
Bonus [Chapter 24]

Back above the clouds, Luffy calmly sat on his throne, pouring a drink, while Sanji and Yosaku poked and touched the clouds, trying to make sense of this incident in their heads and confirming that they were really rising above the clouds.

"How did you manage to do this?" asked Sanji, who was surprised. Luffy took a sip of his drink before answering.

"I ate the devil fruit, Goro-Goro no mi." "I can control lightning and become lightning itself," he said as he turned his right hand into electrical energy. "For some reason, I can also control clouds to some extent." "It surprised me too when I first did it," said Luffy.

Sanji nodded his head and turned back to admire the clouds, but was interrupted when Luffy spoke to Yosaku. "So, Yosaku," he said, getting Yosaku's attention. "Would you like to tell us what's so bad about where Nami has gone?" he asked. Yosaku then sat down and spoke to Luffy and Sanji.

"She... went to Arlong's place," he said, causing Luffy to narrow his eyes and Sanji to raise an eyebrow.

"Arlong! You mean "Saw-Tooth," Arlong?" Luffy asked in a surprised voice. Yosaku nodded before speaking again.

"Nami can't stop looking at Arlong's Wanted poster when she sees it. And it's not a normal look; there's something different about the way she looks at the poster, something weird. I think Nami is planning to take Arlong's bounty and cash Arlong's 20 million bely bounty! Yosaku said, causing Sanji's eyes to widen.

Luffy didn't say anything. He just waited for Yosaku to continue before he said anything because something was not on Luffy's mind.

"Shichibukai and Captain of the Fishman Pirates, Jimbe, left Arlong here in East Blue, and since Arlong came here, he has controlled twenty cities," Yosaku said, surprising Sanji once again. When Yosaku was about to speak, Luffy interrupted him.

"Jimbe didn't leave Arlong here to cause trouble." "The two of them had been at odds for a long time, and Arlong and some other Fishman who considered themselves superior to humans came and caused trouble in East Blue after leaving the Fishman Pirates," said Luffy, explaining things.

"How did you know about that?" Sanji asked, getting a nod from Yosaku, indicating he also wanted to know how Luffy knew about it.

"I met Jimbe a long time ago when I went to Fishman Island," said Luffy, surprising the two passengers above the cloud. "He's really nice." "He even gave me some meat," said Luffy with a smile that caused both of them to sweat.

"By the way, when I was there, he told me the story of Fisher Tiger and other stories about his pirate journey. "The story about Arlong is one of them," Luffy explained.

"Wow, you've been to Fishman Island," said Sanji with a strange expression on his face. "You have to tell me... are mermaids as pretty as those stories?" He asked with hearts forming in his eyes while his cigarette puffed out heart-shaped smoke.

"Those stories belittle them," Luffy said, causing Sanji to have a nosebleed. "But you don't have to take my word for it; you can see for yourself when we go there," Luffy said, causing Sanji to grin widely and start singing about how many mermaids he would marry.

Luffy just shook his head and turned to Yosaku, asking him to continue his story.

"Arlong set up his base of operations in the Coombi Islands. "It's called Arlong Park, and that's where Nami headed," said Yosaku. Luffy sighed and took a sip of his drink before answering.

"This girl has more problems than I thought," said Luffy while massaging his forehead with his right hand. "I mean, if she wants to kill Arlong for his bounty, why doesn't she just say so, and we'll all help him?" "Is she that greedy that she wants to have it all for herself?" asked Luffy, causing the two people he was with to shrug.

"Something about her behavior is a little weird." "Hold on tight," said Luffy, suddenly confusing Sanji and Yosaku. Then suddenly the thundercloud they were riding in sped up, swooped up, and started flying higher and higher above the sky.

"What are you doing!?" shouted Yosaku.

"Go to higher altitudes." "We'll get there quicker this way," he said before he increased the cloud's speed once more. Now the cloud is flying across the sky at about 120 km/h and about 20,000 feet in the air.

Yosaku and Sanji stared fearfully at their height. Sanji has better control to hide his fear, while Yosaku screams in fear.

After traveling about thirty minutes above the cloud, it began to descend from the sky until it returned to being about 10 feet above the water. Looking ahead of them, they could see an island in the distance.

Luffy looked at Yosaku, who was trying to calm down, and spoke. "Is that the island?" he asked. Yosaku looked ahead and then nodded.

"Yeah, that's the island," said Yosaku, pointing ahead. "And that's Arlong Park over there," he said, pointing to the silhouette of a tall building right in front of the island. When he said that, Luffy turned the cloud to the right and started to move away from Arlong Park.

