

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 282 The sky collapsed with the master

Originally, the Buddha wanted to withstand the pressure for Chen Qingyuan to ensure that Chen Qingyuan's life was not in danger.

However, those old guys quit, and they can't let the Buddha continue to take action anyway.

Even the great people reincarnated by Shenqiao were killed by the Buddha. No matter how evil their peers are, they are afraid that they will not be able to deal with the Buddha.

"Chen Xiaoyou, I need to trouble you in the last battle."

Dugu Changkong crossed countless miles of starry sky in one step, and in an instant, he came to Chen Qingyuan with a kind look.

"The younger generation will do their best."

Chen Qingyuan didn't dare to talk big and said with his hand.

"Just try your best." Du Gu nodded slowly.

In five days, Chen Qingyuan needs to settle down and prepare for the war.

Dizhou is selecting candidates for the battle.

In the nine regions of Dizhou, there are hundreds of millions of stars and countless heavenly pride. Naturally, there are many hidden evil characters.

This time, in order to be conservative, the Kunlun world did not let the Buddha go to war, and decided to let the one be born in advance.

This is a world of great strife, and the one will show his face sooner or later.

The unparalleled demons who really stand at the top of Dizhou can be said to have the strength to crush the saints of all clans.

The Kunlun world has been secretly cultivating this person. Even if it is a feast of hundreds of veins, he will not be allowed to participate, and there is no need to compete for resources. Because this person himself is the greatest creation in the world.

Hundreds of stars, a certain void.

Yu Chenran, who was hiding in the dark to watch the battle, finally appeared.

It's his apprentice's turn to fight bloody. It would be inappropriate for Yu Chenran to continue to stay.


Chen Qingyuan was very happy to see the dust coming from a distorted space, and his eyebrows were dancing.

Yu Chenran came with a smile and nodded gently.

"I thought you wouldn't come." The joy on Chen Qingyuan's face disappeared and he complained.

"The teacher has arrived a long time ago. I was watching the play just now."

There is nothing to hide, Yu Chenran said truthfully.


Chen Qingyuan was speechless.

"Taoist friend, I haven't seen you for many years."

Then, Yu Chenran took a few steps forward and looked at Dugu Changkong.

"It's true."

Dugu Changkong and Yu Chenran are old acquaintances, not friends nor enemies.

Due to the appearance of the dust, it caused a lot of commotion.

Many people in the northern wilderness do not know Yu Chenran, which is that their status and strength are not enough to reach that level. However, many of the existences in Dizhou were seen at a glance, and their faces changed one after another.

"The vice president of Daoyi Academy!"

"Why is this guy here?"

"As far as I know, the Daoyi School Palace in the Northern Wilderness never participates in world disputes, and is deeper than Buddhism."

"Chen Qingyuan is a disciple of Daoyi Academy and the only personal disciple of Yu Chenran."

"So that's it."

The high-level communication of various sects in Dizhou was not very calm, and they seemed to be more afraid of Yu Chenran.

The background of Daoyi School Palace is never lower than any top holy place in Dizhou.

Yu Chenran can sit firmly in the position of vice president, but he is not a general person.

"The Taoist friend turned out to be a person of Qingzong. It's not easy to endure for so many years!"

The conversation between the two cannot be heard by outsiders.

"Do you mean Daoyi Xuegong that you take him as an apprentice?"

The "he" in Dugu Changkong's mouth is naturally Chen Qingyuan. ъìqυgΕtv.℃ǒΜ

"Yes." Yu Chenran nodded and said, "I like this boy very much. I will definitely do something in the future."

"If he is in trouble in the future, I hope that Daoyi Xuegong can protect him well."

For the practice of Daoyi School Palace, Dugu Changkong is more or less vigilant and can't be too trusted.

"It's natural."

Since Yu Chenran has accepted Chen Qingyuan as an apprentice, he will do what the master should do well and will not let him be bullied.

"Don't expose some things too early."

The position of Qingzong cannot be passed on, at least not now.

"It's clear." Yu Chenran nodded gently.

The picture changed, and the two sat in the starry sky, tasting tea and talking.

On one side, Chen Qingyuan is meditating cross-legged and adjusting his spirit.

So far, he is still the peak cultivation of Yuanying, and there is a big gap between him and the demons of his peers. There is nothing we can do. It is too difficult for the foundation of Sandan Shengpin to break through a big realm.

Chen Qingyuan had tried several times before, but unfortunately he was not fully sure that he could enter the divine realm.

In just a few days, I'm afraid it will be difficult to improve my cultivation, and I can only consolidate the foundation.

When he was meditating, Chen Qingyuan had been thinking about one thing. If you are forced to a dead end, can you show all the cards?

The foundation of Sandan is exposed, and it will definitely cause endless trouble in the future.

There is also the silver gun, which can be used in the ancient world to fight with the same generation. After all, the same age can't see any cues, but only know that the magic soldiers are extraordinary.

Nowadays, countless top strongmen are watching, revealing their roots and silver guns, and undoubtedly pushing themselves into the fire.

I just blame myself for my shallow cultivation, and there is no other way.

After coming out of Tianyuan, Chen Qingyuan practiced again, and Chen Qingyuan fell into his peers. As the time of practice gradually becomes longer, the gap will naturally decrease and even surpass it later.


A few days later, Yu Chenran no longer chatted with Dugu Changkong, but walked in front of Chen Qingyuan.

Chen Qingyuan opened his eyes and got up to salute: "Master."

"Don't be afraid, there is a teacher."

Yu Chenran seemed to see the concerns in Chen Qingyuan's heart and smiled kindly.

With Master's words, Chen Qingyuan's heart warmed up and asked in a low voice, "Master, if it is invincible, I... Can you do your best?"

"Can." Yu Chenran's eyes were sure.

"Can you always keep your disciples after the event?"

Chen Qingyuan said worriedly.


Yu Chenran slapped Chen Qingyuan on the head and scolded him with a smile, "Just take action. There is no need to be afraid when the sky collapses."

If I can't stand it, there will be the dean.


Chen Qingyuan lost that sense of crisis, and I believe that the master will definitely be able to return to the northern wilderness safely with him.

"Adjust your mental state and don't be ashamed of your teacher."

On the surface, he smiled, but he was very worried.

Many Sandan sacred products are unprecedented, and they have never appeared for at least nearly hundreds of thousands of years. Once Chen Qingyuan's foundation is exposed, it will inevitably cause a lot of trouble, which may not be less dangerous than the fragments of the imperial soldiers.

"Sooner or later, we can't hide it. Let's solve it together while the matter of the emperor's soldiers!"

Yu Chenran said secretly in his heart.

Of course, he can't guarantee the safety of Chen Qingyuan alone. There must be a lot of backhands.

Most importantly, Yu Chenran finally contacted the dean some time ago, and trembled excitedly, as if he had found the backbone. With the support of the dean, Yu Chen is not afraid of those old antiques who are older than himself.

"At the critical moment, I hope the dean is nearby! Don't wander around."

Yu Chenran just tried to contact the dean, but he didn't get an answer and smiled bitterly.

With the dean's temperament, I guess he is too lazy to respond!

Yu Chenran didn't know about the silver gun, and the strong outside world also didn't know it.

This battle depends on whether Chen Qingyuan's opponent can force him to use a silver gun.