
Thunder over Thunder

K'agosk is a great painter but because of his rival who earned millions of dollars because of his arts K'agosk was disgusted with that his works were good but nobody wanted to compare K'agosk's arts so he decided to sabotage the arts of your rival.

DaoistjPPxt0 · Urban
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


Chapter 8

After having a nightmare and waking up screaming, she decided to get dressed as quietly as possible, to avoid disturbing everyone sleeping in the house. She crept into the living room, avoiding the creaky floorboards, and grabbed her bag. Grabbing her coat she quietly exited the house, locking it as she went. She hurried to the corner of the street, checking that nobody was watching her before taking off running across the road. It was late afternoon, but the streets around her were surprisingly empty. She didn't know why, since she was still technically supposed to be working on a case, but she just kept running, ignoring the pain in her legs. She finally slowed down to a fast walk once she reached the end of the street, breathing heavily as she glanced around to make sure no one saw her. After making sure she was alone, she pulled out her phone, unlocked it and checked its contents for the first time since it became useless.


She quickly replied to the message, telling her that she was coming to pick her up. She placed her phone back into her pocket, staring ahead. It had all become too real lately. Everything was changing too quickly. She started to walk again. As she rounded a corner she saw a building a few yards away. A smile appeared on her face. She quickened her pace and walked through the doors of the building, making her way down the long hall until she came upon a door marked 'Office'. She hesitantly knocked on the door before pushing it open. She walked into the office, taking in the familiar sights. Bookshelves filled every wall of the room, the desks and chairs were arranged in neat rows, and the only light source in the room came from the large window directly in front of her.

She looked towards the desk in the very centre, which sat in front of the large window. Sitting behind the desk was an old woman sitting with a cup of coffee in her hands.

"Come on in!" The woman said cheerfully as Sibylla entered the room. "Oh, my name is Mrs. Terezi. How may I help you Miss?" Sibylla took a deep breath before replying, "My name is Sibylline, Sibylle Cailin." The older woman smiled warmly at her and stood up. "Hello Sibylle, nice to meet you. Would you like to sit down and wait for your friend to come here?" Sibylla shook her head. "No thank you, I'm alright.