
Thrown Into the Wolf’s Den! Zaizai Holds Space In His Hands To Survive

After three years of drought, Cangyun Kingdom finally waited for the lucky girl who the Taoist said could change the destiny of the country! However, the lucky girl Shen Ningning was stolen and thrown into the mountains just after she was born. She was finally picked up by a kind-hearted person. She was also scolded and beaten by her vicious aunt every day, and she almost died! finally! The wolves couldn’t stand it, so they snatched her away and protected her from now on! The little guy wasn’t idle either. The wolves are out of food? Simple! There are tens of billions of supplies in space, so you don’t have to worry about food and clothing! Will it rain for a long time and the roads will dry up? Don’t be afraid! Lead out the spiritual spring and enrich the entire mountain! Too poor without money? Fake! A piece of spiritual grass is worth a thousand taels of gold, and wealthy businessmen are fighting for it! An enemy country invades? Don’t panic! Zaizai silently took out gunpowder and blasted them all into the sky! The vicious Bai Lian steals the title of Lucky Girl? Shocked! The prime minister came to recognize his father, pamper the cub and punish the evildoers! Others asked: “Ning Ning, what is your dream?” Shen Ningning: Raise wolves, make big money, save people’s lives, and torture scum! The irritable prince Mo Lingwei said: “My dream is to protect my An Ning even if I risk my country.”

Line_Huang · Fantasy
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470 Chs

Chapter 226 I’ll beat you and make you pretend!

Jiang Zhi was a little weak, so Chen Shaobei quickly led people to send her down for treatment.

  Mo Lingwei looked at Shen Ningning and asked softly: "Do you recognize him?"

  The little guy shook his head, confused.

  The man in black cupped his hands and sneered: "I'm Matsumoto, from Changliu."

  "Many years ago, when Cangyun Kingdom was at war with Changliu, Xie Dizhi, the second master of the Xie family, shot an arrow in the left eye of our King of the Sun."

  "This is an extremely painful history for our clan, so we have been training hard for many years, just to compete with Mr. Xie, who is known as the Cangyun Martial God, to avenge me, the Great Sun King!"

  "Unfortunately, here comes Cangyun. After Yun Guo, I heard that he has become a disabled person and needs a wheelchair to get in and out. We don't want to win without force."

  Mo Lingwei stretched out his arms and coldly protected Shen Ningning: "If you want to compete with the Xie family. You should go to Xie Mingxu, are you afraid, so you come here to declare war on a child?"

  Matsumoto smiled and said, "Your Highness, this is a bad statement."

  "General Xie is so powerful, we already have it. I heard it, but it's a pity that he is too young. Even if we win against him, we will be accused of bullying a young man."

  "So, when we heard that the Xie family had adopted the princess as their goddaughter, we made a special trip to find Fu. Princess Ning, I have often heard that the princess has the ability to command wolves. It just so happens that we, Chang Liu, also have people who are good at raising wild beasts. "

  "Today, I have brought a wild beast. If the princess is willing, I hope to send one. A black wolf fights with the ferocious beasts raised by our clan.

  "On this competition stage, the winner is determined by biting the throat and falling to the ground. The winner is the one who survives!"

  "As long as the princess agrees, no matter whether you lose or win. After the game, the hatred between the Xie family and our Changliu royal family was wiped out."

  Shen Ningning frowned: "I don't agree. Wolf Wolf is my relative, not a victim in the Colosseum."

  What's more, Black Wolf King and Wolf Three. The little guy knows how powerful he is.

  However, when Wolf Three heard that they could fight, he stood up excitedly. The wolf's eyes ignited with a wild light, and the hair on his body was black and shiny.

  The Black Wolf King lay lazily, staring at Matsumoto's throat with his cold wolf eyes.

  They are still and move with extraordinary momentum.

  Matsumoto touched his mustache and smiled sarcastically.

  "It turns out that the princess didn't dare, and that's right. How can a five-year-old child understand the justice of family and country?"

  Wolf Three bared his teeth and growled. Hearing Matsumoto provoking Shen Ningning, he was very dissatisfied.

  Mo Lingwei's attitude was cold: "You are a little thief, and you are the defeated general of Cangyun Kingdom. What qualifications do you have to stand here and ask for a fight?"

  "Come here, drag him down and behead him." He gave the order, and the prince's personal guards immediately stood up. Come forward.

  Unexpectedly, Matsumoto looked up to the sky and laughed.

  "If you die, you will die. I died because I sacrificed myself for Chang Liu. The King of the Sun will definitely praise me as an unparalleled warrior."

