

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 280 The real strength of the Buddha, the world shakes

"The Great Sun Buddha's Palm!"

The Buddha took a step forward, with his left hand on his chest, and his right hand gently patted forward.

Hundreds of Buddha's true lines emerge from the palm of the hand, all of which emit golden light and contain the meaning of Buddha.

After a few confrontations, Xuan Yi Zhenzhen has understood the strength of the Buddha, and does not dare to pose a high posture of the reincarnation of the divine bridge. He is absorbed and does his best.


A white bead appeared and fell into the palm of Xuan Yi's real person. This is a top holy weapon. He fought with him in the north and south and drank the blood of many strong people.

The Pearl of the Moon, the best holy soldier, can be attacked and defended.

This thing is refined from a star, and the weight is immeasurable.

Xuanyi Zhenren is now only the cultivation of the period of fit, and he can't exert the full power of the polar moon bead. However, he is the owner of Jiyuezhu, and he will not be devoured if he uses it casually.


He threw the pearl of the moon in his hand and hit the Buddha directly.

"Bang rumble..."

The power of the Buddha's hand was directly smashed by the polar moon beads.

Then, the pearls of the extreme moon are like broken bamboo, and they have reached the territory of the Buddha's light all over the sky.

Buddha's light cannot slow down its speed, and Buddhism and Sanskrit touch it and crack.

Seeing this, the Buddha smelled the strong smell of danger, immediately put his hands together and whispered, "What about..."

A round of Buddha light emerged from the body, spread around, and condensed into a golden transparent giant palm. The Buddha was in the middle of the giant palm, and the palm of the giant palm was aimed at Xuan Yi Zhenren.


The next moment, the polar moon bead hit the giant palm, making a loud noise similar to a metal collision, which continued and never stopped.

The Buddha's giant palm collapsed slightly, and even appeared a few wisps of cracks.

The Buddha has been maintaining a motionless posture, which slowed down the attack of Jiyuezhu and hovered in front of him.

At this time, how can Xuanyi's real person stop and take advantage of the situation to chase?

He turned into a mysterious light and pointed on the polar moon bead, which stimulated the aura of the whole body, causing the polar moon bead to burst out terrible pressure again.


The cracks in the giant palm became more, and a few wisps of pressure penetrated along the cracks and fell on the Buddha.

"Tear it..."

The Buddha's cassom broke, and several wisps of blood appeared on his body.

Although he was injured, the Buddha did not change his face and still lowered his eyebrows to chant the scriptures.

"Break it!"

Xuan Yi's real person urged all his strength and shouted in a low voice.

After a pause, the giant palm Forthway could not withstand the attack of the extreme moon bead, and it collapsed.

In an instant, the polar moon beads rolled up a burst of great power, and it was about to fall into the Buddha's body.

Everyone outside looked at this scene, their whole bodies were tense, and they were afraid that they would miss some critical moment.

At this moment, everyone felt that the Buddha could not escape the disaster and was about to be defeated.

A group of Mahayana monks showed joy. If this battle is won, there is a lot of certainty that they can win the fragments of the imperial soldiers, and no matter how bad it is, they can get a wisp of imperial lines above the remnants.

"Lord, do you believe in Buddhism?"

Suddenly, the Buddha looked at Xuanyi Zhenren and Jiyuezhu who came in front of him with calm eyes, and said such a sentence in a hurry.


At the same time, the polar moon beads stopped moving strangely and shook violently in place, as if they were controlled by some force.

Xuan Yi's real expression changed, and he was shocked. This is the original soldier who has been with him for many years. How can there be a sign of out of control?


Before long, golden light appeared in all corners of the battlefield, and the shadows of the Buddha's golden light appeared one after another.

Hundreds of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas's golden bodies sit from west to east, with Buddha's power all over the sky, and the golden light is boundless.

"Lord, do you believe in Buddhism?"

"The benefactor..."

This sentence has been echoing in Xuan Yi's real ear for a long time.

