
second test

"capture the flag".

(...what are we two-year-olds?)

was, the first thought going through my mind.

okay I know what they are trying to do here, in war, you will try to get information from them, most likely a document of some sort while they try to get yours, so it makes sense.

but they could have named it better.


"Alright guys, what's the plan?" asked Naruto.

...can't I just go and take it? I'm fast enough, even kakashi is having a hard time noticing me when I'm using my stealth.

"can't we just swarm them with Naruto's clones?" a suggestion from sakura.

"and I can follow for support, they do disappear in one hit" I chimed in.

"you have a good point"started sasuke, thinking a bit he continues"I'll go instead of you, you are the strongest between us, and I and naruto work well together"

nodding to the suggestion we get ready for our match.

when our names were called, we walked out of the stands.

we see a large clearing and a labyrinth...what?.

it's a labyrinth, and I'm suspecting that the other team from the waterfall is there...who are they again? oh right the seven tails jinchuriki, fuu.

damn it.

"alright change of plans, I'm going in alone, naruto go for the flag with your clones, I'll hold off that green-haired girl, "I say as I bend down and reach for my mask.

" what do you mean? why the sudden change?" asked sasuke.

"Just trust me," I say as I put on my black wolf facemask.

dashing forward I go into the labyrinth after a bit of sensing and using extended chakra Dome.

when that didn't work, I just walk on the walls and get on top of the labyrinth.

yeah, being a ninja is cool.

concentrating, I extend my chakra, Dome.

when I'm doing this, I can't get distracted so I can't move, but that's negligible, I can just cancel it in time.

I feel one charging towards my flag, and two defending, I also sense...like...a hundred and fifty Naruto's running through the labyrinth? and there's more coming.

ignoring that, I jump down in the path of the one charging to my flag.

a green-haired kunoichi, covered in a green chakra cloak, well this will be fun.

[Chidori: senbon].

I send my attack at her and she just shrugs it off...stupid demon chakra shroud...wait a second, it will take a chidori to pierce that, I don't want a war with waterfall country.

sighing to my self I cover my hands with chakra and decide to stall until she runs out of chakra to use, considering she has seven tails inside her it will take longer than I like.

(she punched? why did sh...oh crap)

I jump away as a green chakra hand extended from her, damn, I need water.

[water bullet].

sending a water bullet at her, I got out enough to cover the ground, now I can use some more jutsu.

she charges at me and sends more chakra hands out, I dodge them by jumping up the wall and land over where I prepared the water.

she just helped me out by sending water jutsu at me.

(okay more water, good enough...wait can chakra prison catch jinchuriki in their shroud form?)

creating two water clones as she dashed at me I use replacement and switch with the one that quickly made a water prison around her using the second clone.

charging my chidori, I shove it in the water ball electrocuting her and dispersing my clone simultaneously.

panting a little because of using too much chakra I remind myself to add more points into that.

taking out ninja wire from my pouch I tie her hands behind her back and her legs so she doesn't just runoff.

taking out a blank sealing paper and ink I start writing a chakra suppression seal.

after placing it on her forehead I continue my way to help Naruto's clones with the flag.

but when I get there I see Naruto's charging at the two one by one...what the hell?


[water bullet], [lightning wave].

the water hit them and so did the electricity, that ware knocked out shortly after...aw come on I thought that ninja ware supposed to be hard to deal with, even for another ninja.

I sigh as I jump down to take the flag, touching it, We were declared winners.

good enough, now I have a month to train.


"you four did well, I'm very proud of you"

said kakashi with an eye smile.

we gave smiles of our own until he continued talking.

"the hokage will be coming for the last exam so train hard this month, I'm sure you four will be promoted without a problem."

...okay, now a month to myself huh.

wonder what tamari will be doing...aw damn it, it's okay, just a crush, damn teenage hormones.

I sigh as I went back to my room.

walking in...I decide to walk out.

walking around the village I spot team ino-Shika-Cho,and there is shino, Kiba, and Hinata too.

walking over I greet them, after a bit of talking I leave, making an excuse about a road of life needing a person to walk on it.


in an inn, kakashi suddenly sneezed.

"...I have the sudden urge to adopt Haruto...weird"

after that, he went back to reading his precious book.


...should I learn the thunder God jutsu?

or make something similar to that.

ah, choices, choices.


done, yey, the third match is going to be single battles, I'll just tell you now where the teams are going to be from.

a team from Kumo.

a team from Suna.

2 team's from Konoha.

and that's it...