
Thrown Into the Wolf’s Den! Zaizai Holds Space In His Hands To Survive

After three years of drought, Cangyun Kingdom finally waited for the lucky girl who the Taoist said could change the destiny of the country! However, the lucky girl Shen Ningning was stolen and thrown into the mountains just after she was born. She was finally picked up by a kind-hearted person. She was also scolded and beaten by her vicious aunt every day, and she almost died! finally! The wolves couldn’t stand it, so they snatched her away and protected her from now on! The little guy wasn’t idle either. The wolves are out of food? Simple! There are tens of billions of supplies in space, so you don’t have to worry about food and clothing! Will it rain for a long time and the roads will dry up? Don’t be afraid! Lead out the spiritual spring and enrich the entire mountain! Too poor without money? Fake! A piece of spiritual grass is worth a thousand taels of gold, and wealthy businessmen are fighting for it! An enemy country invades? Don’t panic! Zaizai silently took out gunpowder and blasted them all into the sky! The vicious Bai Lian steals the title of Lucky Girl? Shocked! The prime minister came to recognize his father, pamper the cub and punish the evildoers! Others asked: “Ning Ning, what is your dream?” Shen Ningning: Raise wolves, make big money, save people’s lives, and torture scum! The irritable prince Mo Lingwei said: “My dream is to protect my An Ning even if I risk my country.”

Line_Huang · Fantasy
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470 Chs

Chapter 72 The village chief fell down and was bleeding!

Seeing Aunt Deng, the villagers looked unhappy.

  She pulled the reluctant Deng Fugui and walked quickly.

  The old village chief frowned in displeasure: "Why are you back?"

  Aunt Deng passed by everyone and went straight to the boxes of treasures.

  The shining pearls and gems almost dazzled her eyes!

  This is all real money.

  When the villagers saw Aunt Deng's reaction, they sneered even more when they thought that she had abandoned the village and left.

  You left first and now you come back to share the rewards?

  Deng Fugui felt shameless and kept looking at Shen Ningning next to him out of the corner of his eye.

  I saw that the little guy also had a chubby little face, and his dark eyes looked at Aunt Deng unhappily.

  Deng Fugui felt embarrassed and slammed Aunt Deng's hand away.

  "Mom, didn't you say we won't come back anymore?" Why did you drag him back by force?

  Aunt Deng secretly rolled her eyes at him.

  How could she, such a shrewd person, give birth to such a stupid son!

  Aunt Deng pushed him in front of the old village chief and Uncle Deng.

  "Dad, sir, don't be angry. I wanted to come back two days ago, but my parents refused to let me go. They were afraid that the thieves would come and the rich would lose their parents at such a young age."

  "No, listen. We said that the bandits have been wiped out, so we came back quickly. Seeing that you are all right, I can let go of the stone in my heart!"

  After saying that, she asked with a smile: "I have heard that the emperor personally rewarded us, can our family You get a lot of things, right?"

  The old village chief looked serious: "Every household has three things, no more and no less."

  "What? Dad, you are the village chief, and you only get so little? Forget it! Three There are quite a few, let me pick..." She reached out decisively, jumped in line and walked to the front, picking through the boxes.

  The faces of the villagers were extremely ugly.

  Because of the village chief's face, no one stopped Aunt Deng.

  However, the old village chief dealt with it impartially and held her hand down.

  "You have no part in this!" he said, telling the villagers: "Take what's yours and leave her alone."

  Aunt Deng was shocked: "Dad, how can you say that? I am also a member of our family. Ah."

  "Although I did leave first, it was all for the safety of the rich. After I went back, I couldn't eat or sleep well, and I kept thinking about you!"

  The old village chief scolded: "If you are really like this, you will not be able to sleep well. When you return to the village, you should go and see your husband first! My son's arms were injured when he resisted the bandits, but you seem to ignore it and only see this gold and silver!"

  Aunt Deng was surprised and turned to look at the silent Uncle Deng. .

  Sure enough, he still had a white bandage wrapped around his arm!

  I thought that the old village chief's words would make Aunt Deng feel guilty.

  Unexpectedly, she suddenly started making trouble.

  "Mr., you are injured? Then why can we only take three pieces of jewelry? This is so unfair!"

  She said, pulling two more gemstone necklaces out of the box.

  The old village chief was so angry that she had a headache, and shouted angrily: "Put it down!"

