
Blame me

Today a meeting of neighbouring 7 packs was going to be held in our territory.

Alphas and their members were arriving

And here I was sitting under the table of the meeting room deciding if this was a good hideout or not.

This room was soo big but there was not a single place where I could hide without the fear of getting caught.

This was the best place I could find.

So hey don't judge

I wanted to attend this meeting when I came to know it's purpose

This was a perfect opportunity to find out those rival packs which are claiming to be our friends but are planning an attack on our territory behind our back.

The biggest advantage I have here is my lack of scent

They wouldn't be able to find me unless I committed a mistake

Heavy footsteps started entering the room and soon chairs scrapped the floor and all 15 seats around me were filled .

When all settled down the meeting started

"Good morning Alphas ,there was a attack on silver moon pack yesterday and you all must have heard about it"

Dan started

I could imagine Alphas nodding their heads

"I know you must be thinking that this dosen't concern us but here you are wrong

Silver moon pack was not a weak pack ,it had few members but they all were exceptional


Killing all of them at once required exceptional skills

There Alpha was a great man and I don't think that this attack was done by his enemy because he had none.

Enemity was not the reason .

Nor was Power

Whosover attacked is trying to form an alliance and will play a very dirty game.

And those who refuse to be a part of his ugly game die.

I wan't to know what all of you suggest us

Who you doubt??"

If only Dan knew that this enemy which he was talking about was sitting among them right now.

I was sure that these rival packs which are trying to attack us are sitting among us.

It's just a matter of time I identify them.

"How do you know that this was planned I ...mean rogue could have done it"

"Alpha Reed I don't think rogues are capable of such amount of planning,coordination and skills.

Rogues coming together and destroying a complete pack is unheard of"

Aaron replied.

I could see this Alpha Reed shaking his leg under the table

A sighn of anxiousness.

Also he was twisting his hands under the table and they were sweaty.

Got you

suspect 1 Alpha Reed

"Alpha king I think only one wolf is capable of such amount of mass destruction ,the thunder wolf?"

One said

Making silence fall into the room

Wow I am famous

I hadn't done this then who had

Who had so much power

Could it be the wolf I saw that day in the woods.

He surely had extraordinary speed.

I was zooning out of the conversation so lost in my thoughts

That I didn't realise where my hand was.

Next I know someone's shoe heel was pressed on my hand

And I muffled up my scream by placing my other hand on my mouth.


The person was no other than Aaron.

His foot was placed on my hand and he thought that it was the soft carpet underneath.

"Thunder wolf can be a suspect but I doubt ,silver moon is the second pack which was attacked in a week and I agree with Dan on this ,this is a conspiracy for alliance.

Thunder wolf's attack's are not so frequent also the destruction he causes is more than loss of human life

So I think we all need to be over cautious about this matter"

I must admit my mate is smart

He is that rare combination of beauty with brain

The meeting continued and the redness on my hand worsened.

My second suspect was Alpha Reynolds who supported Alpha Reed in whatever he said.

Also I saw Alpha Reed place his hand on Reynold's lap when Alpha Reynolds got angry defending Alpha Reed.

It looked like a signal for him to stop and my doubt got confirmed when Alpha Reynolds stopped talking after that.

They were definately involved in something big and I knew what it was.

"Any threat to any pack should be reported to me immediately

That Pack's safety will be my responsibility thereon

Am I clear??"

"Yes Alpha king" they said in unison

During the entire meeting my hands suffered the torture of his heels.

"Thank you all for joining me today !"

Aaron said and got up from his seat worsening my already swollen hand.

All members left

Except Aaron

He went towards the door to see everyone off but then I saw his footsteps coming back to his seat.

I could see his foot infront of me.

Sound of pages shuffling could be heard and next I know 2 pages slipped his hand and landed on my level.

I moved back trying to hide further

But my efforts ended when my eyes matched with those baby blue ones.

His face held shock




He pulled me up from my arm and started shouting at my face

"What are you doing here?"

Should I tell him,no I couldn't

He will not believe me if I tell him.

"I....I "

Looked around trying to concoct a story.

He stared into my eyes as if he was solving a mystery.

"Are you trying to take revenge for what they all did?"

I gave him a confused look,what was he saying?


"Listen and listen good Aleka ,if you are planning to destroy my pack with your revenge,I will destroy you first!!My pack and my people come before everything..."

He stepped forwards and I stepped back making my back touch the table behind.

He placed his hands on both my sides and blocked my exit.

His eyes held anger and hate

More than I can ever muster for him .

".....Even you"

In the past he blamed me for so many things which I never did

And now again he was starting it.

"Why are you accusing me of such a thing?"

"You think I am blind?

The day you came into my pack ,you were accompanied by a rogue.The day you crossed the borders ,a rogue wolf was seen by my border patrol at the same place.

And today you were eavesdroppimg on our confidential information to gather some information .

All these clearly show that you are associated with the rogues and you are planning something against us."

I couldn't believe him.

I was not that low.

I would never go against my pack even if they had broken me in the past ,physically and emotionally in all ways possible

"I didn't do it "

I said looking straight into his eyes.

Trying to show him the truth in my eyes.

But the only thing he could see in them like always was.


Betrayal from the person who he was supposed to trust with his closed eyes.

"Then what the hell were you doing hiding here!!"

He said slamming his fist on the table behind me and sound of wood breaking could be heard

I stayed silent.

This Silence was the silence of accusation.

But it was still better than the looks of distrust he would give me if I tell him the truth.

Anger was radiating in waves around him

It was sending shivers into my body.

Something which I haven't felt since long.

On getting no response he stepped back and ran his hands through his hair in frustration

"One more evidence against you and I'll forget that you are my mate and I am supposed to protect you!!"

