
Thrown Into the Wolf’s Den! Zaizai Holds Space In His Hands To Survive

After three years of drought, Cangyun Kingdom finally waited for the lucky girl who the Taoist said could change the destiny of the country! However, the lucky girl Shen Ningning was stolen and thrown into the mountains just after she was born. She was finally picked up by a kind-hearted person. She was also scolded and beaten by her vicious aunt every day, and she almost died! finally! The wolves couldn’t stand it, so they snatched her away and protected her from now on! The little guy wasn’t idle either. The wolves are out of food? Simple! There are tens of billions of supplies in space, so you don’t have to worry about food and clothing! Will it rain for a long time and the roads will dry up? Don’t be afraid! Lead out the spiritual spring and enrich the entire mountain! Too poor without money? Fake! A piece of spiritual grass is worth a thousand taels of gold, and wealthy businessmen are fighting for it! An enemy country invades? Don’t panic! Zaizai silently took out gunpowder and blasted them all into the sky! The vicious Bai Lian steals the title of Lucky Girl? Shocked! The prime minister came to recognize his father, pamper the cub and punish the evildoers! Others asked: “Ning Ning, what is your dream?” Shen Ningning: Raise wolves, make big money, save people’s lives, and torture scum! The irritable prince Mo Lingwei said: “My dream is to protect my An Ning even if I risk my country.”

Line_Huang · Fantasy
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470 Chs

Chapter 184 Chinese Academy Examination Begins

Shen Ningning waited anxiously.

  She looked at the shopkeeper intently and took out a thick stack of books from the bottom of the cabinet.

  The shopkeeper rummaged around and finally said, "I found it, here it is, but..."

  Before he could finish his words, Mo Lingwei had already taken it and handed it to the extremely excited Shen Ningning for personal inspection.

  Shen Ningning's watery eyes were filled with great joy: "It's the Ruyi pattern, exactly the same!"

  The lotus pattern depicted on this page of the booklet was all too familiar to her.

  Looking down, the little guy was stunned when he saw the line where the customer signed his payment.


  the shopkeeper apologized: "It seems that the customer who originally ordered Ruyi came to the store to pick it up, so he didn't leave a detailed residential address, but he did have a name."

  Mo Lingwei looked at Shen Ningning's long eyelashes trembling, She stretched out her little hand and gently touched the name column.

  The word "heart mother" is written very gracefully.

  After time, the rice paper has turned slightly yellow, but the name signed by her mother is still clear.

  Like the water of time rushing in, sparkling waves appeared in Shen Ningning's dark eyes.

  She choked and said, "Is this my mother's handwriting?"

  The shopkeeper took a look and said, "Yes, every time a customer comes to pick up the goods, we will ask them to sign for confirmation."

  Shen Ningning read these two words again and again. .

  Mo Lingwei pursed his lips and looked up at the shopkeeper: "I bought this paper, you give me a price."

  The shopkeeper was stunned: "This, this is not good, sir, the lotus pattern will still be used in our shop in the future. "

  Mo Lingwei didn't talk nonsense to him and directly made an offer: "One thousand taels of silver."

  The shopkeeper was embarrassed: "Sir, you..."

  Mo Lingwei interrupted, his voice was clear and domineering: "Three thousand taels."

  The shopkeeper was shocked, and he replied He came to his senses and said: "Sir, this is not about money. The booklet left by my master is not a simple pattern, but a craft inherited by our industry."

  Mo Lingwei sighed deeply: "I understand."

  He immediately turned his head and looked Wu Fang, the guard, said, "Go and find the prefect. All the craftsmanship in this shop is for the royal family."

  The shopkeeper almost dislocated his jaw.

  His small silver shop actually has the ability to become a special gift for the royal family?

  Shen Ningning wiped away her tears and said hurriedly: "Brother, there is no need to mobilize people like this, I will just take a look."

  Mo Lingwei knew how much she wanted to find her parents, but Shen Ningning's personality was such that she did not want to give people anything. Cause trouble.

  Therefore, what she said only made him purse his lips and smile: "I'll make the arrangements, you don't have to persuade me."

  "Wait, wait, young master!" The shopkeeper came to his senses and hurriedly stopped the guard.

  He looked at Mo Lingwei, the shock in his eyes still not gone.

  No wonder he felt that the young master and the little girl looked noble, and seemed to be nobles in the palace.

  "I can understand the mood of the young master, but I also know the level of my craftsmanship. Being a royal servant is indeed a good thing, but I really can't take on a big responsibility."

  The shopkeeper looked at Shen Ningning: " "Little miss, do you think it's a good idea to tear off the name part of this piece of paper and give it to you directly without asking for your money?"

  Mo Lingwei was immediately satisfied.

  This shopkeeper is a smart man. He knows that even if he becomes a royal servant, compared with the skilled craftsmen in the palace, his qualifications are mediocre.

  Moreover, the concubines and ladies in the palace are not easy to serve.

  Rather than being punished for his crime then, it is better to sell these two noble people a favor now.

  Shen Ningning's eyes were filled with surprise: "Really? Well, I can't ask you for nothing."

  She immediately went to dig into her purse to get the money.

  Mo Lingwei held her hand: "As long as I'm here, you don't need to pay."