"What are you doing?" "Arlong Park is there," Yosaku asked with a confused face.

"We're going to the other side of the island." "Let's find Zoro and the others before we destroy this place," he said with a nod of approval from Yosaku and Sanji.

They flew around the island until they reached a beach that looked secluded enough that they weren't seen by anyone. The cloud flew inland before stopping. When that cloud stopped, the electricity that bound Sanji and Yosaku's bodies in their chairs disappeared.

Luffy then stood up from his throne and was followed by Sanji and Yosaku. The cloud then started getting closer and closer to the ground until it finally hit it. After arriving on land, the cloud slowly began to dissipate, and the three people who were riding it immediately stood on the beach.

"So what now, Captain?" Sanji asked while lighting a new cigarette. Luffy looked around for a bit before he answered.

"It doesn't look like there are any towns or villages around here," said Luffy while using his observation haki to search for people nearby. "There might be one inland." "For now, I think we just need to find the others," said Luffy.

"How are we going to do that, Big Brother Luffy?" Yosaku asked with a confused expression on his face. Luffy thought for a while before he came up with an idea.

"I guess we just need to tell them we are on this island and then start from there," he said, confusing Sanji and Yosaku.

"And how do you plan to tell them?" Sanji asked, causing Luffy to grin.

"You will see for yourself," said Luffy before looking up at the sky.

At Arlong Park

Zoro sat tied up in front of what looked like some kind of pond. Around him were many fishermen and Nami. Sitting behind Nami is the leader of the Arlong Pirates, Arlong.

Arlong is a fishman shark with a large, muscular, light blue to purple body. She has long, shoulder-length, black hair under a brown hat.

It has fins on the nape of its neck, surrounded by its hair, and gills located on either side of its neck. On the left side of his chest is the Fishman Pirates tattoo, while his Jolly Roger is on his lower left arm. He was currently sitting on a white beach chair, looking at Zoro, who was looking at Nami.

"I think you finally understand. I only used you guys to get what I wanted. "You guys are strong enough to help me meet my money target, but you guys turned out to be just a bunch of lousy people," said Nami with an arrogant expression on her face, which caused Zoro to grunt his teeth.

As he said that, Arlong started to laugh.

"She made you guys really fooled." "There's no use getting mad at her; she's a cold-blooded woman; she betrayed her own family for money, so you really don't need to feel too angry," Arlong said, causing Nami to flinch, which of course she realized. by Zoro.

"If I were you, I would just admit my defeat and try to forget the day you even met him," Arlong said, causing Zoro to lower his head slightly before he started chuckling, which confused everyone, including Nami.

He was a man who would most likely die, and he just laughed as if everything would be fine.

"Forget it?" Zoro asked in an even tone. "That's a bit impossible." And as for the problem of us trusting this woman, we don't. "Well, at least my captain doesn't trust her anymore," said Zoro, surprising everyone, including Nami.

"The only reason she was able to steal our ship is because I didn't keep an eye on him like the Captain told me to because... I'm a bit busy," added Zoro.

"What are you talking about?" she asked. Zoro chuckled again before he answered.

"You know the Captain told me to keep an eye on you before we went to that restaurant but since someone showed up my wariness of you has shifted to something else" he said causing Nami's expression to show scorn at Zoro.

"And about not being able to get over this... you pissed off the wrong person," Zoro said. Arlong watched this interaction with narrowed eyes, along with every other Fishman.

"What do you mean?" Nami asked in a curious voice. Zoro's face looked serious before he answered.

"You joined the Captain's crew, then committed treason, and on top of that, you also stole his ship with his Jolly Roger still flying on that ship," Zoro said, scaring Nami a bit.

"You don't think that you won't be punished for your actions, do you?" Zoro asked with a smile on his face. "He's probably on his way here now, and you should pray and hope he's calmed down a bit since the last time I saw him," said Zoro.

When he said all that, a large, black cloud emerged from the island of Conomi and spread towards the sea. Everyone looks up and is shocked by what they see, everyone except Nami and Zoro.

Nami's face turned pale, while Zoro smiled as he looked up at the sky. In the sky, lightning could be seen twinkling in all parts of the island. Then, out of nowhere, loud thunder sounded all over the island and on some of the neighboring islands.

The fishermen began to be confused by what they saw. It was as if a huge storm had just appeared out of nowhere and without warning. But Zoro and Nami know it's no ordinary storm. These suddenly appearing storm clouds could only mean one thing.

Luffy is here, and he is still angry.

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