

Tia is a girl who doesn't hate both of her parents because they didn't want her to be pregnant. Divorced from her father, her mother remarried to a man who raped Tia. This man chased them away again because Tia told her mother of her husband's crime, but because of her hatred for her daughter, she accused her own daughter of being the cause of her misfortune and took her away. hate more. Abandoned by her mother and father at the age of 8 . She chained 2 jobs to be able to survive, pay her rent and her studies at the age of 16 years. She fights against winds and tides to finish her studies but still ignores the handsome Neal who advances her because of this trauma that eats away at her heart and hates men. Despite this ignorance, Neal is still waiting for her for 5 years and helps her to forget this act that ruins her soul and to know the happiness that is love.

niv_dita · Urban
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15 Chs

10- Is she really my mother*?


*Some months later*

My boss of the bar went to collect my report and I validated my second year! I'm going to first grade and I'm proud of myself.

I am looking for another job during these holidays because I want to work outside this neighborhood.

Since our altercation, Nadine has become even more unbearable, she makes me live situations that I prefer to spare you.

I put up with it because I have nowhere to go and no one to complain to.

I leaf through the zoom (newspaper) when I come across an ad for a housewife during the holidays, very well paid but it's in a house, NEVER! For a perverse husband to rape me? No thanks.

I am still leafing through when I come across an ad looking for hostesses for ceremonies during the holidays. It's a good offer but I think I'll have to combine with another job because the ceremonies are not every day.

Two days later I go to the agency and I see that it is quite serious, we are even asked to be available full time because there will be a lot of ceremonies.

During the month of July, we chain the ceremonies, civil marriages as customary and that allows me to earn money.

One day I come home at 7 a.m. after a wedding party and I can't get into the house!

Me (trying to open): She's kidding me? OK !

I went and beat up her bedroom window. I'm fed up with his actions, I'm not his victim, his slave. She does not have to act as she wants, it is not her house but that of grandma.

I was banging on his window with all my might until I broke a fingernail.

She wants to play? Well, I'm even crazier than her.

I called some ndoss (bangandos, thugs) in the neighborhood to whom I gave 5,000 to break his window for me.

I won't break down the door, oh no!

In two stages, three movements, his window was broken.

She got up in a rage and started insulting me, but did I have time? Nope !

I took advantage of a moment when she went to the kitchen and I came back through her window.

I went to my room and closed my door.

She won't close the door in this house anymore! It's not hers as she stops making my life miserable.

I was lying down when an idea crossed my head

Me (inwardly): If you're smart, hide your important stuff, that woman can get revenge by destroying your report cards or tearing up the money you keep under your mattress since that's what's important to you.

I got up, took a bag where I put my important documents, my money and left.

I went to put all my money in my Airtel money account, at least there she won't be able to touch. My reports, I hid them so far that she will never find them!

When I finished, I went out to cook myself and rested.

August arrived with its share of ceremonies and one day I found a scene that made me wonder: Is this woman really my mother?

I get off the bus that drops us off after each ceremony, I take my usual track and I arrive in front of the house. What I see makes me scream and put my hands to my head.

Me (lifting the clothes): You didn't do that to me anyway, not that anyway!

She tore up and burned all my belongings.

The clothes, the shoes and especially ALL the equipment that the agency gave us! The heels, the hairpieces, the ballet flats, EVERYTHING we have to wear as hostesses, she burned it all.

Me (entering in fury): Why are you doing this Nadine? What did I do to you to deserve this relentless sniff? Do you realize what you just did?

She whistles in front of me with an air of satisfaction!

Lord, do I deserve this?

I fight to buy clothes, I fought to keep this job and with its sorcery and its wickedness, here I am back to 0! And I already know that the agency is going to fire me, they had been very clear about our effects.

I sit on the ground and see the flames burning my things, tears crashing down my cheeks.

When I finally get up, I go to my room and it's just empty, my mattress, my bags, my notebooks, my toilet stuff, NOTHING.

I have nothing at all.

Me (yelling): No Nadine, you didn't do that! (Facing her) my notebooks Nadine? My reports, my mattress, my bags, my ID? (Farting a cable) You're bad Nadine, you're bad and I hate you for all the harm you do to me sniff I don't deserve that.

Her: You thought you were crazier than me, right OYE? I showed you who was born before the other. Get out in front of me, I have to get out.

She pushes me and she leaves the house very undermined.

I stay there, realizing that I'm really starting from scratch.

The next day, I went to the agency to explain to them, they did not believe me and above all said that I did not keep my belongings and I was making up a story about my mother. What kind of child am I?

I just got up and ran off!

I slept on the floor for 3 days, then I bought a mattress, a pair of sheets, some 200,200 clothes at moutouki (the market), I redid my identity document, I went to ask the stump of my high school report card. Basically I took everything back to 0, a good part of my savings was mortgaged.

I was not discouraged, I said that I am ready to face this life.

I was able to find a job as a waitress in a local restaurant which brought me 90,000. I started classes a month late because I wanted to have 90,000 more.

The year went by with difficulty because of the fatigue I felt.

Learn then go to the bar again to manage and when I come back, Nadine has knowingly blocked the door and comes to open me after an hour not caring about the insecurity outside.

What reassures me is that the bandits of this neighborhood know me, I've already fought with one of them because he had stuck to me a little too much for my taste and he ended up in the hospital at because of a blow sent to his balls with rage and a lot of violence.

Since that day, they respect me and also, I manage their favorite bar, so!

In short, to come back to my parent every day she made me experience the same thing, leaving the key in the lock so that I could not open with my key. I couldn't leave my window open either, someone could find out and come in and rob me of what little I had.

I endured all of his filth with one sentence in mind: "All this will end one day".

At the end of the school year, I fell ill, certainly the fallout from my crazy pace!

If I tell you that she even calculated me, it is that I am lying.

I could even die, that she would not have moved a finger.

This woman is not my mother, I refuse!

To be continued....