
Thrown Into the Wolf’s Den! Zaizai Holds Space In His Hands To Survive

After three years of drought, Cangyun Kingdom finally waited for the lucky girl who the Taoist said could change the destiny of the country! However, the lucky girl Shen Ningning was stolen and thrown into the mountains just after she was born. She was finally picked up by a kind-hearted person. She was also scolded and beaten by her vicious aunt every day, and she almost died! finally! The wolves couldn’t stand it, so they snatched her away and protected her from now on! The little guy wasn’t idle either. The wolves are out of food? Simple! There are tens of billions of supplies in space, so you don’t have to worry about food and clothing! Will it rain for a long time and the roads will dry up? Don’t be afraid! Lead out the spiritual spring and enrich the entire mountain! Too poor without money? Fake! A piece of spiritual grass is worth a thousand taels of gold, and wealthy businessmen are fighting for it! An enemy country invades? Don’t panic! Zaizai silently took out gunpowder and blasted them all into the sky! The vicious Bai Lian steals the title of Lucky Girl? Shocked! The prime minister came to recognize his father, pamper the cub and punish the evildoers! Others asked: “Ning Ning, what is your dream?” Shen Ningning: Raise wolves, make big money, save people’s lives, and torture scum! The irritable prince Mo Lingwei said: “My dream is to protect my An Ning even if I risk my country.”

Line_Huang · Fantasy
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470 Chs

Chapter 219 The prince knows

Speaking of Dai Yuheng, who among the nobles in the entire capital knows about him?

  Whenever there is a son in the family who wants him to take the imperial examination and pursue fame, he will use Dai Yuheng as an example to encourage his children.

  It is said that there is no first place in literature, but the excellent poems written by Dai Yuheng deserve to be the first place.

  At least in contemporary times, no one can be better than him, so the world respects him as "The Unparalleled Young Master".

  However, since the Dai family offended the prince, no one dared to talk about them anymore.

  But a family like the Dai family, which has many scholars and scholars, is still someone they admire in private.

  Master Guo looked a little panicked: "Master Han, are you mistaken? Maybe the princess is more similar."

  Master Han shook his head: "I'm not wrong. The difference between Dai Qu and Dai Yuheng's father and son is that, Dai Qu's handwriting is more rounded. "

  But Dai Yuheng's handwriting is as sharp as a knife blade."

  Master Guo went to observe the handwriting written by Shen Ningning, and it was true.

  Combined with what she just said, I immediately believed it to be true.

  But... didn't everyone in the Dai family die in a fire?

  His Royal Highness put it there himself!

  The students present were shocked and envious, but were replaced by deep fear.

  The prince has a feud with the Dai family, and Shen Ningning is a student taught by Dai Yuheng. What is the relationship between them?

  The prince could actually allow Shen Ningning to study with the Dai family?

  What a good relationship this must be.

  Shen Ningning saw everyone's expressions were different, and she asked with some confusion: "Is there any problem?"

  Master Guo came back to his senses and squeezed out a smile: "No, no, everyone already knows that this is indeed the princess's own." Strength."

  Such a clarification meeting was quickly disbanded.

  Shen Ningning walked down the corridor with her books in her arms and noticed that the students looked at her with awe and caution.

  She was very puzzled. The young man who had doubted her in public before in the class came to apologize to her tremblingly.

  "Princess, I was blind and doubted your level before. I apologize to you." He lowered his head and almost knelt on the ground.

  Shen Ningning was afraid that he would really kneel down, so she was about to stretch out her little hand to help him, and said: "It's okay, just clarify."

  However, when he saw her little hand stretched out, the young master was so frightened that he backed away: "No, no, no, I don't dare to trouble the princess."

  He ran away, not even daring to look back and pick up the book he was holding.

  Shen Ningning hurriedly picked it up for him and chased after him for two steps: "Hey! Don't you want your book?"

  The young master had already disappeared.

  Strange... The little guy scratched his face.

  Why are everyone so afraid of her after knowing that her teacher is a crazy scholar?

  Suddenly, a voice came from the side: "Give me the book, and I'll return it to him for you."

  Shen Ningning looked back, and Xu Jingxi walked out calmly, her eyes dark.

  The little guy silently handed over the book: "Aren't you afraid of me? They don't dare to talk to me anymore."

  Xu Jingxi glanced at the students who were far away around him.