Xuan Yi's real person closed his ears, but the voice sounded in his heart. No matter what means he uses, he can hear the soul-like Buddha's voice.

The more you resist, the more painful it is.

There's nothing we can do. Xuanyi Zhenren can only answer: "I don't believe it in hypocrisy."

Hearing this, the Buddha actually showed an imperceptible smile.

"The poor monk sent the benefactor to see the Buddha, and the benefactor will believe it."

With that, the virtual shadow of the Buddha bloomed with dazzling golden light, and the endless pressure made the extreme moon beads stop in the air, and could not hurt the Buddha at all.

If Xuan Yi Zhen replied that he believed in the Buddha, then when he saw the Buddha, his spirit would be reduced, and it would be difficult to fight with the Buddha.

If you don't believe it, the shadow of the Buddhas will be condensed and you can suppress it.

If you are not a believer, you are also an enemy. It is difficult to deterate the power of the poor monk. Let's let the Buddha overdo it!

What the poor monk needs to do is to send the benefactor to see the Buddha.

"This guy... Something is wrong.

Xuan Yi Zhenren experienced a great disaster in his last life and death. He was lucky to live a second life and envied countless Taoist friends. At this moment, Xuanyi Zhenren smelled the familiar smell, which was the smell of death, and his soul trembled inexplicably.

I have survived such danger in my previous life. I won't fall into the hands of a small monk in this life!

Reminting this, Xuan Yizhen had a trace of retreat in his life.

Unfortunately, the boundary of the battlefield blocked this void, and Xuanyi had nowhere to avoid it.

As for saying "conced defeat", it is too shameful for Xuan Yi Zhenren. After all, at least he was reincarnated by Shenqiao, and some old friends were watching.

"Feng Tianyin!"

Xuanyi's real-life movements opened and closed, and a series of legal seals were formed. Finally, he put his hands together and pushed forward.


A Xuan seal like a jade seal, square, like a small star, hit the head of the Buddha fiercely.

The Buddha just raised his hand and blocked the power of the technique, and his body did not take half a step back, understated.


Xuan Yi was shocked and unbelievable.

"Nan Wu Amitabha Buddha."

A round of Buddha light hung high, and the power of the virtual shadow of the Buddha converged on the palm of the Buddha's right hand.

With a palm, the action of the virtual shadow of the Buddha is exactly the same as that of the Buddha.

The Buddha's light all over the sky covered every corner of the battlefield.

Xuan Yi Zhen wanted to take back the Jiyuezhu, but he stopped because Fowei was too terrible and could not regain control in a short time.

There were thousands of mysterious lights in front of him and were forced to resist head-on.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The Xuanguang barrier broke one after another, and all of them collapsed in just a dozen breaths.

Xuanyi Zhenren never expected this situation. The blood in his body flowed back because of the power of Buddha's light, and the speed of mobilizing the aura in his body was greatly slowed down, and he failed to exert his magic power as soon as possible.


In an instant, the space where Xuan Yi Zhenren was located exploded, and a black hole appeared, surrounded by fragmented space fragments.

Xuan Yi's body was torn apart, and the blood was scattered by the golden light and turned into nothingness.

The soul is out of the body and panicked to the extreme.

At this moment, Xuanyi lost his initial arrogance and made a voice of fear of death: "Gie to defeat! I admit defeat!"


At the same moment when Xuan Yi Zhenren said he had admitted defeat, the Buddha had already taken action.

Fo Wei swept by, and Xuan Yi's soul was directly purified. I guess he had seen the Buddha.

"Benefactor, you said it was too late."

The Buddha muttered to himself.

Many people did not expect the end of this battle.

At first, the two sides fought fiercely, but later, the Buddha made all his strength and directly crushed the victory. Even the old men in Kunlun didn't react, with a shocked expression on their faces and their eyes winded.

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

This starry sky is extremely silent. From the existence of the divine bridge to the young monks, their eyes fell on the Buddha. Looking at him bathed in the Buddha's light, he was stunned.

Slowly, everyone's expressions began to change, shocking, frightened, shocking and unbelievable.