
Game's Announcement

14th January 2160 C.E, the day all humanity has been waiting for!

Freedom City; one of the smallest Hope Cities on the Salvation Continent!

In Atlantis high school, spring had said its farewell with a session of refreshing rain as students welcomed yet another summer.

The temperature was slightly too hot, making the students from all classes in the Atlantis high school feel hotter than usual, with the exception of senior class nine where everyone's eyes were as wide open as possible; they were staring into the center of the classroom where a thirty year old middle aged man was explaining the new technology that would change their lives.

"For the current humanity, the path of evolution is still full of obstacles. For those of you who haven't awakened, to rid yourself of your current status, you will need to temper your body and go through the Limit Body Training System developed by the school to a stage whereby your minimum force exertion reaches 300 kg! If you achieve this level, the probability of you awakening with the aid of awakening potion will increase greatly. The basis of all evolved and enhanced abilities are sturdy foundations and well-conditioned human body, so even if you fail to awaken your enhanced ability later, you could earn a decent salary in a reputable organization or join the army.

For those of you who will awaken as enhancers in the future, the moment you awaken, you will become Level 1 Enhancers. Especially talented ones among you who possess especially strong soul strength will be taken to the Institute responsible for evolved humans (Evolvers) to be tested whether you have the potential for evolving psychic abilities!"

Even though this instructor was saying this to these thirty youths in front of him, he still didn't believe that any of these students possess the talent to be an evolved human. One had to know that to be sent to this class, these students had already passed the ideal age of 14 to awaken as enhancers. What is worse is that these students have already wasted a bottle of awakening potion and still had not awakened their abilities.

Now they will be lucky to even awaken as enhancers at this age, forget about becoming evolvers who require the best talents even among enhancers!

"For those of who would not have had the chance to awaken, your chance has now come. With humanity's rapid advances in technology, we have made another great stride towards conquering this planet again with the development of 'The Pirate King' Virtual Reality Synchronized Gaming World (VRSGW)! Now let's listen to Humanity's current greatest scientist, talk about this new invention!"

After this, he began to prepare the equipment which would connect to the live feed of Ares Corporation; the greatest technology company on Earth currently. They are in charge of this technology and will be broadcasting the first live promotional video of this new technology to the public.

The thirty seventeen year old students of this class were also waiting with expectantly for this video. There were rumors circulating around the internet about this VR game having between ten to thirty percent synchronization rates with reality, meaning that as long as one progress to a very high level, between ten to thirty percent of the strength in game would be fed back to their real bodies.

For these students with weak foundations who have basically little to no chance of awakening as enhancers, this is their last hope to strengthen their strengths and foundations in preparation for the final test three months later to determine their future!

At the rearmost classroom sat a slightly skinny boy who was still pretty shocked by what he was experiencing. He had very proportional and defined chiseled facial features. Not that handsome, but there is a witty killer look in his eyes that made up for how generic he looked.

The boy, Alvin was an orphan whose parents died at a very young age causing him to have very low self-awareness and self-esteem, did not stand out in class.

Just a day ago, he was enjoying a very good sleep aboard a private plane then suddenly he heard alarm noises but when he woke up and tried to stand up, something suddenly hit him at the back of his neck causing him to instantly black out.

He woke up yesterday in the body of this boy with the same name as him who had died using almost half of the inheritance left to him by his father to buy an awakening potion which ended up causing a backlash to him because him physique was not strong enough.

As humanity's technology advanced further, various methods were invented which was able to detect a person's genetic quality and potential towards awakening as an Evolver or Enhancer. These genetic ranks were divided into S, A, B, C, and D. Those with lowly genetics of D would be considered ordinary people with basically no hope of ever awakening. Those with genetics of C had some hopes of Awakening as Enhancers as long as they train their foundations very well and get access to Awakening potion. Those with A and B are basically guaranteed to awaken as Enhancers and even if their potential and luck is good could become Evolvers.

As for S ranked genotypes, the previous Alvin had not even heard of them before. According to his knowledge in the whole of Atlantis High school, there were only four people with A ranked genes. Two in Senior class one and another two in the junior classes.

