun world. They were deadlocked in place, very eager and at a loss.

In Kunlun, there is a purple gold palace above the sea of clouds.

Outside the hall, there is a white jade corridor, about 30,000 meters long, magnificent, like a fairy palace.

There are a total of 14 people living in Kunlun, one of whom hid in the deepest part and did not show up.

The other thirteen top-level potents stood side by side outside the Zijin Hall, standing on the height of the White Jade Corridor.

They all wore luxurious brocade clothes, and their faces were as solemn as if they were facing a big enemy.

There is a little fear in the eyes of very few old antiques. There is no spirit of the hermit strong, as if a mortal met a tiger, panicked and raised his hair.

Who is here? Or for another reason? What are they afraid of?


A breeze blew away a thick fog and white clouds.

The elders stood at the end of the white jade corridor, all looking directly at the starting point of the corridor, seriously and nervous.

The wind rises and the clouds disperse, so that the corridor is no longer covered.

At the starting point, a vague figure stood.

A few wisps of fog that had not yet dissipated clung to the man's body, like real and fake, like a dream.

"That little doll is my person. You can't move."

The atmosphere became more and more tense, and the man opened his mouth and his tone was flat.

Listen to this voice, it's a woman.

"We didn't take action."

An old man in white said.

"I know exactly what you think. I'm here to remind you not to do anything wrong.

The man said slowly, and his voice was ethereal, as if he came from another world, giving people an illusory feeling.

"You take yourself too seriously!" A grumpy old man with white beard snorted coldly and didn't like the feeling of being threatened: "Don't say that I didn't move, even if I moved. What can you do?"

When this sentence fell, the man was silent.

Is it fear?

The old people couldn't help but have such an idea.

Then, the old people shook their heads secretly and cut off the idea.

Will she be afraid?

It is absolutely impossible.

People like her are born lawless and never fear anything.


Suddenly, the man took a step forward.

The footsteps were very gentle, but at this moment, everyone heard it very clearly.

The hearts of the old people trembled at this moment, and their hands involuntarily tightened.

The man came slowly, like a mortal, without any Taoism.

However, the more ordinary the man behaved, the more panicked the old people were, and subconsciously activated the means of defense.

The speed of moving forward is slow, and the body gradually passes through the endless clouds, revealing its true face.

He is short, about five feet tall.

She was dragging on the ground in a snow-white dress. There was a white ribbon around his waist, and his long hair was tightened with a jade hairpin with a flower pattern.

The eyes are like water, with a little cold taste. The collarbone is as white as jade, and there is no flaw.

Red lips and teeth, no powder.

She has a beautiful face, like a fairy in a painting.

If you forget her height, the white dress is cold, like a fairy who falls into the mortal world and does not eat the fireworks of the world.

Yan Ximeng, her name.

As for her identity, she is the dean of the legendary Daoyi Academy!

Lori's body, royal sister's face.

She is like an ice lotus growing on the top of thousands of mountains, which is untouchable and independent.

"da, da, da..."

Yan Ximeng walked forward slowly, and every step would put a lot of psychological pressure on these old guys and be extremely nervous.

Many years ago, Kunlun World gave Yan Ximeng an invitation.

Yan Ximeng tore it up without saying a word.

With the status of Kunlun, of course, I am very dissatisfied with it. I want to regain my face.

The result was very simple. Yan Ximeng used his strength to make the Kunlun world regress.

There is no need to fight to the death for a little face. Take a step back.

The old people knew that Yan Ximeng might take action, but they did not dare to take the lead.


Because they are very clear about the strength of Yan Ximeng, which is extremely horrible and difficult to find an opponent in the world.

The invisible pressure spread out of Yan Ximeng's body, making the void of the whole Kunlun small world begin to distort, and the law became very unstable.

Yan Ximeng's face was indifferent, and a few wisps of green silk fluttered slightly, adding a little elegant temperament to it.

With her ability, she can completely change her appearance.

However, she didn't do that. These are meaningless things, and it's not a waste of time.

She has lived for more than 20,000 years. Why is her face still the same, and the years have not left a trace on her face?

It has something to do with her strength, and it is also because of the ten-thousand-year stay of the Daoyi School Palace.

Changing the appearance with Taoism is a method of camouflage, and practitioners with good strength can see it.

Therefore, the elderly female monks of many forces do not use magic power to hide their true faces, but try their best to find the holy medicine that can really maintain their youthful appearance.

"What do you want to do?"

Half of the incense passed, and an old man couldn't stand the pressure and questioned loudly.

Yan Ximeng's forward speed was not very fast, and she only walked hundreds of meters, but it made the strong people restless and their whole bodies were as tight as strings.

Yan Ximeng did not reply to this, with an indifferent face.

"da, da, da..."

Keep walking and maintain a speed.

The sound of footsteps is like a magic sound from the abyss, constantly attacking the souls of everyone.

Suddenly, the old man with white beard could no longer withstand the oppression of the soul. He shouted loudly and soared into the air. A strong power broke out in his body, condensing the magic power, and suddenly took action: "Ah!"

The old man with white beard was the one who provoked Yan Ximeng just now. He threatened to move Chen Qingyuan.

Yan Ximeng seems to be walking, but in fact he has already taken action.

The soul attack of the realm of Shenqiao was aimed at the old man with white beard, and the rest of the people were only affected.


In the face of this scene, Yan Ximeng was calm, raised his right hand lightly, and pushed forward with a palm.



The magic power of the old man with white beard collapsed in an instant. ъìqυgΕtv.℃ǒΜ

Before Yan Ximeng's palm fell on him, he had caused him a lot of injuries. His chest collapsed and all his internal organs were damaged.

"Not good!"

The elders were shocked and used Taoism one after another to help the old man with white beard to fight the enemy together.