
Thrown Into the Wolf’s Den! Zaizai Holds Space In His Hands To Survive

After three years of drought, Cangyun Kingdom finally waited for the lucky girl who the Taoist said could change the destiny of the country! However, the lucky girl Shen Ningning was stolen and thrown into the mountains just after she was born. She was finally picked up by a kind-hearted person. She was also scolded and beaten by her vicious aunt every day, and she almost died! finally! The wolves couldn’t stand it, so they snatched her away and protected her from now on! The little guy wasn’t idle either. The wolves are out of food? Simple! There are tens of billions of supplies in space, so you don’t have to worry about food and clothing! Will it rain for a long time and the roads will dry up? Don’t be afraid! Lead out the spiritual spring and enrich the entire mountain! Too poor without money? Fake! A piece of spiritual grass is worth a thousand taels of gold, and wealthy businessmen are fighting for it! An enemy country invades? Don’t panic! Zaizai silently took out gunpowder and blasted them all into the sky! The vicious Bai Lian steals the title of Lucky Girl? Shocked! The prime minister came to recognize his father, pamper the cub and punish the evildoers! Others asked: “Ning Ning, what is your dream?” Shen Ningning: Raise wolves, make big money, save people’s lives, and torture scum! The irritable prince Mo Lingwei said: “My dream is to protect my An Ning even if I risk my country.”

Line_Huang · Fantasy
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470 Chs

Chapter 20 After spending the money, the village house is mine.

When Shen Ningning returned to the restaurant, she found that Jiang Zhi had left.

  Almost all the food on the table was eaten.

  The waiter came up and said, "Miss, your friend just left a note."

  Shen Ningning took it and took a look.

  Thank you two words, written very accurately.

  After paying the bill, Shen Ningning left the restaurant and went straight to the jade shop.

  As soon as I entered, I was dazzled by the dazzling array of pearls and jade.

  Prices range from low to high, and there are a wide variety of jade stones.

  Shen Ningning looked around.

  The cheapest one costs three hundred taels, which is only a small piece.

  Moreover, just looking at it doesn't look good.

  Shen Ningning saw a palm-sized statue of the God of Fortune placed on the highest shelf.

  The one used is yellow and white jade.

  It looks very similar to my brother's jade!

  The little guy quickly pointed at the jade and asked the shopkeeper: "What kind of jade is that? How much money does it cost?"

  Several waiters in the shop were busy greeting the distinguished guests.

  Only the shopkeeper who settled the accounts glanced at Shen Ningning, walked up and said patiently: "This is called Hetian jade, three hundred taels per inch."

  The little guy blinked his big round eyes.

  I was about to say it wasn't too expensive.

  Unexpectedly, the shopkeeper quickly added: "Gold. One inch, three hundred taels of gold."

  Shen Ningning suddenly opened her mouth: "So expensive?"

  How many medicinal materials must she sell to buy the exact same jade, and compensate her brother?

  The shopkeeper smiled cooperatively: "Little girl, if you want to buy jade, you'd better ask your family to bring it."

  Shen Ningning shook her head silently, turned and left the shop.

  She can't afford it yet.

  The little person puffed out her pink cheeks and muttered in a low voice: "Wonderland, Wonderland, how can you be so powerful and eat such expensive jade!"

  It seems that she has to save money!

  It was getting late, so Shen Ningning decided to go home.

  Before leaving, she went to the cloth shop and bought several clothes.

  Then he went to the stable to hire a coachman and headed back home.

  On this trip, I spent a total of one hundred and fifty taels on meals, clothes and sundries.

  Pack the two hundred taels that Granny Chen needs in separate packages.

  Finally, Shen Ningning stored the remaining five hundred and fifty taels in a small box in the fairyland.

  The carriage stopped outside Xiangyun Village.

  Shen Ningning carried the silver bag and walked towards Granny Chen's house.

  On the way, I met the grandson of the village chief, who was playing with a group of seven or eight-year-old children in the dry fields.

  As soon as they saw Shen Ningning, they ran over and followed her not far behind.

  "Little Wolf Girl? Little Wolf Girl?" The village chief's grandson took the lead in calling.

  Shen Ningning turned around and looked at them with fierce eyes.


  From the Wolf Mountain behind Xiangyun Village, a wolf howl could be heard.

  The Black Wolf King knew that Shen Ningning was back, so he watched from the forest not far away.

