
Thrown Into the Wolf’s Den! Zaizai Holds Space In His Hands To Survive

After three years of drought, Cangyun Kingdom finally waited for the lucky girl who the Taoist said could change the destiny of the country! However, the lucky girl Shen Ningning was stolen and thrown into the mountains just after she was born. She was finally picked up by a kind-hearted person. She was also scolded and beaten by her vicious aunt every day, and she almost died! finally! The wolves couldn’t stand it, so they snatched her away and protected her from now on! The little guy wasn’t idle either. The wolves are out of food? Simple! There are tens of billions of supplies in space, so you don’t have to worry about food and clothing! Will it rain for a long time and the roads will dry up? Don’t be afraid! Lead out the spiritual spring and enrich the entire mountain! Too poor without money? Fake! A piece of spiritual grass is worth a thousand taels of gold, and wealthy businessmen are fighting for it! An enemy country invades? Don’t panic! Zaizai silently took out gunpowder and blasted them all into the sky! The vicious Bai Lian steals the title of Lucky Girl? Shocked! The prime minister came to recognize his father, pamper the cub and punish the evildoers! Others asked: “Ning Ning, what is your dream?” Shen Ningning: Raise wolves, make big money, save people’s lives, and torture scum! The irritable prince Mo Lingwei said: “My dream is to protect my An Ning even if I risk my country.”

Line_Huang · Fantasy
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470 Chs

Chapter 51 What brother? Brother Prince!

He pondered for a moment and then told Konwei: "Wang Guihong is dead. Where is her husband now?"

  Konwei reported: "Master Lan transferred him and the other prisoners to the prison west of the government office in advance. The county magistrate Master Fu Yuansong only ordered him to be detained for a month, and he will be released in about three or four days."

  Mo Lingwei thought for a while: "Let him out as usual, and send a few people to keep an eye on him to see who he associates with.

  " Yes."

  "Also, go find out who the person who lied about Shen Ningning's death was, and find it for me."

  Just as Konoe nodded, there was a figure at the door of the palace.

  The eunuch announced: "The emperor has arrived!" When

  the emperor entered, Mo Lingwei's face suddenly turned cold. He looked at the guard and said, "You should step aside first."

  The guard bowed his hands and bowed respectfully.

  The emperor glanced at him and sat opposite Mo Lingwei.

  "What are you busy with?"

  "My own affairs have nothing to do with my father."

  The emperor choked, and his expression suddenly became a bit displeased and cold.

  He looked down and was shocked when he saw Mo Lingwei's left hand was empty.

  "Here are the beads I asked for for you. Put them on quickly. I told you not to take them down for anything!"

  Mo Lingwei's expression was as dark as a cloud.

  The emperor searched everywhere anxiously, and finally found a string of one hundred and eight Buddhist beads from his pillow.

  He immediately took it and hung it on Mo Lingwei's left hand.

  "Don't take it off next time. The Imperial Master said that the Buddhist beads can forgive your sins throughout your life, keep you safe and smooth, and protect you from evil spirits."

  Mo Lingwei obviously didn't believe this statement, and just sneered.

  The emperor didn't like his attitude: "Ling Wei, you can't commit murder again. If you have someone to kill, can't you tell your father?"

  "This morning at court, another official accused you of killing the Lan family's father in vain. The two women."

  "In vain?" Mo Lingwei raised his eyebrows and finally looked at the emperor: "The person they set up to target is called Shen Ningning. She saved my life."

  The emperor was silent.

  After a moment, he nodded solemnly: "Well done."

  When the emperor returned to the imperial study, he angrily refuted all the memorials to impeach the prince.

  What does it mean to kill in vain? fart!


  Since Shen Ningning went home last time and told Grandma Qin what happened, whenever the little guy wants to go down the mountain, Grandma Qin has to follow him without fear.

  No matter how much Shen Ningning comforted her, there was nothing she could do.

  Today she was going to visit the village house, so she could only take Grandma Qin with her.

  On the way to Xiangyun Village, Shen Ningning rode Black Wolf King, while Grandma Qin sat on Wolf San's back.

  "Ning Ning, you have suffered." Grandma Qin couldn't help but shed tears every time she thought of being framed and sent to prison.

  "This Wang Guihong is really nothing. I shouldn't have let her in in the first place!" Grandma Qin said bitterly.

  Back then, Grandma Qin inherited one hundred taels of silver from her deceased father.

  I split fifty taels with my biological sister who married to another village.

  With the remaining fifty taels, she planned to find a good marriage for her son.

  Wang Guihong is from the next village. When the matchmaker came to her door, she praised her to the extreme.

  She said that her sister was attracted by a wealthy businessman, and the wealthy businessman was about to donate his official position to become a foreign minister.

  Wang Guihong herself is eloquent and looks pretty and decent.

  As soon as I met Uncle Qin, he was so fascinated that he couldn't find the answer.

