
Thrown Into the Wolf’s Den! Zaizai Holds Space In His Hands To Survive

After three years of drought, Cangyun Kingdom finally waited for the lucky girl who the Taoist said could change the destiny of the country! However, the lucky girl Shen Ningning was stolen and thrown into the mountains just after she was born. She was finally picked up by a kind-hearted person. She was also scolded and beaten by her vicious aunt every day, and she almost died! finally! The wolves couldn’t stand it, so they snatched her away and protected her from now on! The little guy wasn’t idle either. The wolves are out of food? Simple! There are tens of billions of supplies in space, so you don’t have to worry about food and clothing! Will it rain for a long time and the roads will dry up? Don’t be afraid! Lead out the spiritual spring and enrich the entire mountain! Too poor without money? Fake! A piece of spiritual grass is worth a thousand taels of gold, and wealthy businessmen are fighting for it! An enemy country invades? Don’t panic! Zaizai silently took out gunpowder and blasted them all into the sky! The vicious Bai Lian steals the title of Lucky Girl? Shocked! The prime minister came to recognize his father, pamper the cub and punish the evildoers! Others asked: “Ning Ning, what is your dream?” Shen Ningning: Raise wolves, make big money, save people’s lives, and torture scum! The irritable prince Mo Lingwei said: “My dream is to protect my An Ning even if I risk my country.”

Line_Huang · Fantasy
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470 Chs

Chapter 164 Peace every day, peace every year

The little white wolf immediately relayed the story to the thin wolf brothers and wolf sisters, and they all quickly howled in low voices to express their loyalty.

  As a result, the Black Wolf King nodded heavily and accepted them.

  Its pack is getting stronger, which is also a good thing.

  The fourth wolf happily rushed over and celebrated with the little white wolf neck to neck.

  Shen Ningning was also happy for them.

  At this time, Mo Lingwei said to her: "Their problems have been solved, it's time to solve our problems."

  The little guy was puzzled and raised his big confused eyes: "What's the matter with us?"

  Mo Lingwei lowered his eyes. , his eyes were deep: "Shen Ningning, do you still remember that I said that I hated others lying to me and hiding things from me?"

  Shen Ningning nodded silently.

  Mo Lingwei said in a deep voice: "I hope you will tell me whether you are injured or encounter difficulties in the future."

  "I am willing to be the first person to help you and support you."

  Shen Ningning murmured two words Down, even the pink face moved.

  Her voice was soft and innocent: "My brother was suffering in Zhaori Tower at that time. I don't want to say too much and cause trouble to you."

  Mo Lingwei raised his hand and put it gently on her shoulder: "You were never a trouble. You are the benefactor who saved my life, your bond, and the fate that I want to cherish in this world."

  Shen Ningning felt hot in her heart. She had been alone since she was a child and could only depend on her grandma.

  I never knew that she could be so important to someone.

  Seeing the seriousness in Mo Lingwei's black eyes, the little guy nodded desperately and stretched out his little finger: "Okay! I promise brother, if I have any difficulties in the future, I will come to you and keep pestering you to solve it for me. You are annoying me. !"

  Mo Lingwei chuckled, his handsome face showing a bit of boyish warmth.

  "It's a deal." He stretched out his hand and hooked her.

  The third wolf on the side whispered into the ear of the Black Wolf King -

  Wolf father, look at this kid, he is taking advantage of our petite Ning Ning again.

  The Black Wolf King stared at Mo Lingwei with an evil look in his eyes.

  I really want to eat this brat more and more.

  Shen Ningning suddenly remembered something and took out the repaired string of Buddhist beads from her sleeve.

  "Brother, look, I went to the National Temple and asked the bald masters to repair it!"

  she said, and quickly put the beads on his hand.

  The little mouth kept chanting: "My brother is safe, I am safe every day, I am safe every year."

  The relic has a deep color, as if soaked with time and compassion. It had been bathed in the incense in front of the Buddha before, and now every bead is exuding Smell the calming fragrance.

  Mo Lingwei looked at Shen Ningning's movements and couldn't help but chuckle.

  "Actually, I don't believe in God. My father sent people to find this string of relic beads with great pains. It is said that it can suppress the evil nature and violence in my body, but in fact, I have worn it for many years and it has no effect."

  "But now that you have repaired it, I think this prayer bead may have a different meaning, so I will wear it properly in the future."

  Shen Ningning blinked her big and smart eyes: "Of course! Brother can't waste it. My heart~"

  At this moment, Mo Lingwei looked at her pink and innocent face, hoping for the first time that this prayer bead would really have some miraculous effect.

