

Alvin clenched his fists in determination when he saw his attributes after his breakthrough. His now 21 points of strength can be translated into approximately 420 kg! He was still drawing closer and closer to the minimum threshold for Enhancers.

Apart from his intermediate stage [Basic Sword Arts] which reached perfection, his [Basic Marksmanship] is also neared completion. As long as he perfects this art, if he gets his hands on a suitable weapon, he could at least ensure his safety as long as he is not unlucky enough to bump into those elusive Enhancers.

Apart from this, even though from its name, Alvin knew that Fate Energy attribute was somehow related to the Fate Stone, he still had not found the function of the Fate Energy in this world or how to acquire Fate Energy Points. He had tried all sorts of methods but they didn't yield any resulted so he decided to strengthen himself first and worry about that later.

After a minute, the effects of the [Mysterious Aurora Healing skill] ended with about 40% of his HP and stamina recovered. When Alvin prepared to collect the spoils from the corpse of the beast he just killed, he suddenly felt intense vibrations coming from the North.

But what made his expression really change was that as the vibrations got closer and closer, he felt a terrifying aura lock him down. This aura was really strong, at least stronger than any beast he had met. He looked at the bloody corpses littered around him and realized why he had drawn the attention of such a terrifying beast.

He immediately looked at the direction of the beach and abandoned the thought of running back to his cave. With the speed at which the beast approached, he wouldn't make it the beach in time. And even if he made it there, how was he going to stop this beast?

He immediately clenched his teeth and run into the deep forest. His only hope now was to allow the beasts in this forest to entangle each other.


At the same time, a terrifying loud howl was heard. It seemed to be only a couple hundred meters away from him.

"Not good!" even though he had left the scene of the bloody massacre, he still felt the beast's aura still locking onto him. He immediately stimulated his [Nimble Feet] movement skill to its peak and sped away.

But no matter how fast he run, he still felt the vibrations getting closer and closer to him. Currently, with his 23 points of agility coupled with his [Nimble Feet] movement skill, it would be difficult for even some Level 6 beasts to keep up with him but this beast had absolutely no difficulty in this. This showed that the beast should be at least Level 7 or a speed type Level 6! Either way, he wasn't a match.

Alvin suddenly heard the sounds of branches breaking. Shortly after, a huge pure white beast, that looked like a tiger appeared within his sight. If it wasn't for its huge size, some people might mistake it for a lovely white cat. But now, this animal did not look adorable at all.

The white tiger stood at 1.7-1.8 meters tall and nearly three meters long. If placed in his previous world, this tiger would definitely make headline news. But now, this terrifying beast was hunting him.

He didn't even need to use his [Investigate Skill] to know that this White Tiger was definitely above level 6. It was at least Level 7 or even Level 8! What was most astonishing was this beast's speed. It could move a few meters with each step!

Alvin became desperate when he realized this. He now realized that staying over to hunt in this forest at night was a very bad decision on his part but there was no medicine for regret! He had already prepared for the worst. Even though he didn't want to admit it, but this time, he had really arrived at a dead end.

Alvin originally thought that this tiger would catch up to him in a few seconds. But after being chased for about five minutes, he realized that this Tiger seemed to be playing with him, slowly but surely pursuing him.

Alvin swore as he began to look for a route for survival. A small creek appeared on his left hand side. It leads into a canyon.

Alvin's vision was very good, even though it was night so he saw that there was a deep cave ten km into the canyon. The Tiger wouldn't be able to fit inside that cave. He immediately rejoiced upon seeing this. Alvin quickly changed direction and ran towards the creek.

The White tiger looked at its struggling prey that was running way in desperation and it roared in happiness. It had already hunted enough beasts this night and was already full so it wasn't really in a hurry to catch this prey. It wanted to toy with it for some time before catching it.

Alvin's feet lightly stepped on top of the water as he crossed the creek fully stimulating his [Nimble Feet] movement skill.

'Bang, Bang'

Sounds rang behind him as this tiger was slowly chasing him. Even though Alvin didn't know why this white tiger was toying with him, he now felt happy because of this. Even now, if this beast decided to seriously pursue him, it would catch him before he made it to the cave. His heart begun to beat faster and faster as he continued to run towards the cave. The cave came closer and closer.

10 km, 9 km, 8 km...

By this time, the tiger also noticed the cave ahead. Being a smart ferocious beast, it immediately realized Alvin's intention.

"Roarrr!!" it roared in anger as it pounced at Alvin at a faster pace. It couldn't allow its prey to escape! Just as there was two km left, Alvin felt a cold and dark aura. The aura came from within the canyon!


The weird sound caused Alvin's heart to tremble. The tiger behind him also hesitated. It was obvious that it was being wary as well.

Suddenly, a loud trembling came from within the canyon. A blood-red python, tens of meters long, came out from the cave. The aura of this python wasn't any weaker than that of the tiger.

"Ah…" Alvin's body froze. There was a python in front of him and a tiger behind. This was even worse than before! Luckily the python's attention was first attracted by the Pure White Tiger.

The two creatures faced off against one another. The Tiger roared anger, as if showing its dominance. The blood-red python hissed back. This was its territory! As for Alvin, this weakling was ignored.

After facing each other for a breath or three, the huge white tiger finally lost its patience and pounced towards the blood-red python.

The python lunged straight towards the tiger. Immediately, the two deadly beasts were fighting one another. Where they fought, the ground trembled. Alvin cautiously concealed his aura as he slowly moved towards the cave. After finally getting to the cave, Alvin signed in relief and turned to see these two battling beasts. This cave was different from the one the python emerged from. Its mouth was too small for both beasts to enter to Alvin was currently slightly relieved.

When Alvin used his [Investigate] Skill to scan these beasts, his heart shook!


Name: White Tiger (Mutated)

Level: 8

Attack: 90

Defense: 50

HP: 850


Name: Blood Spotted Reticulated Python

Level: 8

Attack: 80

Defense: 70

HP: 800