
Thrown Into the Wolf’s Den! Zaizai Holds Space In His Hands To Survive

After three years of drought, Cangyun Kingdom finally waited for the lucky girl who the Taoist said could change the destiny of the country! However, the lucky girl Shen Ningning was stolen and thrown into the mountains just after she was born. She was finally picked up by a kind-hearted person. She was also scolded and beaten by her vicious aunt every day, and she almost died! finally! The wolves couldn’t stand it, so they snatched her away and protected her from now on! The little guy wasn’t idle either. The wolves are out of food? Simple! There are tens of billions of supplies in space, so you don’t have to worry about food and clothing! Will it rain for a long time and the roads will dry up? Don’t be afraid! Lead out the spiritual spring and enrich the entire mountain! Too poor without money? Fake! A piece of spiritual grass is worth a thousand taels of gold, and wealthy businessmen are fighting for it! An enemy country invades? Don’t panic! Zaizai silently took out gunpowder and blasted them all into the sky! The vicious Bai Lian steals the title of Lucky Girl? Shocked! The prime minister came to recognize his father, pamper the cub and punish the evildoers! Others asked: “Ning Ning, what is your dream?” Shen Ningning: Raise wolves, make big money, save people’s lives, and torture scum! The irritable prince Mo Lingwei said: “My dream is to protect my An Ning even if I risk my country.”

Line_Huang · Fantasy
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470 Chs

Chapter 228 The prince invites Ning Ning to the palace?

The wolf raised by Shen Ningning defeated the fierce beast Chang Liu in the competition field.

  This incident quickly spread throughout the capital, and even the emperor heard about it.

  He laughed and gave Shen Ningning countless rewards with a stroke of his pen.

  "Princess Funing is the lucky star of our Cangyun Kingdom, don't you think so, Xie Aiqing?"

  The emperor asked Xie Suzhi who was standing in the study while writing furiously.

  Xie Suzhi's face was warm and handsome, and he smiled slightly: "Ningning's blessings are all due to the emperor's blessing."

  The emperor smiled without saying a word, finished writing the reward decree, and asked people to follow Xie Suzhi back home and convey it to Shen Ningning.

  The emperor's attitude was like this, and it was widely known that Mo Lingwei directly protected Shen Ningning in the competition field that day.

  The trend of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has changed directly.

  Those people who were still avoiding Shen Ningning wanted to ingratiate themselves with her again.

  However, there are also those who are disdainful.

  For example, the ladies who are close friends with Xie Yuanjiu.

  After class, they had nothing to do, sitting in the pavilion feeding the fish.

  When talking about Shen Ningning, the person with the most arrogant attitude is the Grand Tutor's direct granddaughter, Ye Changyi.

  "No matter how powerful she is, what does it prove? It only proves that Shen Ningning relies on the prince's favor to get better and better."

  "If you have the ability, why should you care about this." Ye Changyi said.

  She sat in the middle of the pavilion, with everyone surrounding her. Even Xie Yuanjiu could only sit next to her.

  It turned out that these ladies were holding Xie Yuanjiu, and even Ye Changyi had to hold her.

  Who made the Xie family so meritorious that all civil and military officials were involved in it?

  However, now that the Xie family has a goddaughter, everyone naturally adapts to the situation, and Xie Yuanjiu is no longer their centerpiece.

  Ye Changyi had the highest family status, so everyone supported her.

  Xie Yuanjiu's voice was gentle and she took the initiative: "Don't say that, it's still different. How could the princess be so incompetent?"

  "Don't you know that it was she who caused a heavy rain that spread all over the Cangyun Kingdom to end the torture ? We've been suffering from drought for many years? That's a lucky girl."

  Ye Changyi raised her eyebrows with disdain in her eyes.

  "So what if she is really a lucky girl? What if it is just a coincidence?"

  "After all, there is no disaster now, who can prove that she is a lucky girl?"

  "But Miss Xie Si, you have been helping her speak, but She doesn't seem to have a very good relationship with you. Usually when you two meet at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, we are just acquaintances."

  Xie Yuanjiu lowered his head and said in a nonchalant tone: "The princess is still young and is not close to me. , She prefers people from her uncle's side."

  The ladies around her suddenly showed a look of understanding.

  They said with some disgust: "I am so good at pleasing people at such a young age. I am really sorry for the fourth sister."

  Just at this moment, Shen Ningning and Lu Shaoyuan came together from not far away holding books.

  Several ladies immediately fell silent.

  Although they dared to say bad things about Shen Ningning, they only said a few words.

  If the rightful owner stood in front of them, they would not dare to fart.

  Lu Shaoyuan said to Shen Ningning: "After listening to what you said, I went back and told my mother."

  "She thought you were right, so she immediately swept away all the cold-proof clothing in the capital and the three cities around the capital!" "

  You Guess what?"

  Shen Ningning blinked: "What's wrong?"

  Lu Shaoyuan laughed: "Because my mother has bought out the goods, the merchants who sell clothes are anxious."

  "I have to take it from my mother. "So my mother sold it and made a net profit of fifty

  thousand taels. She kept praising you and saying that you are really business-minded."