Originally this body's talent was in the high ranks of C so at fourteen years he had already tempered his body to a stage whereby he believed he would successfully awaken. But upon taking the awakening potion, his awakening failed and the backlash caused his genetic quality to reduce to the lowest ranks of C. This phenomenon was unprecedented since if someone fails his/her awakening, the worst result would be to be bedridden for about a month.

This led to him being advised by his instructors never to try taking the Awakening potion ever again. But out of desperation, he tried again for the second time but this time, the backlash caused his death. This was able to create an opportunity for Alvin from Earth to be reborn.

After waking up and fusing with the memories of the dead Alvin's soul, he found out that this world was similar to the Cultivation world he read about in novels in his former world with the only difference being that the technology here is very advanced. They also didn't absorb anything like qi or internal energy but rather used an energy called bio-energy that was extracted from demonic beast cores to advance their ranks.

Being someone who had trained himself to have very strong mental fortitude, he quickly accepted his current reality and adjusted to the situation. But when he heard the name of the new technology being unveiled today, he was really shocked!

"The Pirate King? Is it just a coincidence or it has something to do with the One Piece World?" this was the thought that was going through Alvin's mind as he waited to confirm his suspicion.

After preparing the projecting screen, the instructor stood aside and waited for the broadcast to begin. At this moment, all of humanity on Aries Continent and Salvation Continent were waiting for Aries Corporation to unveil this new technology.

After waiting for another ten minutes, a middle aged man in a business suit smiling proudly was shown on the projector. He began to speak,

"Hello everyone! Today is the most important moment for humanity and also an important turning point in human history. We humans will usher in a new Grand New Era, once again expected to become the masters of the earth.

The path that our hero 'God of War' and my great grandfather had explored with his life has now been opened. We call it the 'The Pirate King', Humanity's Second World! A new strength system and new ways of evolution are all available in this Second World.

This VR game concept was proposed by the 'God of War' and his friend, Mr. Urahara a long time ago and having provided the technology and inspiration for us, we are now able to realize his dream. In the VR game, we can become stronger in reality as the characters of the game become stronger, and the synchronization rate reaches as high as 10%-30%. In the second world, anyone can become stronger, and everyone can be the strongest! There is another name or this second world; it is called the 'One Piece' world! "

After that, on the projected screen, there was a promotional video of the 'King of Pirates' game. There was a figure that could turn into flames and launch powerful flame fueled attacks, others who could kick out lasers, and even a figure that broke the sea with a fist. All kinds to abilities that could allow people to fly in the sky, all kinds of incredible power systems, shocking scenes that made everyone that saw it fascinated. A man was shown cutting a mountain into two with a wave of his sword! These people were all stronger than the strongest Enhancers and Evolvers that these students had seen. Even the instructor was shocked!

Some of these people had already begun to imagine themselves mastering these abilities shaming all those who had despised them!

After the promotional video, a new middle aged man appeared on the screen. This man was fairly tall, lean built with light-blond hair, with strands framing on sides of the face and hanging in between his eyes. He was wearing a long white scientist robe holding a fan in his hands.

He was shown hanging in void as if he could stand on air. His deep gaze could pierce the screen into the hearts of every person watching this promotional video. Slowly, he opened his mouth and began to speak:

"No one stood in heaven from the beginning; I for one was once weak, but through content struggles made it to the top! Whether you are strong or weak now, there's still hope! You can reach the peak! This world is not your end point. There are countless worlds' out there waiting for you to conquer, just reach out and grab it, and it will be yours!"

After these words were spoken, it seemed as if the atmosphere had frozen. Even though this man who was speaking was currently not present, his words shook the hearts of everyone present. It was as if his worlds carried some special charm.

A desire to rise began to bloom in their hearts and souls, clearly being demonstrated by the frantic look in their eyes. But Alvin was the most shocked of all. He clearly recognized this man!

"Isn't that Kisuke Urahara? What's he doing here?"

Hello Everyone!

This chapter is the last of this week! The actual release schedule will start next week when i release a minimum of 5 chapters a week and bonus chapters depending on the response this novel gets from readers.

Thank you once again for reading.

xeros01creators' thoughts