
Training During Battle

It was almost afternoon.

In the dense forest, a young man flitted through, lightly landing on the tree branches before floating several meters to another branch, the body as light as a swallow, rapidly disappearing into the forest.

"This is the area where I saw the Level 5 beast the last time. I hope it's still here?"

Landing lightly on the top of a huge tree, the young man looked down upon this area, furrowing his brows. He couldn't find the beast. His training plan for now is to find a beast that wouldn't be too dangerous to battle against, to train his Intermediate stage [Basic Sword Arts] as well as earn experience.

Throughout the morning, he had hunted in these parts of the forest killing 2 Level 2 Wild boars, 1 Level 3 Striped Wolf and a Level 4 horned boar! These kills had earned him 110 exp raising his experience to 285/400!

He had also received a very big harvest, collecting 2 pieces of stripped Wolf meat that could amazingly increase his Agility by 0.5 points each. He immediately consumed it and raised his Agility attribute to 20!

Having achieved the milestone of pushing his Agility to 20 points, the system rewarded him with a Bronze rank movement skill [Nimble Feet]! At Level 1, this movement skill had raised his movement speed by an astonishing 50%!

This is what had given him the confidence to come and challenge this Level 5 Grey Wolf!

He needed to level up! He needed to level up and well as strengthen his foundation at the shortest time possible to enable his plans to proceed perfectly. During these battles, he had continuously trained his sword art and marksmanship and had experienced considerable progress. But this progress was to slow for him.

He needed a beast that could give him enough pressure. So he decided to look for this Level 5 Grey Wolf that he had spotted during his search the first time he entered this forest.

With his current strength and speed as well as the [Nimble Feet] skill, he was confident in being able to escape even if he was in trouble.

When a dangerous air suddenly came from within the dark and gloomy forest, Alvin raised his brows and smelled the odor; it belonged to ferocious beasts, causing his eyes to light up.

The Level 5 Grey Wolf that he saw was about 3 meters long with a grey fur. It came out from the forest, resembling an enlarged version of the Wolf from earth, with a pair of bloodshot eyes and a stifling aura around it. It moved its huge body, walking out of the trees, standing there majestically, but bringing with it huge pressure to its surroundings, and gazed at the surroundings with its savage eyes.

It was the King of this part of the forest.


After the Grey Wolf howled for a bit, all the birds were scared away. It turned around and dragged the carcass of some unknown beast, splaying open it's huge mouth and ripping apart the sturdy carcass with one chomp, certainly a terrifying sight….

Alvin's heart burst with excitement when he saw this beast. This was exactly what he needed right now. Alvin had always wanted to know how much skill he had after his rebirth. He possessed a slightly stronger body in this life than his previous world and a brain and eyesight that that were also far superior his the ones he had in his previous world.

How strong would he be if his abundant combat experience was combined with these superior attributes? Even he didn't know! What he had fought so far was either too strong, which he was barely able to beat, or too weak, where he would be unable to measure his strength. But now was the perfect moment to measure his strength.

Alvin, hiding in the trees, widened his eyes, feeling the dangerous aura emanating from the beast.


All of a sudden, the Grey Wolf growled and raised its head from feeding and looked towards Alvin's hiding area with a savage look, releasing a murderous aura around it. It locked Alvin and immediately jumped towards him.


"Not good, I've been discovered!"

Alvin never would have thought that the Level 5 beast Grey Wolf would possess such acute senses, actually locating his hiding spot.

But now Alvin didn't care. He would have to fight against it sooner or later.

With a thought, his steel sword fell into his hands, and the sword body whirled, giving out beams of cold light. Alvin put his determination into the sword.

"Nimble Feet!"

Alvin moved in an instant, his toes lightly touching the branch and sent his body floating down to the ground as if he was a leaf, floating without a purpose and passing without a trace. Clashing towards the beast, Alvin released the first named skill of the [Basic Sword Art] that he had learnt!

"[Basic Sword Art], Sword torrent!"

The sword clashed directly at the Grey Wolf and shot three consecutive sword slashes at it. These slashed were so fast that it seemed to have fused together!

The Grey Wolf spent a lot of effort to get its meal, and just as it was enjoying its hard earned meal, it found an intruder, enraging it. It thought that the newcomer is challenging itself. At this moment, everything seemed to have stopped moving.


The howl showed the resentment of the Grey Wolf as it opened its jaws and threw itself at Alvin. The huge body rose up into the air, not hindered at all by its size. The Wolf shot through the air and clawed at Alvin's vitals with its claws wrapped in cold light.


The sword skill that Alvin executed contained astonishing might creating sounds of thunder after each strike.


Such a move, after landing on the body of the Grey Wolf caused the Wolf's huge body to get blown away like a broken kite, breaking numerous trees in its path, once again scaring away the birds.


The Grey Wolf shook off the leaves clinging to its fur, not looking one bit injured and glared at Alvin with a pair of angry eyes.

"What a strong defense! My sword Technique accompanied by my strength cannot even harm it. It being a level 5 beast isn't just for show!"

"But this is also good, since it has such a good defense, then I can kill two birds with one stone, and train my [Basic Sword Arts] as well as my [Nimble Feet] skill while I am at it. That will definitely boost my strength."

After landing on the ground, Alvin smirked, with countless thoughts flashing through his head, and his mouth curved into a smile while gazing at the Wolf, looking like a greedy goblin.


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Time passed slowly as man and beast continued their grueling fight! Alvin was like a dancing leaf, leaving behind afterimages. If there was a person there, that person would definitely be flabbergasted, because this was not something that a normal body technique could achieve.

As Alvin's body moved, shadows of his sword filled the air, leaving behind continuous sounds of thunder rolling distinctly in the quiet forest.

This was the sign of the Intermediate [Basic Sword Arts] nearing perfection. Using a strength-type Grey Wolf to train his sword skill, only someone like Alvin, this daredevil would dare to do so.

"The intermediate stage of the [Basic Sword Arts] is almost done. All that's left is to spend more time on it, if I continue like this there won't be any more benefits. It's really astonishing how fast the proficiency of this skill has improved since I started to practice it while engaging in battles. Well, it's time to end this."

The Grey Wolf that was treated as a training dummy at this moment was very pitiful. Its appearance and bearing of a Level 5 beast was gone without a trace, now only resembling a pitiful and haggard dog.

"Explosive Strike!"

Once again, a thundering sound came, breaking the air, emanating a terrifying and stifling pressure, as if the thunder was right by one's ear.


The Grey Wolf was already at the point where its body was battered all over. After this last sword move slashed towards it, the Grey Wolf's pupils dilated, the fur on its body stood on its end, and it felt a great wave of indefensible danger bearing down with no way to retaliate.

The sword flashed by with the speed of lightning, cutting down the middle of the Wolf's back. this place the this beast's only weakness.


This sword cut bore down with the power of thunder behind it, splitting the Wolf into two halves, spraying bloody gore everywhere.

Even after death, the Wolf didn't understand where it went wrong, and what did it do to deserve this treatment from this demonic human.

[Ding! Killed a Level 5 Grey Wolf! Experience Points: +50!]