  His tone was slow: "They are not afraid of you, but afraid of unknown relationships."

  Shen Ningning blinked in confusion, obviously not understanding.

  "Because they don't know whether the prince allows you to associate with the Dai family out of favor or because he doesn't know about it at all."

  "I'm not afraid because I don't care about this and am too lazy to care. But there is one thing I need to be sure of. Your answer sheet is indeed good. Goodbye."

  With that, Xu Jingxi left, leaving Shen Ningning standing there thinking alone.

  When school was over, Lu Shaoyuan came to her with a heavy face.

  "I heard that you are Dai Yuheng's student?"     The little guy had a premonition that something was wrong. He frowned when he heard this and said, "So what? Why are everyone so vigilant? Madam Madam is very good."

  Lu Shaoyuan pulled her aside, lowered his voice and said hurriedly: " Are you really unaware of the grudge between the Dai family and the prince?"

  "Dai Yuheng's father is Dai Qu, a master of Chinese studies, and Dai Qu is the prince's uncle. Dai Yuheng, your teacher, is the prince's cousin!"

  Shen Ningning suddenly realized ! He was stunned and opened his eyes wide.

  What Mo Lingwei said to her echoed in her ears -

  "My uncle, when my mother needed my father the most, he sent a woman to his side."

  That's why Mo Lingwei stayed with the queen. After his death, his temperament changed drastically. He killed and skinned his uncle, turning the Dai family into a sea of ​​fire.

  Seeing her expression, Lu Shaoyuan guessed that she knew.

  The prince may not know that the teacher she is following is Dai Yuheng!

  "Although His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has not issued a complete killing order for the Dai family, everyone in the capital knows that ordinary people named Dai should stay away from each other."

  "I can't explain the grudge between the Crown Prince and the Dai family clearly. You What should we do now? The prince may not be able to tolerate your association with Dai Yuheng. "

  "I think, if you write a letter now to report that Dai Yuheng is still alive, maybe the prince will think that you are on his side and won't express his anger. For you."

  Shen Ningning's head was in chaos, but her eyes gradually became clear.

  "Teacher, he lives incognito in our village. When I met him, I didn't know he was Dai Yuheng."

  "Even if I know now, I can't report him because of this matter. I can't do such a thing! "

  Lu Shaoyuan was even more anxious than she was: "Then what are you going to do? When the prince returns to Beijing, this matter will definitely spread to his ears."

  "You can't imagine his hatred for the Dai family, but I have seen it. The fire burned for a whole day, and there were screams inside, but the prince's personal guards were guarding outside and no one could escape."

  Shen Ningning's dark eyes dimmed: "When my brother comes back, I will follow him alone . Explain that if he needs it, I will apologize to him."

  Lu Shaoyuan looked at her for a long time, and he had no choice but to sigh heavily.

  "Okay, but if you encounter something difficult, don't hide it from me. Maybe we can find a solution together."

  Shen Ningning happened to be back to live in Langshan today.

  The carriage went straight from the Chinese Academy of Sciences to Langshan Mountain, and she quickly returned to Xiangyun Village.

  Her first reaction after learning about this incident was that she wanted to come back and tell the crazy scholar and let him hide for a while.

  She waited until she was sure her brother was no longer angry before letting him show up.

  However, when she walked into the village, she found that Xiangyun Village was surrounded by the prince's personal guards, and the villagers were forced to stay in their homes and could not come out.

  Chen Ye stood in his yard and glanced at Shen Ningning.

  The little guy hurriedly ran towards the crazy scholar's home.

  Until Shen Ningning broke into the crazy scholar's home and saw him lying on the ground, Wu Fang's feet stepped on his back, making him unable to get up despite several attempts.

  His Highness the Crown Prince Mo Lingwei, who had not been seen for nearly a month, was wearing a black dragon-ink robe and standing at the junction of the sunset and the night. His handsome face as white as cold jade showed ruthlessness and sinisterness.

  He lowered his eyes and looked at the crazy scholar: "I spared your life and told you to get out of the capital."

  "You still dare to hide here incognito? I said before, whenever you appear in front of me, I will call you by my side. I will be buried with you!"

  Shen Ningning's heart skipped a beat.

  It seems that Mo Lingwei has heard about this.

  "Brother!" Shen Ningning's voice was trembling.

  Mo Lingwei raised his head and looked at her.