

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 156 The Hundred Veins Feast is about to open, and none of them is worry-free

"Pursuit of soul belonging."

Changsun Fengye did not hide it and spoke bluntly.

"Is that the girl from a few days ago?"

Of course, the senior officials of the palace are very clear about the secrets of the ancient tomb. They wanted to interfere with Changsun Fengye's choice, but they did not dare to stop it.

If he were the former son, no matter how high his status was, he would have to obey the orders of the elders.

However, Changsun Fengye is different.

He is the most evil disciple of the Myoly Palace in the past 100,000 years. If he does not die, he will be able to lead the Myoly Palace to a more glorious height in the future.


In the hall, there were hundreds of elders with profound cultivation, with gloomy faces. Seeing this, Changsun Fengye was not timid and nodded to answer.

"After a while, it will be a feast of all veins. If you leave now, once you miss it, it will be a great loss to you and the Holy Land."

The saint of the palace is named Yi Qianran. He looks like a middle-aged man, dressed in a brocade robe, sitting on a high place, and majestic.

"Master, for the apprentice, although the feast is important, it is far less than the pursuit of the soul."

In the face of Yi Qianran, who is both a teacher and a saint, Changsun Fengye is still like this, and he dares to speak out.

"You should know exactly what the feast means!"

Yi Qianran wanted to be angry, but he didn't want to hurt the friendship between the master and apprentice. He suppressed his emotions and his voice was low.

"It's clear."

The feast of all veins opens once every ten thousand years.

Hosted by the top sects of the nine regions of Dizhou, at the beginning, this feast only included the proud demons of Dizhou, and the rest of the states could not participate.

Later, after the maneuvering and pressure of all forces, even the top forces of Dizhou had to give in and agreed to let the demons of the other four states participate in the feast.

Most of the candidates in the northern wilderness come from the top sects in the core area. In addition, that's the top ten in the north.

Daoyi Xuegong did not want the proud people with ordinary backgrounds to lose the opportunity to reach the top, so they had a list of ten best. All the top ten people are qualified to compete for the opportunity of the younger generation, and the major forces in the northern wilderness cannot be stopped.

The once-in-a-thousand-year feast of hundreds of veins, it is both lucky and unfortunate to be born in this era.

If you can shine at the feast, you can get the luck of heaven and earth, as well as many indescribable benefits. However, those who win and lose naturally, and the defeated Tianjiao can only be reduced to a foil.

This is the main reason why many Tianjiao want to compete for the ten heroes of the Northern Wilderness.

Even if many people don't know the specific benefits of ranking in the top ten, they have to fight for it in order to prove themselves and create a proud Taoist heart of their peers.

"With your ability, you will get a lot of opportunities on the Baimai feast. Are you crazy to give up this opportunity for the sake of an ordinary woman?

Yi Qianran asked like a roar.

In the past, he could indulge Changsun Fengye's nonsense, but this time it was about his own future and future, so he couldn't help it.

"Master, I'm not crazy. I know my choice very well."

Changsun Fengye and Yi Qianran looked at each other and were not timid.

The elders' faces are full of sadness. What a headache!

"You..." Yi Qianran stood up and pointed to Changsun Fengye, who couldn't wait to scold him. After a long stalemate, Yi Qianran sighed: "Alas! Your boy's temper is so stubborn!"

"With Master."

Changsun Fengye smiled, as if he didn't feel much pressure and was indifferent.

After calming down, Yi Qianran threw out a delicate universe bag: "There are several mother-of-law jade charms and thirty large transmission symbols in it. Once the mother-child jade charm is sensed, you have to come back as soon as possible. If you dare to delay the opportunity, don't blame the teacher for being cruel.

"Thank you, Master."

Changsun Fengye happily took over the universe bag and bowed.

"If you really like that girl, bring her back to the teacher. It's not easy to become a Taoist couple of the future saint of the palace.

Yi Qianran really loves his apprentice.

"Well, disciple, work hard."

Thank you, Master. Changsun Fengye ran away and didn't look back.

I went to the Fuming field for the beauty.


In the hall, there were bursts of sighs.

Many elders seem to have been old for decades in an instant, and there are a few more white hairs.

"The girl of Changsun Qian was trapped by love and sneaked out some time ago. Now the son is the same. What a brother and sister!"

Changsun Qian, the saint of the ethereal palace, threw herself on Wu Junyan. This woman's appearance was destroyed by practicing Taoism. She was strong, and her weapon was a frehorning long axe.

A few days ago, Changsun Qian and Wu Junyan had a battle and were defeated. According to the agreement, Chang Sunqian can't disturb Wu Junyan. However, she did not intend to abide by the agreement and followed shamelessly, and now she doesn't know where to go.

"None of them makes me worry-free."

Yi Qianran couldn't laugh or cry. He scolded and brushed his sleeves and left.

The feast of Baimai is coming, and other forces are actively preparing. The saint and daughter of our ethere are no more than a shadow. What a fart!"

Some grumpy elder made a complaint.

"There is no specific time. It depends on when Dizhou will be notified."

Every top force in the northern wilderness can arrange several heavenly heroes under the age of 500 to go.

The ten heroes in the north only pay attention to personal strength, and more than half of them are monks with a deep background.

This is a first-line opportunity won by Daoyi Xuegong for Tianjiao, who came from a poorer background!

After a few months, Chen Qingyuan and Liu Lingran returned to the Xuanqing Sect in the Fuming Mingyuan region.

The journey was relatively smooth. It cost the spirit stone to use the transmission arrays of various places, spanning many star domains and countless stars, and did not encounter any trouble.

After returning home, Chen Qingyuan chatted with his brothers and sisters for a long time and took out more than half of his resources to build a sect.


Xuan Qingzong accepted a new generation of disciples. They had heard of Chen Qingyuan's name for a long time. After seeing the real person, they all saluted with respectful eyes.

Am I old?

Looking at this group of young disciples, Chen Qingyuan touched the slightly vicissitudes of life and sighed in his heart.

It's all right, uncle. There are people who call him master, which is a little too much!

After insiding, it's really not wrong.

Chen Qingyuan's mood was more complicated. He put the spirit stone in the array of the halls on various mountains, which improved the welfare of the sect and made the disciples in the door very happy, which meant that they had more cultivation resources.

"Is the eldest brother still in retreat?"

Chen Qingyuan wanted to meet Lin Changsheng, but unfortunately he couldn't get what he wanted.

The senior officials of Xuanqingzong thought that Lin Changsheng could not be closed. In fact, it was just an incarnation left by Lin Changsheng, and his master made a lot of trouble in Dizhou.

After staying at home for a period of time, I need to teach the disciples in the door to practice and deal with some trivial matters.

On this day, Chen Qingyuan was inducted by the Daoyi Academy.

Sarewell to everyone and set off immediately.

"Master, I'm back."

After rushing for a period of time, Chen Qingyuan returned to the Daoyi Academy and went straight to the master's residence.