
Thrown Into the Wolf’s Den! Zaizai Holds Space In His Hands To Survive

After three years of drought, Cangyun Kingdom finally waited for the lucky girl who the Taoist said could change the destiny of the country! However, the lucky girl Shen Ningning was stolen and thrown into the mountains just after she was born. She was finally picked up by a kind-hearted person. She was also scolded and beaten by her vicious aunt every day, and she almost died! finally! The wolves couldn’t stand it, so they snatched her away and protected her from now on! The little guy wasn’t idle either. The wolves are out of food? Simple! There are tens of billions of supplies in space, so you don’t have to worry about food and clothing! Will it rain for a long time and the roads will dry up? Don’t be afraid! Lead out the spiritual spring and enrich the entire mountain! Too poor without money? Fake! A piece of spiritual grass is worth a thousand taels of gold, and wealthy businessmen are fighting for it! An enemy country invades? Don’t panic! Zaizai silently took out gunpowder and blasted them all into the sky! The vicious Bai Lian steals the title of Lucky Girl? Shocked! The prime minister came to recognize his father, pamper the cub and punish the evildoers! Others asked: “Ning Ning, what is your dream?” Shen Ningning: Raise wolves, make big money, save people’s lives, and torture scum! The irritable prince Mo Lingwei said: “My dream is to protect my An Ning even if I risk my country.”

Line_Huang · Fantasy
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470 Chs

Chapter 173 The second and fourth daughter of the Xie family

Shen Ningning was stunned.

  Are these people worshiping her?

  Even Lu Shaoyuan on the side looked at this group of people in surprise.

  The people formed a circle and knelt down again and again towards Shen Ningning.

  Some people cried, some laughed, and some kept kowtow to say thank you.

  They knew that the reason why it rained heavily was because of Fu Nu's work.

  "Everyone, please stop kneeling and get up quickly." Shen Ningning Nuo Nuo said and used her little hands to help a few elderly people.

  Everyone thought it was not enough: "We have wanted to thank Fu Nu for a long time, but we did not dare to go to Langshan."

  "Just now at the city gate, we heard you scolding the sinners of the Wei family, and we recognized you."

  "You are Fu Nu . Girl, this is a good omen given to us by God. Come on, where is the float? Bring it up and let Lucky Girl sit on it. "

  Float?" !

  Shen Ningning and Lu Shaoyuan were shocked.

  Before the two of them could react, they saw four big men carrying a hollow chariot sedan running hurriedly from the end of the street.

  The sedan chair was covered with fresh flowers, and the flowers were in full bloom.

  As you get closer, you can smell the fragrance.

  Lu Shaoyuan was surprised: "The float is made up of gods."

  In Cangyun Kingdom, when worshiping gods, floats are used to carry small clay statues of gods through the streets.

  It turned out that in the eyes of the people, Shen Ningning had long been regarded as the lucky girl beside the Rain Goddess.

  Shen Ningning hurriedly waved her little hands, trying to politely refuse: "Uncles and aunts, I can't sit down, you... oh!"

  Before the little guy could finish his words, he was lifted up by the enthusiastic people.

  Lu Shaoyuan was shocked: "Shen Ningning!"

  He shuttled through the crowded crowd, and the little girl was carried forward by the people hand in hand, until she was put on the float and sat safely among the flowers.

  The fragrance of flowers that hit her face made Shen Ningning's head feel dizzy.

  She quickly said to the man carrying the sedan next to her: "Uncle, I'm not a god, I can't ride on this float."

  But the man laughed and said: "Listen, the real lucky girl is so humble, that fake lucky girl from the Wei family Girl, how can you compare?"

  The common people immediately let out a roar of compliments. They looked up at Shen Ningning on the float, their eyes full of hot admiration, as if they were looking at the god who saved them.

  Before Shen Ningning could refute, someone shouted loudly: "Get up in the sedan chair, the float parades in the street, the lucky girl is traveling, let the mortals get out of the way!"

  "Hey!" The little guy let out a low cry, and before he could grasp it firmly, the float started to shake, and her little The small figure fell down and sat on the futon.

  Lu Shaoyuan hurriedly caught up, but was pushed away repeatedly by the crowd.

  People on both sides of the street knelt down and shouted for the blessed girl. Shen Ningning was stunned for a moment.

  In the sky, the autumn sun is warm and not dazzling.

  The swaying of the float brings a refreshing fragrance.

  Wherever she looked, there were devout people.

  The dark cloud trees in the fairyland were bare. Shen Ningning had seen them several times. Ever since she picked them all, the new group of small dark clouds had grown slowly.

  She was a little heartbroken before, if she had known she would have only picked half of it.

  But now seeing the happy faces of the people, the little guy suddenly felt that it was worth picking up the dark clouds!

  At least it really solves everyone's problems.


  A noble carriage sped across the street.