  The group of children immediately stood still and kept silent, daring not to shout any more.

  The grandson of the village chief stuttered: "I'm sorry, Xiao Lang...Sister Lang, we are just curious and have no ill intentions."

  Shen Ningning didn't want to be acquainted with them, so she turned around and left.

  The howling of wolves in the forest just stopped.

  The little guy went to Grandma Chen's house, closed the door, and unpacked the package.

  The white money made Granny Chen blush.

  "Ning Ning, so much money..." she choked, "we will definitely pay it back in the future."     "Grandma Chen, don't cry. Send this money quickly. It's important to save your family. We'll pay it back later!" Shen Ningning waved her little hand, very generously.

  Granny Chen nodded repeatedly, but there was no decent tea to entertain Shen Ningning.

  Fortunately, the little guy didn't care, and Granny Chen hurried to the city to send money.

  Just when Shen Ningning was about to leave Xiangyun Village and go home, she was blocked by the village chief.

  The village chief, Deng Changshou, is sixty-five years old and has gray hair. He is quite prestigious in the village.

  Earlier, when Aunt Qin bullied Shen Ningning, he looked down upon her and said a few words.

  It's just that Aunt Qin doesn't take the village chief seriously at all.

  Therefore, Village Chief Deng no longer cares about it.

  Seeing him now, Shen Ningning was curious: "Grandpa, village chief, what's the matter?"

  The village chief asked with concern: "Ningning, how are you and your grandma living in the mountains now?"

  "It's good, no uncle. Auntie, grandma almost stopped crying." The little guy answered truthfully.

  The village chief nodded and sighed: "Your uncle Qin Sheng borrowed fifteen taels of silver from my family to buy rice. Your grandma knows about this."

  "Now it's time to pay back the money, and as a result, your uncle and aunt have been They were taken to jail, and I don't know when they will come back. I don't want to intercede for them, I'm just worried that the money won't be paid."

  "My grandson is going to school soon, and the family of seven is also going to school. For food, these fifteen taels are either too much or too little."

  "See if you can..." The village chief stopped mid-sentence.

  He probably also knew that it was unreasonable to ask a four-year-old child to help Uncle Qin pay back the money.

  But people always think about themselves first.

  What's more, his family is not well-off and they are all waiting for money.

  Shen Ningning looked at him silently.

  "Grandpa, village chief, uncle, they are not good to me." The little guy said Nuonuo.

  The truth is clearly laid out before our eyes.

  They treated her badly, why should she pay them back?

  The village chief was startled and took out a red deed signed with a picture from his sleeve.

  "Ning Ning, I'm not forcing you. Look, it's written in black and white, with handprints on it. Your uncle mortgaged the house to me and said that if the money is not paid, the village house will be mine."

  "If you don't pay back the money, you will." Okay, then tell your grandma for me that this house belongs to me first. If your uncle still wants it later, he can use the money to redeem it."

  "We are all fellow villagers and neighbors, and I will not take advantage of you." After

  that , , the village chief turned and left.

  Shen Ningning's dark and moist eyes were filled with luster for a moment.

  "Wait!" she called out to the other party.

  The village chief turned back: "What's wrong, Ning Ning?"

  The little guy stepped forward: "Uncle still hasn't paid, this house belongs to the village chief's grandpa."

  "Then if I buy this village house from the village chief's grandpa, how much will it cost? ?"

  The village chief was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses: "You want to buy it?"

  Shen Ningning nodded decisively, with a pink face and a determined expression.

  "I can contribute money, but I will only buy my own village house. The money your uncle owes you is his own debt, and I will not help him pay it back."

  However, the village house can still be bought.

  The village chief thought about it and thought it was a solution.

  "Your yard is not big, and the location in our village is a little bit remote. I don't want more. I'll sell this house to you for twenty taels, okay?"

  Shen Ningning agreed: "Okay."

  The village chief didn't expect the little guy to be so cheerful . .

  Shen Ningning also considered that her grandmother had lived in the village house all her life.

  I definitely have feelings for my house.

  If it were just gone, grandma would be sad too.

  "I also need the village chief to testify for me. Let's sign a contract and the house is given to me. It belongs to me. If other people want to live in, the village chief should unite with the villagers to drive them out."

  These other people, of course, are referring to It's Aunt Qin's family!