

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 154 The tok of the Ethered Palace

Liu Lingran came closer and looked at it, as if it was a secret door.

The secret door opened automatically without waiting for Liu Lingran to exert his spiritual power.

Then, a soft force sucked Liu Lingran in and shouted in a panic, "Little uncle!"

This force is so strong that Liu Lingran has no resistance.

"What are you doing?"

Chen Qingyuan looked at Liu Lingran, who was forcibly swallowed up by the law of the secret door, and turned his head to question him.

"This is an opportunity. You will know later."

Changsun Fengye hurriedly explained.

"If Liu Saida is missing a hair, don't blame me for turning against others."

Since Liu Lingran's introduction, Chen Qingyuan has been teaching, and the teacher's friendship is very deep.

"Brother Chen, don't worry. How can I put Miss Liu in danger?"

Changsun Fengye said seriously.

With this guarantee, Chen Qingyuan doesn't have much to worry about, just stay in place and wait.

After a few hours, Liu Lingran came out of another space.

At this moment, she has an indescribable mysterious atmosphere on her body, as if she had been baptized by the road, which raised her talent to a higher level.

"Are you all right!" Chen Qingyuan stepped forward a few steps and asked with concern.

"No." Liu Lingran trusted Chen Qingyuan very much and told the situation in the secret door.

Inside is a small spiritual spring, and a soft law force covers Liu Lingran's body and has a special connection with the spiritual spring. Subsequently, Liu Lingran was washed by Lingquan, his strength rose, and his talent rose.

In addition, she also got a jade charm engraved with two words - ethereal.

"Uncle, what is this?"

Liu Lingran took out the jade charm and handed it to Chen Qingyuan, and asked doubtfully.

"The tok of the ethere palace!"

Chen Qingyuan just took a look and knew what this jade charm represented.

The tok of the true disciple means that Liu Lingran can directly become a disciple of the palace without any obstacles.

"Crazy, you have gone too far!"

I dug the foot of the wall and dug on the head of my Xuanqing sect.

This guy must be thinking about getting close to the water.

Once Liu Lingran is allowed to go to the palace, Changsun Fengye will not be able to see her every day in the future.

"It's none of my business."

Changsun Fengye did not admit it and pretended to be ignorant.

In order to block the mouths of a group of high-level officials in the palace, Changsun Fengye finally got a spiritual spring and used it, allowing Liu Lingran to wash the marrow and replace the body, so as to meet the standard of true disciples.

"Do you think I believe it?"

Chen Qingyuan gave a look.

"It is estimated that it is a token left by the predecessors of Guquan. Those who are predestined will become disciples of the ethereal palace after they get it."

Changsun Fengye thought of an explanation, and his words affirmed.

A jade symbol, why did the little uncle question Mr. Changsun?

Until now, Liu Lingran still doesn't know the origin of Changsun Fengye's identity, so her face is full of doubt.

"Continue to make up." Chen Qingyuan put his hands in front of his chest and stared straight at Changsun Fengye.

"Uncle, what's the use of this thing?"

Liu Lingran broke the dull atmosphere in the hall.

"Have you ever heard of the palace?" Chen Qingyuan asked a question.

"Of course I know. It is the top holy place in the human spiritual star domain. It is said that there are many Mahayanas in the town."

When he came to this territory, Liu Lingran heard a lot of news. There must be a deep impression of these top forces in the Northern Wilderness.

"With this thing, you can become a true disciple of the ethereal palace."

Chen Qingyuan did not hide it and said the truth.

"So awesome!" Liu Lingran said in surprise.

"Siddy, are you excited?"

Chen Qingyuan asked.

"What's your heart? I'm not the kind of person who is obsessive to the situation. I'm just surprised. Liu Lingran said, "No matter how good this token is, it has nothing to do with me. Throw it away!"

"Throw it away?" Now it's Chen Qingyuan's turn to be stunned: "Gid, are you serious?"

"Of course, I can't betray the sect. It's useless to keep this thing!" Liu Lingran thought deeply and said, "If you take this thing out, it may make you coquettish. It's better to throw it away to save trouble."

"Sill, what you said makes a lot of sense."

Chen Qingyuan focused on the first, and then threw the jade card of the etheteral palace into the depths of the secret world, and he didn't know where to go.

It's rare to stick to your heart!

Seeing the tok and jade charm thrown away with his own eyes, Changsun Fengye did not feel any heartache, but his love for Liu Lingran increased a lot.

There are still many places in the secret place of the ancient tomb that have not been explored, but Liu Lingran plans to leave. Don't be greedy when it's good.

Chen Qingyuan and others came to accompany Liu Lingran, and everything was up to Liu Lingran.

Leaving the secret place, everyone has been going to a place where there is no one, for fear of being found by people with intention.

Liu Lingran was very cautious and stopped until he ensured safety.

At the foot of the desolate mountain.

"Bad, you have just got the foundation. Hurry up and close the gate and stay a solid foundation. Uncle will protect you. Don't worry.

Chen Qingyuan said.

"Okay, I'm sorry to trouble you, little uncle."

Liu Lingran really needs to be closed for a period of time to refine all the spiritual springs that are included in his body.

Set the array and block the four sides.

After Liu Lingran entered the battle, he focused on practicing and didn't know anything about what happened outside the game.

"Lao Feng, you actually use this kind of dirty method to dig the willow girl into the ethereal palace. Do you really think I don't exist?"

Chen Qingyuan questioned.

"What's the most promiscuous means to become a true disciple of the ethereal palace, and you won't wrong Miss Liu."

At this moment, the two can finally shout and scold face to face.

Han Shan stood aside to watch the play. It was none of his business and hung up. ъìqυgΕtv.℃ǒΜ

"She is a disciple of my Xuanqing Sect, you don't know!"

Chen Qingyuan snorted coldly.

"I know." Changsun Fengye said with great momentum, "You are also a disciple of Xuanqingzong, and you have also entered the door of the Daoyi School Palace."

"My situation is different. The status of Daoyi School Palace is transcendent. I never intervene in the struggle between the northern wilderness forces. As long as the hero of any force is predestined, he can enter the school palace."

"If Liu girl really has something to do with the eunion palace, and the eunion palace will be the enemy of Xuanqingzong in the future, how will you let her choose? No matter which side she is on, she will get a bad name. If the two don't help each other, the world will say that she is ruthless and unrighteous. Have you ever thought about this?

Chen Qingyuan said loudly.

"The Ethely Palace is far away from the Xuanqing Sect, and it is impossible to have a conflict of interest. How can it be the enemy?"

Changsun Fengye felt that this possibility did not exist at all.

"No now, it doesn't mean there will be no future."

Chen Qingyuan said.

"According to what you said, it's actually easy to solve."

After pondering for a moment, Changsun Fengye came up with an idea.

"How to solve it?"

Chen Qingyuan asked.

"If I and Miss Liu were a Taoist couple and the two families were married and allied, there would be no conflict. Even if there is a conflict, it can be solved in a peaceful way.

"Moreover, I can guarantee that as long as I don't die, the etherious palace will not take the initiative to bully Xuanqing Sect, and will also help Xuanqing Sect develop together, and will definitely not let Miss Liu suffer any injustice."

For the sake of marriage, Changsun Fengye made a promise.


Chen Qingyuan rolled his eyes. Before the eight characters were written, you wanted to be a Taoist couple. Go and dream!