

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 257 The Great Forced Question, Buddha Beads appear in the world

On the side, the high-level officials of the ethere holy land in the northern wilderness are sending a voice to Changsun Fengye and Changsun Qian, asking them to come back quickly and anxiously.

"Brother Wu is my friend, and it can't be seen that he is in danger." Changsun Fengye said loudly, deliberately letting his attitude reach everyone: "This is my personal behavior, and it has nothing to do with the sect."

"So do I."

Changsun Qian immediately said.

Why did Changsun Qian want to follow Wu Junyan?

In the past, she was very beautiful, gifted, of high status, and countless pursuers. Later, she practiced something wrong, and her appearance changed greatly, and she was extremely ugly.

Only when Wu Junyan saw her, his eyes were flat, and there was no trace of contempt and disgust.

At that moment, Changsun Qian felt that he still had dignity and her heart trembled.

Wu Junyan never cares about the appearance of others. For him, what a beautiful woman in the world is just a pink skeleton.

"Come back quickly. I can't tolerate your nonsense."

Seeing this, the elders of the ethereal holy land stretched out a huge palm, directly captured Changsun Fengye and Changsun Qian, and sealed their bodies and could not move.

"Untie it!"

Changsun Fengye looked at the elders with an indifferent face, and was obviously angry.

"Son, you can't be angry now. Please forgive me for being rude."

Of course, the elders will not lift the ban, but also strengthen their strength to prevent Changsun Fengye from getting out of trouble.

It's not that the elders want this, but that the thing at present is too complicated to be like this.

Anyone with discerning eyes can see that Wu Junyan has been targeted by a group of great men. Whoever is with him at this time will be affected.

With the background of the ethereal holy land, once it is involved, I'm afraid there will be a disaster.

For the sake of the holy land, it is necessary to stop the behavior of Changsun Fengye and Changsun Qian and cut off the possibility of disaster.

"Sill, come back."

An elder of the ancient Song family preached to Song Ningyan in a very eager tone.

"I want to advance and retreat with my brother."

Song Ningyan took a look at Chen Qingyuan and did not intend to leave.

"This is an order not to push the family to danger."

The next moment, the senior management of the Song family forcibly pulled Song Ningyan back. Like Changsun Fengye, his body was sealed in place, and any means were useless.

Even if they stood at the top of their peers, they could not stop the means of the older generation, and they were suppressed in the middle of their hands.

Without the evil that has grown up, no matter how talented it is, it is useless.

"Chen Xiaoyou, this is very serious. I advise you to step aside quickly."

The elder of the Song family gave a good reminder to Chen Qingyuan.

"I have my own plan. Thank you for reminding me."

Chen Qingyuan replied lightly.

Because Chen Qingyuan is not a man of the Song family, the elders of the Song family can't forcibly stop his behavior.

As for the origin of Chen Qingyuan's identity, only the old patriarch knew the huge Song family, so he secretly formed an alliance with the Daoyi Academy.

Even the current patriarch doesn't know about this matter, and these elders naturally don't know the stakes. If you know, you should protect Chen Qingyuan and don't let him make any mistakes.

In an instant, only Chen Qingyuan and Daochen Buddha accompanied Wu Junyan.

It's not that other people don't want to face the danger together, but they are forced to do it.

"I can understand the behavior of the Miao Palace and the Song family. If it were me, I would definitely do the same."

Chen Qingyuan said softly.

"Are you two really not leaving?" Of course, Wu Junyan could understand. He turned his head and looked at Chen Qingyuan with a little worried: "Whether you are here or not, the situation is actually the same."

"Bashit." Chen Qingyuan laughed and scolded and gave Wu Junyan a white eye.

Then, Chen Qingyuan said in his heart, "With me, you still have more or less chance to get out of trouble. If I leave, you will really be slaughtered by others.

At worst, you have to use all the cards and protect Wu Junyan's life.

Taoist Buddha has only one task to protect Chen Qingyuan.

Therefore, no matter what choice Chen Qingyuan makes, the Buddha will accompany him all the way. At the critical moment, he can even give up his life and not let Chen Qingyuan lose his life.

On the battleship of the ethereal palace, Changsun Qian has been struggling, with tears in her eyes, unwilling to watch Wu Junyan fall into the abyss step by step.

If she could, she wanted to accompany Wu Junyan, even if she knew that she would die, she would not change this idea.

The high-level officials of the ethereal holy place have too many concerns and should not let the younger generation do it at will.

Even if the Son and the saint hate or even revenge after the event, the elders still have to do so.

"Are you Wu Junyan?"

After a few breaths, an old man crossed a million miles of void and came in an instant.


Wu Junyan looked up at the old man with a flat face and no panic. A long time ago, he was ready to face death and was calm.

Swhew, swhw--

More and more old antiques show their true dignity, for fear of being half a step behind others.

In the vast sea of stars, there are more than 500 old guys who appear alone, all of whom are Mahayana monks. I'm afraid there are only a lot of people hiding in the dark.

Most of them are the strong people in Dizhou. After all, this is their home court. There are relatively few strong people in Xijiang and other places, and they are also excited.

Hundreds of great people were under a starry sky together. This picture really scared a group of young people. Their lips turned white, their bodies trembled slightly, and they were terrible.

Wu Junyan, I'm afraid it's more evil than good luck.

Anyone can see Wu Junyan's situation. Some people gloat, some people are indifferent, and more people look at the bustle without their own business.

Without strong enough strength, he can't keep it even if he has a great fortune. On the contrary, it is a life-threatening charm.

"I heard that you got a fragment of the imperial soldier. Is it true?"

A black-faced old man with a crutch looks weak, but he is actually the core elder of the top sect, with extremely strong strength.

Wu Junyan looked up to face these old guys, silent, and there was no timidity on his face.

"I asked you, can't you hear me?"

The old man on crutches on the cliff narrowed his eyes, emitting a trace of the power of the Mahayana period, and wanted to suppress people with the momentum.


How can young people stop a wisp of powerful pressure?

Wu Junyan was directly shocked and retreated by a hundred meters, and his body suddenly sank. He felt that his shoulders were pressed by countless mountains, and he almost knelt down in the void and supported it bitterly.

Chen Qingyuan and Daochen Buddha were not affected. Obviously, they came for Wu Junyan.

However, Chen Qingyuan would not sit idly by and immediately took out one thing.

A golden Buddha bead the size of a fist, engraved with ancient Sanskrit, with a strong Buddha charm and a bright Buddha all over the sky.

This is something given by the old monk Dongtu to Chen Qingyuan. He is the reli of the abbot of the Buddhist st. He has the supreme Buddha's power, which can suppress the demons in the world and deter the strong in all directions.