  "She also said that the Chinese New Year is coming soon, and she plans to do so. " I invite you, Grandma Qin, and the Black Wolf King to come to my house for a casual meal."

  Looking at Lu Shaoyuan's cheerful and sunny smile, Shen Ningning blinked silently.

  "You...sold them all? Didn't you tell your mother that you were going to stockpile them?"

  "I did, but my mother said it was unnecessary to stock up so much. Our family didn't starve to death during the drought, so we can't sell it. A little snow will freeze us to death."

  The little guy felt helpless.

  She scratched her face and said, "Well, Lu Shaoyuan, I'm telling you seriously, this year's snowstorm may be serious."

  "You'd better find a chance to talk to Mrs. Meng and ask her to buy it, don't sell it, and hoard it. "

  There was a deep pit in the dream where tens of thousands of people were frozen to death. Shen Ningning could not forget it.     She didn't believe it was just a dream.

  Seeing how serious she was, Lu Shaoyuan nodded immediately: "Okay, I'll tell her

  when I get back." "What about you? Do you agree to have a meal at my house during the Chinese New Year?"

  "Okay, I'll do it if I have time then. Go." Shen Ningning agreed happily.

  The new year is coming soon, and this year's dividends should be given to Lu Shaoyuan.

  The shop's business was not good before. Although it has been better than before these days, it is still not satisfactory.

  Shen Ningning simply gave the refugees in the shop a holiday and let them rest until after the new year before opening properly.

  The fifth day of December.

  Shen Ningning finished class at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and was picked up by Xie Suzhi and returned to Xie's Mansion for dinner.

  "Your second brother won't be able to come back in time." Xie Suzhi said to her with a helpless smile.

  The little guy blinked, second brother, Xie Ming'an?

  "What's the matter? What happened to the second brother?"

  "He rushed back from Qingzhou and passed by Shuzhou, only to find that it had been snowing for three days. The blizzard blocked the waterways and the official roads were not easy to walk, so , I asked him to stay in Shuzhou for the New Year."

  Shen Ningning's long eyelashes fluttered, she looked up and smiled at Xie Suzhi like a cheerful little sunflower.

  "I'm so sorry for my second brother."

  Some people are sad, while others are happy.

  Xie Mingxu originally wanted to return to the frontier according to the order.

  After all, he returned to Beijing with a mission. Now that the mission is over, there is no reason to stay.

  But he couldn't bear to leave Shen Ningning. Unexpectedly, heavy snow blocked the road to Gyeonggi, and the emperor gave him permission to leave after the New Year.

  Xie Mingxu, wearing a long cyan collar and a white fur cloak, stood at the door of Xie's mansion waiting for Shen Ningning to come home.

  His cold and handsome face saw the little guy being carried off the carriage by Xie Suzhi, and he immediately stepped forward.

  "Father, sister." Xie Mingxu said, his voice a little cold.

  Shen Ningning held Xie Suzhi in her little hands and asked Nuonuo: "Brother, why don't you go in? It's so cold outside."

  Xie Mingxu smiled: "Brother is waiting for you."

  He turned to look at Xie Suzhi and said: "Father, just now An imperial decree has come to the palace."

  "Next spring, the Ninth Prince will go to the palace to study, and he needs a female official to accompany him."

  "So, Concubine Rong will select a female official for the Ninth Prince in three days."

  "We Ningning, It's a special invitation from the emperor, and we will enter the palace together in three days..."

  Upon hearing this, Shen Ningning and Xie Suzhi's similar eyebrows frowned at the same time.

  Father and daughter are exactly the same.

  Xie Suzhi looked deeply: "I have heard about this matter, but the emperor did not mention it in court today."

  Xie Mingxu lowered his voice: "I heard that His Highness the Crown Prince requested it."

  Shen Ningning's face was filled with rejection. But after hearing these words, he immediately blinked his big black eyes.

  "Then I have to go and take a look!" She agreed decisively.

  Xie Suzhi was amused by her innocent appearance and scratched her little nose.

  "Didn't you agree to accompany your godfather to another courtyard to enjoy plum blossoms in two days? Little guy, are you regretting it now?"

  Shen Ningning twisted her chubby little body in embarrassment.

  "Brother should not be angry with me. I want to have a good chat with him."

  The Xie family also knew about Mo Lingwei's anger.

  Xie Mingxu and Xie Suzhi looked at each other.

  If Shen Ningning wanted to go, they would definitely not refuse.


  Xie Suzhi hugged the little guy instead, walked forward, and said with a smile: "Let godfather think about it carefully. Didn't Ning Ning say he was hungry? Let's go eat first and then talk about this matter."

  No. Thinking of it, at the dinner table.

  Mrs. Xie took the initiative and said, "Brother, if Ning Ning is not going to choose a female official to study with the Ninth Prince, let us, Yuanjiu, go in her stead."

  "Last time, Yuanjiu accidentally destroyed the scriptures copied by Concubine Rong . , we have been looking for an opportunity to apologize! This is a good opportunity."