

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 224 Keep His Life


Everyone in Xijiang didn't quite understand Fu Dongliu's words and asked.

"The moment he carefully observed his action, he mobilized the spiritual power of Dantian." Fu Dongliu patiently explained, "Under normal circumstances, when we mobilize our aura, there is only one round of day. Chen Qingyuan is different. Although he is covering up, he can still see some traces. Reiki has run for two rounds of day.

"So..." Everyone was not a fool. He said so clearly that he said in surprise: "There are two golden elixirs in his body as the foundation."

Fu Dongliu did not answer, which was acquiescence.

As soon as this speculation came out, the scene was once shocked and set off a huge disturbance and noisy discussion.


While everyone was still talking fiercely, something changed in the battle above, and a loud noise came, which attracted everyone's attention in an instant.

Yang Suirong tried his best, but he could not defeat Chen Qingyuan as expected. In a hurry, he directly used the life-saving card.

A yellowed ancient mirror.

There is a very deep crack on the ancient mirror, which was severely damaged a long time ago.

"This boy is really playing!"

No one else knows the horror of this ancient mirror. Of course, everyone in Xijiang knows that their faces have changed greatly.

Rumor has it that the ancient mirror is a top-class weapon, which was damaged after a big war. After several twists and turns, he finally fell to the land of western Xinjiang and was got by Yang Suirong.

However, although Yang Suirong is predestined with the ancient mirror, his own strength is too weak to exert all the power of the ancient mirror. In addition, there is a strange law in the ancient mirror, which Yang Suirong can't suppress at all.

When he was in western Xinjiang, Yang Suirong used an ancient mirror to suppress an opponent who was much stronger than himself.

However, after forcibly urging the ancient mirror, Yang Suirong's body suffered a lot of damage. If the elders had not appeared in time, his soul would have been swallowed up by the law of the ancient mirror.

"Boss, do you want to stop Lao Yang?"

Someone asked, worried that things would go uncontrollable.


Fu Dongliu thought for a moment and muttered.

This is Yang Suirong's own choice. Since he has decided, he has thought about the consequences.

Moreover, Fu Dongliu wanted to see if Chen Qingyuan could stand it.

The battle situation in the sky changed. The ancient mirror was suspended in front of Yang Suirong, and his right index finger gently turned his back of the mirror.

A mouth broke at the fingertip, and the blood flowed out, which was absorbed by the ancient mirror.

It can be seen with the naked eye that a circle of bright red marks appeared on the surface of the ancient mirror, which had a strange taste.


A beam of light came out of the mirror and covered Chen Qingyuan's position.

Chen Qingyuan's body was bound and could not move for a while.

Taking this opportunity, Yang Suirong showed an extremely fierce attack with his left hand.

"Bang Long..."

The power of Taoism penetrated Chen Qingyuan's body and directly injured the internal organs.

Chen Qingyuan's facial expression suddenly changed, with accidents and pain.

If it hadn't been for the sword all over the body that stopped some of the power of Taoism, I'm afraid Chen Qingyuan's injury would have been more serious than now.

The next moment, Chen Qingyuan broke free from the shackles of the law of the ancient mirror and did not dare to continue to entangle. He threw out the Yulan sword in his hand and attacked with all his strength.

Due to the excessive consumption of the ancient mirror, Yang Suirong's face was pale and his body was slightly stiff.

The Yulan sword turned into a streamer, and the sword was so strong that it was far better than before.

Facing this sword, Yang Suirong was a little panicked.

According to Yang Suirong's prediction, he could defeat Chen Qingyuan with the power of the ancient mirror. He never thought that Chen Qingyuan still had the possibility of resistance.


The sword cut through the sky, and in just a few breaths, it came to Yang Suirong.

When Yang Suirong planned to run the ancient mirror to defend, there was not enough time.

A sword flashed, and Yang Suirong's right arm broke shoulder to shoulder, accompanied by a scream: "Ah!"

Then, Yulanjian changed the trajectory according to Chen Qingyuan's intention and stabbed Yang Suirong's heart from the rear.

The sword is fierce and unstoppable.

Seeing this, a group of guys in Xijiang couldn't help but want to stop it.


Suddenly, the Taochen Buddha appeared in front of everyone in Xijiang, with his hands folded and a solemn face.

Obviously, the Buddha did not allow anyone to interfere with the changes in the battlefield.

The pride of the west Xinjiang was very afraid of the Taoist Buddha and hesitated.

It was this moment of hesitation that Yulan Sword pierced Yang Suirong's heart from back to forward.


The law on Yang Suirong's body fluctuated directly, and the ancient mirror suspended in front of him also lost its luster.

He stared at his eyes and didn't believe that he would fail.

Looking down at the chest, a sharp sword penetrated the heart, and thick blood dripped from the blade.

The real feeling of coldness made him feel scared and flustered.

The breath of death came to his face, making his body begin to tremble, his face was full of cold sweat, and his eyes were full of fear.

At this time, Chen Qingyuan can take Yang Suirong's life away with a little more effort.

Will he do this?

Usually, Chen Qingyuan doesn't want to get into trouble, but just wants to make money quietly.

However, if Chen Qingyuan hadn't kept a good card just now, he would have died in the hands of Yang Suirong.

At that moment, Yang Suirong did everything with the help of the power of the ancient mirror. There was no taste of mercy, which was very fierce.

Chen Qingyuan came to Yang Suirong with an indifferent face.

Chen Qingyuan, who is in a combat state, is never afraid of provoking the enemy.

Even if killing Yang Suirong will offend many heavenly prides in western Xinjiang, so what?

"Save his life!"

Fu Dongliu, the boss of Xijiang, looked at the Daochen Buddha in front of him. He knew that he could not take action at this time, so he could only shout at the top.

"Do you think it's possible?"

Chen Qingyuan stopped for a moment, looked down at Fu Dongliu, and his eyes were indifferent.

"I'll pay for his life. That's all right!"

Fu Dongliu raised his voice.

"How much is the life of a proud man in western Xinjiang?"

When it to talk about money, Chen Qingyuan can think about it.

"You make a price."

Fu Dongliu was dressed in black and looked indifferent. He did not look nervous at all, as if Yang Suirong's life was not important to him.

If it weren't for the maintenance of stability within the western Xinjiang, Fu Dongliu would not want to do so.

"Look at your sincerity."

Chen Qingyuan likes to take the initiative in his own hands and throw the problem back.

"Fifty thousand best spirit stones."

Fu Dongliu pondered for a moment and said.

"Not enough." Chen Qingyuan shook his head.

A best spiritual vein can quickly extract 100,000 spiritual stones. In other words, the price of Fu Dongliu is half of the best spiritual vein.

This little money is too cheap to buy the life of a demon in western Xinjiang.


Fu Dongliu said again.

Chen Qingyuan still shook his head.

"A price, 200,000 yuan." Fu Dongliu slowly clenched his fists, his eyes changed slightly, and his original plain tone was a little chilly: "If not, then you can kill him!"