With this last warning he left the room

Aaron you are always wrong when it comes to me.

I was not the one who needs protection but the one against whom the entire warewolf community requires protection including you.

I made my way towards the exit where all Alphas were leaving.

I needed to know the faces of those 2 suspects of mine

When I reached there all had gone except one

Dan was shaking hands with him

He was a tall man with black hair and brown eyes

His voice was very smooth and polite

It looked like he never got angry

He caught me looking at him and passed me a gentle smile

I moved my lips replying his smile with a smile

I didn't heard him during the meeting but those dark brown formal shoes with a gold strip along it's heel were identifiable .

He turned around and left in his black Range Rover.

Something was off about this person

He was another puzzle which I had to solve

But maybe these puzzles would lead me to my final destination i.e that red eyed wolf.

Dan turned around and his eyes met mine.

Unlike Aaron his eyes were readable.

One emotion was easily visible in them and that was guilt

He is feeling guilty but he will not ask for sorry.

He is happy to see me and wants to engulf me in a bone crushing hug but will never do it.

He is just like that and I know him really well.

It took me many years to understand his complex personality but once I did, I could read him like an open book.

I saw Emma coming towards him with a smile on her face

She hugged him

On seeing me she dragged him.towards me

"Hi. Alena ! Here I wan't you to meet my mate Daniel Grayson"

"Dan she is Alena ,I told you about her yesterday "

Danny and I passed a smile to each other and said an awkward hi

"I also want you to meet my daughter she must be somewhere here only"

She said searching around

There she was with those beautifull green eyes which were a replica of my brother's

Those blonde curls which she got from Emma

And that angelic smile

The girl I saved in the forest.

Why didn't I recognise earlier?


Emma called her and I must admit she gave justice to her name

She was an actual angel sent by god

On seeing me her eyes sparkled with recognition

She came running towards us and instead of going to Emma she came and hugged my legs just like she did at the time I saved her

I came down at her level and allowed her to hug me properly.

While hugging her I saw Danny and Emma exchanging confused glances

"Keep our first meeting story a secret "

I whispered in her ears

She pulled back from the hug and looked at me

then with a nod of head she accepted

And I smiled back at her

"She is very shy in front of guests but I guess you are an exception"

Emma said surprised at her daughter's unusual behaviour

Dan suddenly pulled Angela up in his arms and started moving away from us.

Emma was surprised at his behaviour and apologised on his behalf.

"I am sorry,don't mind it ,he is actually very protective of her and seeing her getting too comfortable with you he just want's to ensure that she dosen't get hurt"

"It's okay Emma I understand"

He still dosen't trust me.

I know this but I still hope that it was different.

He still hates me but I know deep down somewhere in his heart he also loves me.





I was walking through the forest when I felt a pain in my stomach

I never felt something of this sort before.

It was like something was churning inside it

I supported muself on the bark of the tree

I vomited out whatever I had eaten

It didn't end here

It was followed by coughs

I placed my hand on.my mouth

But when I saw my hand my blood froze cold

My hand was coated with a black substance

I knew what was happening

I have read it once in a book but it was just not possible.

It was a myth

It was esoterikos perses

That is the other name of self destruction.

I needed to see Rose now

She was a witch who would definately know what is wrong with me.

I once met her in the forest and since then she was always there when I needed her

I called a spell to call her

Within 2 minutes of me repeating the spell she appeared.

"Omg are you alright Aleka!!

She gave me a liquid medicine and I felt better.

I showed her the black liquid on my hand and she couldn't believe it.

Her eyes were wide seeing my hands and she went silent

"Rose what is it?tell me!!

"Aleka how do I say this but you are right ,...see when the wolf in a warewolf becomes very powerful it dominates the human side, if the human is weak the wolf can easily dominate and control it but if the human is powerfull he /she can block the wolf,which is your present case

The wolf hates getting controlled by a human so it continues to push the human to loose it's control,when the human still refuses the wolf starts destroying the human ,it continues till there is nothing left of the human and then the wolf gets released at it's full potential"

"Your wolf has started dominating ,maybe it's because your human got weak due to the matebond or any other reason, but if this continues I am sorry to say but she will kill you"

"How much time will it take for my wolf to get full control?"

"It depends on your mental strength,the stronger you are the longer it will take"

She gave me a potion which will help to control my coughs and the pain.

She hugged me so tightly and left after asking me to be strong.

Even Rose didn't know who my wolf was,if she would have known I am sure she must be thinking of saving herself if my wolf got released.

But I guess I couldn't do anything about it.

I couldn't kill him nor control him.

My wolf will destroy this world starting from me.

My world was coming to an end but I wanted to make the best of it.

I wanted to experience happiness,fun,love everything which I never got in life.

But this was just a want and I knew they will never be a reality not now nor ever.

On my way back I saw Jane and Aaron laughing about something so hard that his eyes were glittering with tears of happiness.

On seeing him smile a smile automatically came on my lips.

For a second I forgot all my sorrows and drowned in his happiness.

She climbed on his back and ordered her to take her up to her room

He held her tightly with both his hands while she locked her arms around his neck

They were smiling at each other non stop and were looking into each others eyes

This was the real Alpha King

I was never able to see this side of him

Maybe that's because he never showed me his real side

He was with me like he was with others

But with her he was himself

I will never be her.

I will never be loved by him

I will never be the one who he wanted

But will be the one he was forced to be with.

Someone once said

--be like a flower who gives fregrance even to the hand that crushes it

And from now on I will try to be that flower and give him everything I can untill the only thing left of me is ashes .

I will spell break our bond and make her his second chance mate

I will make his soon to be wife his actual soulmate and tear myself apart from in between them.

This will bring an end to Aleka

The Human

But will give birth to The thunder wolf

The beast will be unleashed with only one motive and that will be revenge.