  He hoped that all Shen Ningning's wishes would come true.

  Over the years, he also hoped for the first time that the strange cold illness in his body would disappear soon, allowing him to live a normal life.

  late at night.

  Shen Ningning and Grandma Qin just returned home with the wolves.

  Grandma Qin was in the palace. She was complimented everywhere she went and drank two glasses of hot wine. She was already dizzy.

  So not long after returning home, Grandma Qin told Shen Ningning with a smile: "Ningning, go to bed early."

  After saying that, she returned to her room and fell asleep.

  Wolf Si thoughtfully pulled the blanket with his mouth and covered Grandma Qin.

  The night was quiet, the moon was bright in the sky, and the woods washed by the heavy rain also looked quiet and beautiful.     Shen Ningning had just bathed in the spiritual spring water and felt completely refreshed.

  She lit a lamp, sat in front of the window, opened the brocade box given by the emperor, and immediately saw a fine blood jade hook inside.

  The jade is deep red all over. When you hold it up and look at the candlelight, you can still see the filaments inside.

  "What a treasure. Fairyland must like to eat it~"

  It rained so much because of the dark cloud trees that grew in Fairyland, so the little one should reward Fairyland well.

  Shen Ningning put the jade into the fairyland, looking forward to whether the fairyland would give her another surprise tomorrow morning?

  So, I had a good sleep until dawn.

  When she woke up the next day, Shen Ningning couldn't wait to rush into the fairyland to check.

  However, she turned around in a big circle and looked at every place, but there was no change.

  But the blood jade hook that was put in really disappeared.

  The little guy held his face and was very confused: "Strange, why can't I grow long just by eating? Is my little fairyland already the largest, and there won't be any new things?"

  Unable to figure it out, Shen Ningning simply gave up. Anyway, the things in Wonderland are enough for now.

  It happened that the spring water in the lotus pond was almost finished, and the little white wolf brought his family to join the wolf pack yesterday, so he had to give more meat.

  So, Shen Ningning rolled up her sleeves and did what she said.

  First, all the pools in the house were filled with spring water so that the wolves could drink anytime and anywhere.

  Then dragged out dozens of baskets of fresh pigs, chickens and ducks.

  In the end, Shen Ningning did not forget to run to the mountains and fields and call for the little monkeys to come and eat the fruit.

  A large group of monkeys swarmed over, but they were extremely polite and sat in a circle around Shen Ningning.

  The little guy kept taking out various fruits from the fairyland and feeding them.

  The most given ones are peaches.

  "There are also pears, red fruits, cherries, and watermelons. Don't grab them, they are all available!"

  The monkeys looked up at her with admiration in their eyes.

  This is the female monkey king in their hearts!

  Shen Ningning did not forget to take out a lot of meat and give it to the little monkey she met before.

  "You guys run fast and take me to the two hills next door. There are three big tigers there. They have helped me before, so I can't treat them badly."

  After doing this, Shen Ningning went home again, riding the Black Wolf King. All kinds of fruits and meats were dropped from all over the mountains of Langshan.

  In this way, all the elk, squirrels, bears and snakes in the entire mountain can survive.

  The heavy rain she caused yesterday completely brought the mountain to life, and many rivers and streams appeared.

  She didn't know if it was Shen Ningning's misunderstanding, but she always felt that the grass in Langshan Mountain was greener and greener than other places.

  It's already late autumn, but the grass and trees are no longer withered, but more green and lush.

  Just after returning home, Grandma Qin had already prepared lunch.

  Heat the lard in a pan, chop the pickled beans, stir-fry the minced meat over high heat, add a spoonful of red oil, sprinkle some diced bamboo shoots, add salt, sugar and pepper.

  After a while, the fragrant braised vegetables came out of the pot, and when poured over the thin white asparagus noodles, the aroma was tangy!

  Shen Ningning held a bowl bigger than her face in her little hands and ate it all.

  Grandma Qin smiled kindly: "Ning Ning, grandma left a few portions in the pot, there's not enough for more."

  The little guy wiped his mouth with a handkerchief: "Grandma, you're full, but put away the remaining noodles and vegetables ." , I'll send it to Wu'er, just to see how his injury is recovering."

  By the way, she doesn't have any money left and wants to sell some aconite to save some money.

  Shen Ningning and Grandma Qin packed the things. Since Chen Ye had already left, the little guy called Jiang Zhi to help drive.

  When she first arrived at the hospital, the medicine shop owner saw her, and a hint of guilt flashed through his eyes.

  "Grandpa shopkeeper, how is Wu'er recovering?"