

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 188 Where does this sword come from?

In the southeast region, the tip of the sword was inserted into the ground, and half of the exposed sword body was about a kilometer long, like a high mountain.

It is said that the sword suddenly fell from the sky without any signs.

Many Tianjiao, who was originally nearby, saw it with his own eyes and was shocked.

They looked up at the sky, a blue landscape without any gaps.

Where does the sword come from?

Who is it?

Why did this sword suddenly fall?

Many doubts linger in the minds of the proud people, and it is difficult to disperse.

This matter soon spread to all parties in the ancient secret place, attracting a large number of Tianjiao to hear the news and want to see the true face of the Tianjian.

The sword body is slightly rough, and the blade has many gaps, which may have experienced an unimaginable war. The dark red color of the whole body seems to be the trace after the blood dried up.

"This sword is terrible."

The proud people standing in the distance and watching were full of fear. With their ability, they can't break the power of the sword in a hundred miles of the sky. If they approach easily, they are easily injured by the sword.

"There seems to be a word engraved on the hilt of the sword, which is blocked by a layer of fog, and it can't be seen clearly."

More and more people are coming here, and there are thousands of them.

Because the power of the Heavenly Sword is too terrible, no Taoist skill can break through the fog around it, and the divine consciousness cannot be explored. Only a trace of abnormal things can be observed with the naked eye.

"If you can control this sword, it must be the greatest creation of the Baimai feast."

Many people want to get this sword, but they have no way to start. They stand in place and don't know what to do. ъìqυgΕtv.℃ǒΜ

It took a few days for Chen Qingyuan and others to come to this territory.

In the endless desolate plain, half of the sword body of a kilometer long is exposed, and the pressure emitted is extremely powerful, which is daunting.

bursts of clouds drifted to the hilt of the sword, covering something.


Just looking at the Tianjian, Chen Qingyuan noticed that the superior holy sword hidden in his body had reacted and trembled for a few times, as if he was expressing respect and a trace of surprise.

The seven-star Bai Jue sword is the sword of the first generation dean.

After Chen Qingyuan got this sword, he never showed it.

On the one hand, this sword is of great significance and is easy to attract others to covete; on the other hand, in terms of Chen Qingyuan's current cultivation, it is impossible to exert the power of the seven-star Bai Jue sword, and it is easy to be devoured.

Another Yulan sword, unable to tremble, fell directly into a deep sleep and did not dare to show any disrespect in front of the meaning of the heavenly sword.

"No... It's incredible.

When Chen Qingyuan found the condition of the sword in his body, there was a trace of incredible surprise in his clear eyes and muttered.

Bai Jue's sword, which once fought with the first president, is the top sword in the world in any era, the unique kind.

However, Bai Juejian's performance at this moment is so abnormal.

"This sword is extraordinary."

Daochen Buddha wears a light yellow simple jacket, and the shoes are also ordinary cloth shoes. His eyes bloomed with a little golden light. He should have used the special Taoism of Buddhism to observe the heavenly sword.

"After watching it for a long time, I have a feeling of submission and can't resist."

Song Ningyan withdrew her eyes and said her opinion.

"Where did this sword come from?"

At some point, this question popped up in Chen Qingyuan's mind.

Later, Chen Qingyuan inquired about it and learned more detailed information about Tianjian.

It fell from the sky without warning.


Chen Qingyuan looked up at the hilt of the sword. It was said that someone faintly saw the words engraved on the hilt. I don't know what it was.

Maybe it's a coincidence, maybe for some reason.

With Chen Qingyuan's glance, the white fog that originally covered the hilt of the sword was dissipating at a relatively fast speed.

Soon, the ancient words engraved on the hilt of the sword fell into everyone's eyes.

"Look! The fog has dissipated!"

Everyone was shocked, suppressed the tingling of their eyes, and stared at the hilt of the Heavenly Sword.

At the end of the hilt of the sword, there is a word engraved - withered.

The meaning of silence and Xiao Liang suddenly poured into everyone's hearts, and they couldn't help but tremble.


Everyone was lost in thought and didn't know the meaning of the word.

Just as everyone was puzzled, a man soared up in the air and kept the same level as the hilt of the Heavenly Sword. Although it is a hundred miles apart, it can be seen more clearly.

That man is a top demon in Dizhou, the sword of the Dongli Sword School, Jiang Xun.

Jiang Xun was dressed in a simple light-colored cloth, and his whole body was like a sword that did not come out of the sheath. The sword was restrained and seemed ordinary, but in fact it was hidden.

It is indisputable that Jiang Xun is one of the strongest young swordsman in the world.

"Wild goose withered sword."

Jiang Xun's eyes flashed with unconcealable excitement and joy, and he whispered to himself, clearly recognizing the origin of the sword.

Everyone looked up at Jiang Xun's back and didn't hear his self-talk. They were a little curious.

Why can Jiang Xun recognize this sword?

Because he has read the ancient books of the Dongli Sword School since he was a child, and once saw a painting of the Wild Goose Sword.

To be precise, it is an ancient painting of a swordsman holding a wild goose sword.

The swordsman is an ancestor of the Dongli Sword School and the strongest existence since the establishment of the Dongli Sword School.

The wild goose sword disappeared for 300,000 years, and the Dongli Sword School searched for so many years, used countless methods, and almost every corner of Dizhou.

However, the Dongli Sword School had no gains before.

The real reason why Jiang Xun participated in the Baimai feast was to try his luck and see if he could find clues about the wild goose sword and his ancestors in the ancient secret place.

"Where did the ancestors go in the past? What kind of war has it been?

The ancient books of the Dongli Sword School only record a relatively strange change in heaven and earth. 300,000 years ago, there was a great chaos in the laws of heaven and earth, and visions changed everywhere, which lasted for several months.

One day, the ancestor mentioned the wild goose sword and wanted to go far away.

According to the description of the ancient book, the Holy Lord Dongli at that time asked, "Where are you going?"

"The end of the sky."

The man replied.

"What to do?"

Ask again from the Holy Lord.

The man said, "Do something that may change the situation in the world."

Dong Li Holy Lord: "When will you come back?"

The man stood with a sword: "I don't know. If it succeeds, there may be a return of life. If you fail, you won't be able to come back.

Dong Li Holy Lord: "Do I have to go?"

The man replied, "Some things have to be done by someone. Besides, it's my honor to go on this trip, even if I die, I won't regret it.

Dong Li Holy Lord: "All the way... Be safe.

The man left with the wild goose sword and never appeared again.

It is said that the top strong people who left at that time were not only the ancestors of the Dongli Sword School, but also many.

The world doesn't know what happened in those years, so there is no way to record it.

Strangely, not long after that incident, a demon abyss appeared in Dizhou, expanding at a very fast speed, wanting to devour the whole world.

"Jianzi, do you recognize this sword?"

At this time, a Tianjiao in Dizhou found that Jiang Xun's expression was a little abnormal. He summoned up his courage and asked.