

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 196 Forcing everyone to quit the Star Tower and earn the money of the brothers

Between the words, the sharpness is revealed.

The people who picked the Star Tower were very unconvinced and wanted to do it.

Chen Qingyuan was not afraid, and the Yulan sword in his hand sounded, as if he still wanted to continue to fight, but he was still not satisfied.

The word "staka" appeared on the top of the Buddha's head, slowly rotating, and the Buddha's light was dazzling.

Changsun Fengye took a step forward and stood with his hands back, handsome.

If you want to fight again, there is no fear.


With a rebund, the people of the Star Tower restrained their momentum and dared not do it without authorization.

"Son, shall we just forget it like this?"

Not long ago, he was beaten as a seriously injured Goddo by Wu Junyan, and he was unwilling to say.

"There has been an agreement before. How can the Star Tower go back on our word? Let's go."

Wan Ling looked at Chen Qingyuan and others solemnly and muttered.


There are still some disciples who don't want to leave here and want to say it again.

Wan Ling's cold eyes passed, and the disciples closed their mouths directly and bowed their heads silently. It is a disrespectful act to question the decision of the Holy Son in front of many heavenly prides.

Then, Wan Ling led hundreds of people from the Star Picking Tower and left here without looking back.

Wan Ling thought that many people in their own clans could not see the situation clearly. The combat effectiveness that Chen Qingyuan just showed is obviously not weaker than himself.

If the two sides really go to war, and Chen Qingyuan is fully capable of restraining Wan Ling, then Daochen Buddha and others can easily suppress the others in the Star Tower.

What about hundreds of people? In front of the real top demons, the number of people can't play a big role at all.

"It seems that they have been in the comfort zone for too long, alas!"

Wan Ling looked back at the sect and sighed in his heart.

At the same time, Black Planet.

Chen Qingyuan forced to retreat from the people in the Star Tower and became famous.

The onlookers were afraid in their hearts and never thought that such a strong man would emerge from the northern wilderness.

"What else are you looking at? Do you want me to invite you to tea and dinner?"

Chen Qingyuan didn't like to be looked at. He turned his head and looked at the people who were watching the battle and came loudly.

"I'm sorry."

How dare everyone collide with Chen Qingyuan, apologized and turned away.

In a short moment, only Chen Qingyuan and others were left in this area.

"Brother, it turns out that you are so powerful!"

Seeing Chen Qingyuan's strength with her own eyes, Song Ningyan was stunned.

Leifa, Zhangfa, etc. are all the top Taoist skills of the Taoist Palace.

Song Ningyan once read it, but it was too profound to learn it.

Unexpectedly, Chen Qingyuan could learn so many top Taoism alone, and he had reached the realm of first glimpses. It was incredible.

"It's okay."

Chen Qingyuan smiled.

"If I'm not mistaken, you should be the foundation of double elixirs, right?"

At this moment, Changsun Fengye came slowly with a trace of doubt and surprise.

"That's right!"

When Chen Qingyuan took action, he expected that he would be seen through this, and he nodded without covering it up.

The foundation of Shuangdan Holy Product?

No way!

Song Ningyan could also see some clues, but she didn't expect this situation and was stunned.


Changsun Fengye held back for a long time and cursed with a strange expression.

The golden elixir period is the foundation of the whole practice road, which determines how high it can go in the future.

Therefore, when everyone knew that there were two golden elixirs in Chen Qingyuan's body, the scree on his face did not dissipate for a long time.

"Don't look at me with such eyes, stop."

Chen Qingyuan felt very strange and hurried out to ease the atmosphere.

"The Holy Son of the Star Tower must have found this, and you can't hide it."

Changsun Fengye reminded him.

"It's okay. Don't worry."

When he took action, Chen Qingyuan thought about the consequences of exposing the foundation of the two elixirs.

This kind of foundation has also been in previous times. At most, the world is just shock and fear, and it will not produce any evil thoughts.

"I'm a little thirsty." Chen Qingyuan looked at Wu Junyan and said seriously, "Lao Wu, it's your treat."

Wu Junyan has no right to refuse.

For the safety reasons, the group left the strange black planet and went to a no-man's land.

A place covered by yellow sand, a high mountain towering into the clouds.

At the top of the mountain, Chen Qingyuan and others sat on a boulder and drank the wine bought by Wu Junyan.

Why did you say buy it?

Wu Junyan is not very interested in alcohol and does not carry it with him.

However, Wu Junyan had to invite Chen Qingyuan and others to drink again.

Therefore, Chen Qingyuan generously took out the wine he had brought and sold it to Wu Junyan at a high price.

Then, Wu Junyan entertained everyone with good wine, with a depressed expression and felt that the wine in his mouth was slightly bitter.

Originally, Wu Junyan was grateful and warm to Chen Qingyuan. But after buying wine, he realized one thing.

When there is no danger, Chen Qingyuan is the biggest danger and needs to be guarded at all times. Once you are fooled, although it will not have much impact, you will definitely not be happy in your heart.

If he is in trouble, as long as Chen Qingyuan is around, he must be the strongest backing, none.

In short, a bad friend of life and death.

"You're welcome, everyone. Open it up. It's not enough. I still have it."

Chen Qingyuan encourged Changsun Fengye and others to drink wine as soon as possible.

In this way, there was not enough wine, and Wu Junyan had to buy it from Chen Qingyuan again.

It's not shy to make money for your brother.

Besides, it's a lot of fun.

"Buddha, monks should not drink alcohol, so drink tea!" With that, Chen Qingyuan took out several pots of fragrant tea from the Xumi ring and put it in front of the Taoist Buddha.

Then, Chen Qingyuan looked at Wu Junyan, stretched out his left hand, and said with a smile, "Chenghui, 500 yuan of top-quality spirit stone."


The corners of everyone's mouth twitched gently, and they didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

After three rounds of drinking, everyone talked about the business.

"This is the ancient Taoist scripture I got in an exotic space."

Wu Junyan took out a yellowed ancient book with special law lines on its surface, which can resist the erosion of external forces and years.

Chen Qingyuan and others actually don't want to talk about this. Everyone has their own opportunity and can't be greedy.

However, Wu Junyan took the initiative to mention it and took out the Taoist scriptures, which made everyone a little unprepared. They looked at each other and silent.

After a while, Chen Qingyuan said, "Lao Wu, this is your creation. Put it away!"

A gentleman loves money and takes it in a good way.

Chen Qingyuan is not greedy for the creation of his brothers. A little money is just a way for brothers to get along with each other to relieve stress and increase fun.

"I have read it before. It is not a magic secret book, but a historical period of time."

Wu Junyan said.


Everyone was puzzled and subconsciously glanced at the ancient scriptures on the table and became a little interested.

"Open it and have a look!"

Wu Junyan turned over the first page of the ancient scriptures, and a line of big characters appeared on it.

The road is missing, and the divine bridge has been broken.


Everyone stared at this sentence, and the thought seemed to have been pulled into the depths of the long river of time, and there was a blurred picture in front of them.