
Thunder God in Magical world

Steve Nelson founder of Tactical Training, International Auror Tactical Training Instructor and Equipment Supplier, Professor of Tactical Training at Hogwarts, Merlin Knight First Class Medal Winner, International Wizarding Duel Championship, authorized by Wizarding International Dark wizard bounty hunter, honorary president of the International Center for Alchemy Research.(no harem)

wargod_2973 · Fantasy
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8 Chs


Steve has no impression of the relevant plot of Harry Potter in his childhood. He just remembers that it seems that Voldemort rushed into the potter house and killed Harry's parents, while Harry killed Voldemort. The rest of the plot can't be recalled at all.

Do you want to tell them or warn them? Watching their happy appearance, Steve was very tangled.

Lily looked at Steve frowning and wondered what she was thinking. She said, 'what's the matter? Am I nervous about going to school? I was also a Muggle born wizard. When I learned that I was going to go to Hogwarts for school, I couldn't sleep all night, but you won't regret it when you enter Hogwarts.'

'I don't know which college you will be assigned to. It's better to come to Gryffindor. Of course, other colleges are not bad, except Slytherin.' James also came to cut in, and began to frantically give Steve Amway Gryffindor. Although he only mentioned it, it can be seen that James didn't like Slytherin very much.

'Don't listen to him. Trust yourself. Each college has its own characteristics. No matter which college you are assigned to, as long as you finish your studies carefully and understand what kind of person you are going to be, you can achieve good results no matter which college you graduate from!' Lily is obviously not very impressed with James' practice of recommending colleges.

'Thank you. I will keep your warning in mind.' As a person with an adult soul, Steve certainly won't be nervous about going to school, but it's not good to interrupt her when she sees the kind-hearted Lily teaching her experience.

As for the fate of the potters, Steve still can't directly remind them. Can he tell them that Voldemort will rush into your house one day and kill you all, and then be killed by your son? Don't say they won't believe it. If they arouse suspicion, they may be arrested by the Ministry of magic or Dumbledore for research. Moreover, they are Voldemort's enemies, and they may have been ready to face the Dark Lord!

'Well, it's getting late, Steve. Let me take you back. It's not safe at night. So are James and Lily.'

'Yes, Professor McGonagall.' Steve and Professor McGonagall began to get up and pack up.

Before leaving, Steve turned to Lily and said, 'Mrs. Potter, please pay attention to your safety even if you are 'at home'. Also, I believe your child will be your pride!'

Steve didn't know what to say, but he couldn't help reminding the kind lady that his current strength can't interfere with their future.

'Thank you for your blessing, Steve.' Lily could not help feeling very kind when she looked at the young student. It might remind her of her former self or the person who had been with her since childhood.

'This is a gadget I made casually. It can be regarded as an amulet. It is just a gift to celebrate your enrollment. You can also write to me at ordinary times.' Lily looked at Steve, took something out of her bag and handed it to her.

Steve took it and saw that it was a copper piece the size of a coin with a female deer carved on it. It looked lifelike.

'Thank you for your gift. I will keep it.' Steve solemnly put away the little gift from Lily, said goodbye to the potters again, and left with Professor McGonagall.

It was another phantom shift. After another uncomfortable trip, Steve did not react as much as the first time. He shook his white face, said goodbye to Professor McGonagall, and returned to the welfare home alone.

Steve returned to the orphanage room, sat down on the bed and recalled what had happened today. Everything in the magical world had a strong attraction for Steve.

However, Steve thought that Voldemort had not farted in the magic world, and he did not know what was going on in Hogwarts at this time. It was too dangerous. He could not rest assured that his life was in the hands of others, and he was still a Muggle.

As far as the current magic world is concerned, it must have the ability to protect itself, otherwise Voldemort and his minions will kill him one day. Steve recalled the information he collected from Professor McGonagall today and summarized the following points:

First, the Ministry of magic is now under martial law, and the underage wizards who were only detected after they entered school will now be included in the detection range after they own a magic wand.

second, since the silk trace is a range monitoring, the Ministry of magic cannot determine who is casting the spell at the place where the Wizards gather.

Third, Dumbledore is still in charge of the overall situation, the Ministry of magic is also actively resisting, and Diagon Alley is relatively safe.

After making up his mind, Steve decided to leave the orphanage as soon as possible and settle down in Diagon lane. He must master certain self-protection ability before entering school. After thinking about it, Steve took out his magic wand.

Looking at the dark and profound wand, which is made of jade like material and has a matte quality, he sighed lightly, 'in the future, we will depend on each other for our lives. I will give you a name. Let's call it 'dark painting'. Are you ready to let the magic world see our power?'

As if he had responded to Steve, Steve felt that the 'dark painting' trembled slightly in his hand, triggering several arcs, but did not cause any harm to him, just made him feel that he had a deeper connection with the wand.

Determined his mind, Steve had an early rest and was ready to take action tomorrow.

On the other side, Hogwarts at night is like a sleeping dragon, silent but full of power.

Professor McGonagall stepped up to Dumbledore's office.

'Wlbus, how's the interview going tonight? I don't have any hope for the forecast class. Even in the magic world, forecasters are basically liars.' Professor McGonagall looked at Dumbledore who was teasing the Phoenix Fox and said.

'Then I can only regret to inform you that we will soon welcome the first prediction teacher of Hogwarts, Minerva .' Dumbledore recalled the amazing prophecy he heard at Hogsmeade today, calmed down, raised his eyebrows and turned back to Professor McGonagall, At the same time, I digress from the topic 'how do you feel about seeing that Muggle freshman today? You look in a good mood.

'Steve Nelson, a very self disciplined and polite child, both from my own observation and from the information learned from his welfare home, and we happened to meet Mr. and Mrs. Potter today. Lily's child is expected to be born at the end of the month, and Steve happened to be their friend.' When Professor McGonagall saw Dumbledore talking about the new student today, he praised him without stinginess. Steve left a good impression on her