  "But you, the Cangyun Kingdom, which is known to be full of talents, don't even dare to fight a beast. It's really ridiculous."

  "It seems that we can only talk to Prime Minister Xie about this grudge."

  The ladies in the stands were very angry.

  How dare this Japanese from the Changliu Kingdom belittle them like this?

  Suddenly, a pink hand slapped on the table.

  Shen Ningning's dark eyes were filled with cold determination.

  The north wind blows gently, and the cold winter weather makes the little guy's face even whiter and snowier.

  "I don't allow you to insult the Cangyun Kingdom, let alone threaten your godfather."

  "We can fight, but I have two requirements. First, if you lose, you must surrender to the Cangyun Kingdom every year within ten years. Pay tribute!"

  "Second, if you lose, one of your arms will be cut off. Whichever hand Jiang Zhi used to sneak attack will be cut off."

  The little guy's voice was waxy, but his aura was terrifying, quite like that of a princess. majesty.

  The golden hairpin in her hair shone brightly. She looked at Matsumoto, who was a little surprised, and asked again: "Do you dare?"     Matsumoto secretly sighed at how impressive the momentum of Princess Funing was!

  She is only five years old now. If she grows up, she will definitely be another powerful rival.

  It's a pity that she doesn't know how powerful the beast he brought is!

  Matsumoto smiled slowly, with a triumphant grin in his eyes: "Of course there is no problem, I accept Princess Funing's challenge!"

  "It's just that if the princess loses, I need to thank my family for breaking my hair and pay my respects to my King of the Sun." The highest apology!"

  His body and skin were damaged by his parents, and his hair loss was the most serious thing in the eyes of the Cangyun Kingdom.

  Mo Lingwei frowned and looked at Shen Ningning: "Can Black Wolf King and the others do it?"

  The little guy stretched out his hands and touched Lang San and Black Wolf King.

  "I'm afraid it's too bloody and might scare others."

  She hugged the two big wolf heads and said softly: "Take it easy for a while and don't be too aggressive. We are not used to it."

  Wolf Three The blood in his whole body was already boiling with excitement, and the beast seeds hidden deep in his heart were sprouting like vines at this moment.

  Only the Black Wolf King licked Shen Ningning's face to express his calmness.

  Wolves are warlike and aggressive, and once they take action, they will not stop until blood is drawn.

  Therefore, Shen Ningning usually did not allow them to hunt excessively in the forest.

  But the wolf's natural instinct is to kill bravely.

  Matsumoto chuckled, clapped his hands, and signaled the guard at the door to let his people in.

  After a while, ten people came in pushing a cage on wooden rollers.

  The first thing everyone saw was human bones piled in the corner of the cage. The thick blood had turned dark.

  A black panther with a scar above his right eye.

  It was pacing back and forth, it was huge, and when it saw a group of strangers in the cage, it opened its bloody mouth and let out an earth-shattering roar.

  The Black Wolf King just moved his ears, but there was no wave in the wolf's eyes.

  It lay down at Shen Ningning's feet again and purred lazily.

  It just requires Lang San to show off his ability to catch cats.

  Wolf San took two steps forward excitedly, and Shen Ningning quickly hugged its neck: "It hasn't started yet, don't worry."

  Matsumoto looked at Shen Ningning: "Princess, my black panther is a famous warrior in Changliu Kingdom. He once bitten Three male lions and two wild elephants died."

  "You might as well send out the wolf king of the wolf pack, so that they can be evenly matched."

  The black wolf king shook his ears impatiently.

  Shen Ningning saw its reaction and said to Matsumoto: "You don't need to worry about it anymore. Wolf Wolf said you are not qualified enough to do it himself."

  "So, it is the same when it sends its own son to fight, Wolf Three, Go ahead." She patted Lang San's butt with her little hand.

  Lang San rushed out like an arrow from a string.

  Just when Matsumoto's men released the black panther, the three wolves pounced and turned the black panther over.

  A fierce beast roar suddenly erupted in the field.

  Wolf Three is a little smaller than the Black Panther, but its body is flexible. When the Black Panther counterattacks, it dodges sideways, causing the Black Panther to jump into the air.

  Matsumoto and the Changliu Kingdom slaves he brought all ran to the stage for fear of being affected.

  Everyone on the field was excited to watch. Every time Wolf Three tore a hole in Black Panther's body, they burst into violent cheers.

  It was as if the wounds caused by Lang San's bite on Black Panther's body were also the heavy wounds inflicted by Cangyun Kingdom on Chang Liu.

  Let them pretend!


  The black panther found an opportunity, pressed Wolf San's claws under him, and bit the bloody mouth directly towards Wolf San's throat!