  The marriage was settled like this. Even if the lion of the Wang family asked for thirty taels as a betrothal gift, Grandma Qin would happily give it.

  She didn't ask for anything else, she just wanted her son to start a family, have someone who knows how to feel cold and hot, and live a good life.

  Unexpectedly, Wang Guihong's true colors were revealed within a few years of her marriage.

  Seeing Grandma Qin immersed in memories, her face was full of self-blame.

  Shen Ningning stretched out her soft white and delicate little hands and gently pinched her grandma's fingers.

  "Grandma, the prince brother said he would help me vent my anger!" The little guy's eyes were round and sparkling.

  Grandma Qin came back to her senses and said with some emotion: "No wonder the surname is Mo. It turns out to be the prince. I should have thought of it..."

  "He has helped us with such a great kindness, Ning Ning. Next time we see him, we have to thank him." People."     Shen Ningning nodded obediently, her voice sweet and soft: "I know."

  While the grandfather and grandson were talking, they had already entered the village.

  When Deng Fugui saw the wolves appearing, he knew that Shen Ningning was coming.

  He happily ran closer: "Sister Little Wolf...ah! Grandma Qin is here too!"

  Grandma Qin got off Lang San's back with a smile and handed Deng Fugui a red fruit.

  "Fugui, where is your father?" She was going to discuss the Qin family's affairs with the village chief.

  "My father and I both went to the fields to dig the soil. Not only them, but almost every household went there!"

  It rained so heavily the day before yesterday, which made the villagers extremely happy.

  All the jars and basins that can be used to collect water were brought.

  When the rain stopped, everyone immediately went to work in the fields, once again full of hope for next year's harvest.

  But Shen Ningning raised her head and looked at the brighter sun.

  It just feels dazzling.

  The little guy's face turned red from the heat.

  She said: "Grandma, let's go to the village house and wait for a while. You haven't seen the house that Uncle Liu and the others have built for us yet!"

  Grandma Qin agreed with a smile and told Deng Fugui that the old village chief would come back later. , call them.

  Returning to the village house, all the memories of the past life came flooding back.

  Grandma Qin touched the fence of the renovated house with emotion in her eyes.

  She smiled and said: "I didn't expect that after the renovation, this small courtyard would look a bit like when I first got married, which was more than 40 years ago. At that time, the loquats planted in the doorway were still grown in every household in Xiangyun Village. Tree..."

  Shen Ningning's raven black hair was wet with sweat and stuck to her white forehead. She blinked her big eyes.

  "If grandma likes it, we can come and stay for a few days every month!"

  Grandma Qin shook her head: "I'm still at ease in the mountains." The

  Black Wolf King immediately raised his neck and moaned in approval.

  Shen Ningning walked into the house, opened the door, and showed Grandma Qin what Mo Lingwei had given her.

  Looking at the silk ribbons, Grandma Qin stretched out her hand to touch them.

  "They are all good things. His Royal Highness is very kind to you."

  "But the tree is big and attracts the wind. These things are too rich and noble. Ning Ning usually goes out, so we should keep a low profile."

  In this world, if you show off, you will be stared at by people with malicious intentions . superior.

  The little guy nodded obediently and wrote it down.

  She simply took the opportunity to knock on the door and put everything in Wonderland.

  At this time, the old village chief's voice came from the door.

  "Grandma Qin——" He wiped his newly washed hands enthusiastically and walked over quickly.

  Grandma Qin came up to say hello: "Village Chief, are you okay with everything?"

  The folds of the old village chief's smile were full of joy: "Okay! Very good! Grandma Qin, the Ning Ning you brought home is such a little girl. Lucky Star, she helped us a lot a while ago!"

  "I've heard all about it," Grandma Qin said with a smile, "This child is enthusiastic and will not forget the people in the village when he is well off."

  "Yes . Okay, I came down the mountain this time because I wanted to tell the village chief something. My son Qin Sheng is nothing. If he comes back to the village in the future, the village chief will drive him away without looking at my face. I don't agree. He is his son."

  "In the future, when the county government comes to register and inquire, the village chief will just say that the Qin family is just me and Ning Ning."

  The old village chief was startled: "That's natural, I was originally afraid of going too far. Being tough hurts the harmony. Since you said so, we have nothing to worry about."

  The two of them were talking.

  The old village chief's daughter-in-law pushed Deng Fugui.

  She lowered her voice and encouraged: "Fugui, what are you doing standing still? Go and play with Ningning!"

  Deng Fugui came to his senses and immediately ran towards Shen Ningning.

  "Sister Xiaolang, I have something to show you. Do you want to go?"

  "Okay! Let's go!" Shen Ningning Nuonuo agreed.

  She rode the Black Wolf King and followed Deng Fugui.

  Watch him go straight to the house and take out a piece of oil paper bag.