  "Dad! Why are you so partial? As a village chief, you always think about others and ignore your own people." "

  When life is the most difficult, you still You lent money to the Qin family to buy food. Now it's hard to live a good life. Why don't you get more? The injured one is your own son!"

  Uncle Deng came up and pulled Aunt Deng: "That's enough, don't say anything. "

  The old village chief said angrily: "No matter when I am the village chief, I have to think about the whole village!"

  "What's more, if you didn't take advantage of the money and stole things first, how could it have attracted people? A thief?"

  Aunt Deng stomped her feet and beat her heart: "Dad! If you talk like this, I will be heartbroken. Without me, how would our village have a chance to get the reward from the emperor?"

  What she said is that this credit actually belongs to her. .

  Aunt Liu put her hands on her hips and cursed angrily: "You shameless thing, how can you say this?"

  "It means we are lucky. We have Ning Ning, a little lucky star, to ask His Highness the Crown Prince to send troops, and there are wolves to help. Otherwise, we would have been killed by the bandits!"

  "I heard that you were the fastest runner! But all this happened because you had dirty hands and wanted to steal what Ning Ning gave you! Meat, if I hadn't stopped you, you would have succeeded!"

  The other villagers also pointed.

  Shen Ningning rode on the back of the Black Wolf King and remained silent.     Her big moist eyes looked at Deng Fugui not far away.

  He stood next to his mother, lowering his head in humiliation and clenching his fists.

  Aunt Deng's face turned blue and white.

  In the end, he just started arguing with Aunt Liu.

  "Sister-in-law Liu, you are so unforgiving, your son deserves to be born with a limp!" Aunt Deng used the other party's privacy as a weapon of attack and publicized it in public.

  How could Aunt Liu accept such criticism? She immediately stretched out her hand and grabbed Aunt Deng's hair fiercely.

  "I asked you to scold my son!" The two of them struggled.

  The villagers were startled and hurriedly pulled him away.

  The situation was chaotic. Chen Ye protected Shen Ningning and watched the farce.

  The old village chief stepped forward and grabbed Aunt Deng's arm: "That's enough!"

  Unexpectedly, Aunt Deng, who became angry, slapped the old village chief away and pushed him.

  "Mind your own business!"

  The old village chief lost his balance and fell down.

  The back of his head hit the ground and he fainted.

  Shen Ningning was the first to see it, with a panicked face, and shouted: "Grandpa, the village chief, fell down!"



  Uncle Deng and Deng Fugui ran.

  The old village chief closed his eyes tightly, his face as golden as paper.

  Shen Ningning quickly asked Chen Ye to ride her fast horse into the city to invite the doctor.

  The villagers helped in every possible way and carried the old village chief back to his house.

  Aunt Deng's hair was messy and she stood there stupidly.

  She looked at the spot where the old village chief fell, and there was a small pool of blood, and her face became more and more panicked.

  Shen Ningning took a whole ginseng from Wonderland and quickly went into the house to help.

  Aunt Liu felt guilty and took the initiative to go to the kitchen to make ginseng soup.

  The rest of the villagers contributed the wound medicine at home, and some went to boil water and wipe the wound on the back of the head of the old village chief.

  When the hair was pulled open, there was a cut as long as a little finger.

  Everyone took a breath, fearing that the old village chief was in trouble!

  Deng Fugui lay beside the bed and cried hoarsely.

  Shen Ningning told him to stop crying and handed her a water bag: "I used this water to make medicine before. It can relieve the injury. I will give it to the village chief grandpa to rinse the wound first."

  Deng Fugui hurriedly wiped away his tears and took it. water bladder.

  After the spiritual spring water cleaned the wound, the bleeding stopped temporarily.

  After a while, Chen Ye came back with the doctor.

  It was the drugstore manager whom I had not seen for many days.

  When he saw Shen Ningning, he raised his hands and said hello.

  "I heard it was something about Xiangyun Village. I came right away. Is the little lady okay?"

  "Everything is fine. Go check on the village chief's grandfather's condition!"

  The medicine shop owner entered the room.

  When Shen Ningning saw that the house was crowded with people, she simply rode the Black Wolf King and waited in the yard.

  From the corner of his eye, he saw that Aunt Deng seemed to be frightened, huddled at the door, motionless, staring blankly into the yard.

  After a while, Deng Fugui was the first to walk out in despair.