

Tia is a girl who doesn't hate both of her parents because they didn't want her to be pregnant. Divorced from her father, her mother remarried to a man who raped Tia. This man chased them away again because Tia told her mother of her husband's crime, but because of her hatred for her daughter, she accused her own daughter of being the cause of her misfortune and took her away. hate more. Abandoned by her mother and father at the age of 8 . She chained 2 jobs to be able to survive, pay her rent and her studies at the age of 16 years. She fights against winds and tides to finish her studies but still ignores the handsome Neal who advances her because of this trauma that eats away at her heart and hates men. Despite this ignorance, Neal is still waiting for her for 5 years and helps her to forget this act that ruins her soul and to know the happiness that is love.

niv_dita · Urban
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15 Chs

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My heart is beating at 10,000 an hour, the president of the center said there are only 5 mentions good enough, I cross my fingers to be part of it, it's my way out oh GOD.

We call the first, then the second, then the third, the fourth.

Me: Oh god, not that!

When I want to get discouraged I just hear

The President: Fifth from the center, with a fairly good mention, number 1850 Tatiana Mérile OYE.

Me: IT'S MOOOOOI! 21 years old and a bachelor!

I cry of joy! The liberation lord, I got my MENTION!

I run throughout the establishment, my joy is indescribable!

I see other people being called as they go along and jumping for joy, so is that having the baccalaureate? Taste !

When the deliberation ends, I go to consult the lists to have my average.

Me (reading): 12.58! Wouuuuuhouuu YES! I am proud of myself.

When I leave the center, I see the others with their parents, their friends, then you have me, I am the only person to be proud of myself.

Phone ring

Cinthya: Maaaanitaaaaa, it's inside oh! Yeeeeeeees ohhh

Me: Lol! You knew you were going to have this ever since!

Cinthya: Kiakiakia, everyone has their own way of provoking their chance! Oh I have too much taste, finally I'm going to change level!

Me: Brothel level?

She's moving ! Well little one, let's talk well, we still have to go out akaaaaa!

Me: Huuuum, if it's an outing like you like, I don't want to! I'm not going to sit at the table where a man has paid, no!

Her: Even in joy, you want to think too much! Good promise, we leave between girls, you, me and my cousins ​​and I promise you that no man will pay!

Me: Where are we going?

Her: I'm going to introduce you to the VIP.

Me: Hum, ok, but don't forget that I'm on a tight budget, no too high contributions please Cinthya.

Her: No, don't worry, you just give 15,000.

Me (thinking): Alright and it's tonight?

Cinthya: Nooo! We're going next Saturday, when the eligibles will have their results. This is the real night of the graduates (laughs)

Me: Okay great!

I finish with her and go home. I stop at the bar to tell my neighborhood daronne that it's validated, she's happy for me and she offers me a few drinks.

I go down to the house, very happy, with my shirt tagged by high school graduates I didn't even know Lol, joy really does things.

I open the door and I meet who? This old Bernard pig who dropped off his daughter and handed over the money for her snacks.

The rage that rises in my heart huh!

Me (annoyed): You get up and you leave this house Bernard!

Nadine: Because?

Me: There's nothing to do here! Let him get out!

Nadine (furious): You're the bastard who has nothing to do here! You are sick ?

Bernard (eating me with his eyes): I see that you still have animosity towards me!

Me (fixing him): If you look at me like that for two more seconds, I swear to you that what I did to you was small compared to what I'm going to do to you!

I saw him wince.

Me: You pig! I said get out of my grandmother's house!

Him (sneering): Fortunately, it's not your house and I have the right to come and deposit MY daughter's money!

Me: Do you insist on "MA" thinking that I will be in pain? I'm glad I'm not the daughter of a dirty pig like you! And you Nadine, you will bite your fingers when he goes to bed with your own daughter! You make me sick !

I went to calm my spirits in my room and I heard Nadine vociferate behind me!

She was talking, she was talking and suddenly the other pig dared to talk about me, my blood just boiled!

I jumped out of bed and went to get the sharp machete.

I landed in the living room

Me: If you don't get out of here, I swear I'll hurt you with this.

Nadine: But you are COMPLETELY SICK!

Me: Glad you know! I count to 2 (he blanched). 1, 2!

I ran into him and only saw him get up and start running.

He managed to run fast and get into his car.

Me (holding the machete): Don't dare ever again, I say never again, otherwise I'm going to hurt you with this machete. And I don't care if I go to jail! (Spitting on the glass) Dirty pig!

I came back home with rage in my stomach.

And I see Nadine who has started throwing my things out!