  Originally, the East Street was very spacious. Although there were many people who came to worship Fu Nu, they all consciously stayed on both sides of the road, leaving the middle road open for the floats.

  But now that the float and the horse-drawn carriage meet on the house road, one car must move away first.

  The big man carrying the sedan raised his voice: "When a lucky girl is traveling, people should give way to others."

  When the gods are wandering around, who would dare to compete with the gods and squeeze into the same road?

  The people looked at the luxurious carriage with dissatisfaction.

  Shen Ningning quickly said in a soft voice: "It doesn't matter, we will let them go first."

  However, the people did not agree.

  Even though the driver of the carriage opposite kept waving his whip, the four big men carrying the float refused to give in.

  In desperation, the curtain in the carriage opposite opened, and a seven or eight-year-old girl stepped out.     She has a round face with willow eyebrows, a pair of phoenix eyes, and fair and dewy skin. She wears a decent brocade skirt, and her back is as straight as a ruler.

  At first glance, you can tell that she is a lady.

  She led the maid slowly to the float and bowed her head towards Shen Ningning.

  The tone was somewhat solemn: "The lucky girl brought rain and solved all the troubles in our Cangyun country. I should respectfully avoid it."

  "But my father is very ill, and the carriage is carrying a miracle doctor with limited legs and feet, and he is about to let him go. I want to treat my father's illness and save his life. Please don't be embarrassed and make way for me."

  The last four words were said very neatly and decisively.

  In her eyes, Shen Ningning looked delicate and petite. Even though her features were delicate and beautiful, she was still just a child in the end.

  Therefore, the other party held her head high and repeated again: "Since the lucky girl carries the word "Fu", she knows that before human life is at stake, she should give way."

  There was a touch of surprise on Shen Ningning's chubby pink face.

  "Don't worry, I will definitely tell you. Treatment is important." She waved her little hands: "Uncles, let's give way!"

  The big man carrying the sedan turned back: "But Her Royal Highness Fu Nu, she..."

  Shen Ningning shook her head Shaking her little head, she interrupted: "It doesn't matter, human life is at stake, we can't be careless and let her live."

  Fu Nu had already spoken, and they could only obey and do as they were told.

  After the float retreated, the eight-year-old girl turned around and got on the carriage and left in a hurry.

  After she left, the people made dissatisfied comments -

  "Whose daughter is this? She looks dignified, but she is so rude. She doesn't even say thank you to Fu Nu."

  "Looks like she belongs to the Xie family . Yes."

  Shen Ningning immediately pricked up her ears to listen.

  Xie family? Is she brother's sister?

  When the float reached the end of the street, these enthusiastic people were finally willing to let Shen Ningning get off.

  Before leaving, they each sent a thank you gift.

  There were vegetables and fruits stained with water, and some even gave clothes and fabrics.

  Someone took advantage of the chaos and carried a basket for Shen Ningning, with two hens in it.

  When Lu Shaoyuan was finally able to squeeze in beside the little guy, her body and surroundings were already piled with thank-you gifts from the people.

  "Pfft," Lu Shaoyuan couldn't help laughing: "I can see that everyone really wants to thank you."

  The little guy's soft voice was full of helplessness: "Just now, someone wanted to give me his son to be a page boy . , If I hadn't refused desperately, I would have had a younger brother now!"

  Lu Shaoyuan couldn't help laughing and laughed for a while.

  Fortunately, his servants were nearby, driving the Lu family's carriage and carrying everything aboard.

  Lu Shaoyuan said: "I will take you back to Langshan later and deliver these to your home."

  However, Shen Ningning was still looking at the direction in which the carriage left just now.

  Lu Shaoyuan followed her gaze and said, "That person just now is the legitimate daughter of the second wife of the Xie family, Miss Xie Xie Yuanjiu."

  "Her father is the younger brother of the prime minister, but he fainted due to a tantrum in his early years. , when she woke up, she was almost half paralyzed, and she has needed treatment from famous doctors since then."

  Shen Ningning blinked her round eyes, and the second roommate of the Xie family was brother's sister.

  "No wonder she is so anxious. I hope her father will recover soon." The little guy didn't mean to blame Miss Xie Si at all.

  Lu Shaoyuan gave her a gentle look.

  Shen Ningning is always so considerate of others.

  At this time, the young man of the Lu family said to him: "Second young master, look, isn't that the eldest young master?"

  Lu Shaoyuan raised his head and saw in the distance, his eldest brother, Commander Lu, leading the imperial guards, riding horses majesticly They came, all looking majestic.

  He immediately smiled and waved: "Brother!"

  Commander Lu stopped in front of them, got off his horse and walked straight towards Shen Ningning.

  He looked at Lu Shaoyuan seriously before turning to look at Shen Ningning.

  "Miss Shen, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has been poisoned. The Emperor ordered me to bring you into the palace to cooperate with the investigation."