  As soon as he finished speaking, Wu Fang took out a thousand taels of silver notes and placed them on the shopkeeper's table.

  The shopkeeper was flattered and quickly took over, folded the paper with the writing on it and tore it off.

  Shen Ningning held it carefully as if she had found a treasure.

  Mo Lingwei led her away, and the little guy didn't forget to leave a message: "Thank you, uncle, shopkeeper. I have never met my mother, and this is the first time I have seen her handwriting." After

  she left, the shopkeeper of Yinlou could not help but sigh for a long time. Come to your senses.

  I couldn't help but sigh: "This little girl's background is really pitiful, but why does she look familiar? She looks like the lucky girl I saw that day..."

  In the carriage.

  Shen Ningning kept holding the note and read it again and again.     The words "Xin Niang" were almost imprinted on her heart.

  Mo Lingwei always had a smile on his thin lips, and he did not disturb the little guy's peace.

  Although the words were on the paper, the moment Shen Ningning touched them, it was as if she had touched her fingertips with her mother a few years ago across time.

  The little guy sniffed and choked with watery black eyes: "This is the closest I've ever been to my mother."

  Mo Lingwei reassured: "Don't be too sad, I will take you into the palace to find Concubine Rong now, the shopkeeper Since this is a happy couple, Concubine Rong must know who her heart is."

  Shen Ningning threw herself into his arms and put her little hands around Mo Lingwei's neck.

  "Thank you, brother!" Her hot tears spilled down his clothes.

  Mo Lingwei froze, then sneered, his thin dark eyes filled with love.

  "Thank me for nothing. Didn't you help me a lot? Life is boring, but finding your parents is the most important thing for me right now."

  After the two entered the palace, they went directly to Concubine Rong's palace.

  When Mo Lingwei said he was looking for Concubine Rong, the eldest maid was full of apologies.

  "I'm really sorry, Your Highness. Because the weather turned cold, the empress contracted the cold and stayed up all night. She just drank medicine and fell asleep."

  Mo Lingwei stared at her: "Sick?"

  The eldest maid nodded.

  Shen Ningning said in a soft voice: "It's okay, big sister, then we will visit Concubine Rong some other time and hope she recovers soon." The

  eldest maid smiled and said: "The princess's words will be conveyed to you by my servant."

  Mo Lingwei stopped him . Shen Ningning's little hand said: "Let's go and sit in Zichen Palace."

  The eldest palace maid sent them directly to the entrance of the palace, and returned to the palace after they were no longer visible.

  In the hall, the purple gauze curtain blocks most of the light, and the room is filled with the misty fragrance of medicine.

  The eldest palace maid stepped lightly, walked around the mica screen and walked to the inner room. On the bed, sitting on the bed was a beauty with black hair and white skin.

  "Empress, His Highness the Crown Prince has left with Princess Funing." The eldest maid said.

  Concubine Rong on the bed looked gloomy and her lips were a little pale.

  She glanced slightly sideways: "What are they doing here to come to me?" "I didn't say." The eldest palace maid shook her head: "But I heard that the Crown Prince's people recently went to Leng Palace to investigate Qing He."   Concubine Rong closed

  her eyes.

He raised his eyes and pressed his eyebrows: "This person has passed away, what is there to find out? I am exhausted, so you can step back."

  "By the way, the canonization ceremony of Princess Funing should be coming soon, you can open a private treasury ,

  and gave her the collection of poems "Flower Dream" which I personally copied, along with the original copy.

  After opening it, I found the well-preserved poetry collection inside. One copy was copied by Concubine Rong, and the other was the original copy.

  The eldest maid opened the copy that Concubine Rong had copied, checked it carefully, and put it back into the box after confirming that it was correct.

  If Shen Ningning can see it, the little one will be surprised. Concubine Rong's handwriting is very similar to her mother's handwriting that she just got.

  Time flies and half a month passes.

  On the first day of October, the examination for the Chinese Academy of Sciences officially begins.

  Shen Ningning came by carriage early in the morning, and Lu Shaoyuan also came to take the exam.

  Before it was time to open the side door, two long queues had already formed outside the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

  The little guy took a glance and estimated that there were more than three hundred people.

  "Wow," she whispered in surprise, and said to Lu Shaoyuan: "There are so many people taking the exam, it's so stressful."

  In order to take the exam, she only slept two hours a day for the past half month, and spent the rest of the time studying with the crazy scholar.

  Lu Shaoyuan laughed and said, "Don't be afraid. Many people have no skills at all and just come to see the world. After all, the threshold of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is too high, and ordinary people will not be able to get in."

  At this moment, gongs and drums sounded, and the side door of the Chinese Academy of Sciences opened. .

  Four masters appeared with six book boys and nurses.

  The leading lady had a slender beard and was serious about his words: "Separate men and women, line up on the left and right to enter."

  Shen Ningning quickly followed the ladies to stand on the right side. Everyone had to hand in their name certificates, as well as the local county magistrate. or a letter of recommendation signed by the prefect to be eligible for the examination.

  When it was Shen Ningning's turn, the book boy in charge of registration checked her name certificate and recommendation letter.

  However, instead of letting her in, he stretched out his hand: "Where is your money?"

  Shen Ningning was stunned.

  What silver? Do I still have to pay for the exam? No one told her.