You know what ? I will give her what she wants.

I went up to the bar to explain the situation to my boss.

Me: I will participate in the charges, I swear.

Her: You know you're a girl that I really like, but I don't want to have any worries if your mother ever finds out that I'm taking you in.

Me: Oh don't worry, she doesn't care about me. For her, I am a curse (knotted throat), a millstone at her feet.

Her (taking my hand): Okay! I will help you ! But on condition that you continue to help me at the bar and for free!

Me: No worries. Thank you the daronne, I come with my things.

I came downstairs and your relative thought I was going to beg her!

Her: We'll see where you go here!

All my things were already outside and scattered, go back to do what?

I had bought my sachets at the shop and I started to load my things a little bit!

When I finished, I transported with the little boy (10 years old) of my boss.

I ran away from "Nadine's house" which is not even hers, because I am tired of the atmosphere of this house.

I'm tired of spending my energy on a fight when I have other more important fights to fight.

A few days later I got my certificate, my statement and my third quarter report card.

Then the day of the nightclub arrived!

The HQ to get ready is at Cinthya in the old sobraga.

Me (entering): Good evening manita

Cinthya: Finally you're here little one!

I will greet his mother who welcomes me warmly and congratulates me too!

Her mom: Take it easy over there oh Cinthya!

Her: Yes oh old lady. (pulling me)

We arrive in his room and start to get ready.

Cinthya: Sit down, I'm curling your hair! You will not go with this bun!

Me: Ok oh!

I sit down and she starts curling my hair and giving me a light makeup.

Frankly, I feel beautiful! Too bad for my parents who find me ugly, too thin and too black, as long as I feel beautiful, that's the most important thing!

I wore a white dress identical to the one in the photo and my hair had this same cut!

Cinthya: Wouuuuuh, hot!

Me (happy): Thank you!

Her: But how do you expect guys not to approach you when you're fresh like that? Stop it man!

Me (defensively): I'm making myself pretty and they don't have to come near me too!

Her: Calm down, I don't want us to take our heads off! And also why are you like this with short men?

Me (avoiding his gaze): Let's go please!

Her (laughing): Or do you like girls? (eyes widening) Wooh are you a lesbian? But you had to tell me that since.

Me (laughing): Ah, it's up to you! If you think so, then take it as the truth! (She stares at me seriously) But I don't intend to answer you for the moment (smile) let's go please.

We leave the house and go to the VIP.

We arrived a little early because it will be quite full today.

I discover the nightclub, it's my first time, it's very beautiful in any case.

As if people had passed a word, many of us are dressed in white.

Cinthya reserved a lounge for us just in front of the VIP lounge.

I arrive and quickly get to know her cousins ​​who are already there.

At 01h, we are at 10 girls in total.

I drink very little because I don't want to get drunk and a guy starts approaching me. I'm staying vigilant guys!

I'm sitting quietly when I see two people added to the VIP lounge, the DJ announces their entry like kings, Lol!

DJ: And we have Pierre-Neal MAYE in place tonight! Dedication to the chic and talented Nala! They came to celebrate their friends' baccalaureate tonight! They are vacationers and we know it's going to blow up! COME ON !

Looks like they are stars huh! In short !

I get up to go outside to take a breather and two cousins ​​in Cinthya go there with me because they want to smoke.

Cousin 1: Pierre-Neal, the kind that I love my GOD and that I will soon have!

Cousin 2: The guy is sweet until aaaaaa but mama, take your eyes off oh!

Me: Why are you getting excited about this guy anyway?

They look at me surprised!

Cousin 1: We feel that you have just discovered mama outings! In fact he had fired two years ago with the celebration of his baccalaureate. And Nala is her twin, an atmospheric and very great dancer in Senegal there. In short, Pierre-Neal is a bit of the handsome guy that everyone wants to tear off! He is badly handsome and frightened to death!

Cousin 2: But problem! 1/ He is studying in France, so the only way to catch him is during the holidays. 2/ His girlfriend is never far away, and no one has ever managed to turn him away from her, they've been together since 1st grade, so it's been 4 years I think.

Me: Oh okay okay!

That doesn't interest me that much! I have real problems in my life!

I watch them smoke and continue to talk about their Pierre-Neal.

When suddenly a guy appears accompanied by a girl. I see them getting excited, Lol!

This is the famous Pierre-Neal.

Cousin 2: Tatiana, no, look at yourself first!

I look at him, I look at the girl and my brain totally bugs, I've seen both of them there somewhere!

I dig into my memories and I swear I've seen these two somewhere before, but where?

To be continued...