
Thunder Dragon

Druk, a boy just turned 18 moves from his homeland of Bhutan in search of something the developed world has just as much as anywhere; suffering. The pain of the world he must experience to equal the peace and joy he felt as a child. This is the only way to find balance. He travels from his poor, yet peaceful and beautiful home to London, England where he discovers a hidden gem from his soul. He has superpowers. And the fiends of the underworld bring this power out-of-him as he adventures on missions to save the lives of people being tormented by mythological monsters and fighting superpowered wrongdoers. Along the way, he meets friends, enemies, and a beautiful girl who he falls in love with. What he doesn’t know is someone or something is watching his every move and is behind each monstrosity he faces. A demon of the most extreme danger. Nidhogg! Who wants nothing more than for Druk to use his powers to help him get to the roots of the tree of life and destroy the world as we know it!

Keith_St_James · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
80 Chs

Knowingly a Nightmare

"Druk, my friend! The venomous villain who has entered your dreams is a notorious necromancer. A dangerous dastardly devil who can use demons from the underworld without my being able to stop him while here. Listen. His powers to control and send these berating beasts into dreams are limited. If you know it is a dreadful dream, he can't harm you. Placing more than one of you together again is something he probably will not try unless he uses lovers to lure one of you into a nefarious ensnaring trap. One by one he will attempt to disrupt your sleep and take you out. Be prepared!"

Dead Pinky. I won't ever get used to his new use of words.

While meditating, his message came through, and I relayed it to the group later upon meeting with everyone.